POLICE Continued from Page 4 The tarnished image every one received because of the confrontations was another re a son tor the decline in confron tation-producing parties last year, (llirie suggested "It was had for the community, bad for students, bad for police, had for the University " (dine said he expected the level of incidents for this school year to remain within the level of the past year How ever. ho cautioned that tire pre vious riots sparked spontane ously Former ASIJO President Kirk Bailey also doubted the recent (dashes could have meant a re turn to the early '70s, idling the Persian Gulf War as a situation that could have created a cli mate for confrontations However, the Gulf War and other issues on people’s minds, such as the effects of Ballot Measure 5. provide a possible explanation lor the absent e ol (dashes l.ist year. Bailey said During the spring l‘)U1 term, events could havo led to a re pi'al of the previous years, but the level of confrontational on erg\ hail tapered oil, an effect Bailey credited in part to tfie ef forts of the task force Through the meetings and fo rums, police and students learned a great deal about the expectations and imperatives of the other group. Bailey said "The polite did a good job of changing their policies and pro cedures, fie said In addition, students got the message that "when push comes to shove." police have power tliey are pro pared to use, fie said During tfie year, response team members contacted tfie fiosts of large parties to warn them about complaints The warnings were generally respected. Bailey said And when police responded to parties last year, they usually responded earlier, without riot gear, he said In response to criticism from TT > 1 Luncheon Specials • Seafood Udon (Japan Noodle Soup) • Chicken Laksa (Malaysia Noodle Soup) • Szechuan Pork Noodle Soup Dim Sum Every Sunday 11 am-3pm Upstairs Next to UotO Bookstore Try our dinner too1 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I I 5th 51 5 78 57 r Tirestonc ^ AMERICA'S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE SERVrci'SPECiALS’ Lube, Oil & Filter Include . 1 ire rotation and Visual In .pection s16 99 Refill up lo 5 qt Change All prices plus $l 50 slurp let1 RADIATOR SERVICE Flush, till r. add up to 1 gallon id coolant In spect bolls, hoses and water pump. s29" Chemical i reaimem 5 Power Flush ^ $49" 1 $1 00 shop charge ■ added to all prices . r-— B Trained Technic tans S' >We EOvnr 2.000 rim Piohleiif. O.nl. TUNE-UPS $4.0" 4 cyl 6 cyl 1 $59.99 I 8 cyl | $69.99 I ■ Now , ipi'.'i | iiuj . Imimg and idle Visual inspection 01 I'd' bells, hos<" i'V( t GR valve wipers, lights and fluid levels Mastermind computerized engine analysis & quality contiol printout • All puces plus $1 50 shop lee No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th task force mootings, the police have become more sensitive about using force against stu limits, something evident in the Instructions officers receive for dealing with student parties. I diversity grivk adviser Mark. Latimer said In many cases during the HlttO-91 year, the response teams weren't needed, as polii e responded to complaints earlier in the evening, before hundreds of drinking students showed up. Latimer said Moreover, the task force sent out fliers and ran some adver tisements to encourage respon sible party behavior, he said "Students are always going to party, and warm weather brings them outside.'" Latimer said liven so, the lask force worked to make sure University and community relations didn't de leriorate to the strained quality of the 1 70s A different atmosphere exists in Lugene today than did In the ll)7t)s, Latimer said "It doesn’t seem to he the same era of con frontation as several years ago -Alpine Import Service-, THE VOLVO SPECIALISTS 12th & Main Fall Fitness Analysis • ()il < hange. genuine VOLVO filler and 4 quarts nt oil • ( omplete maintenam e i hei k of major i omponents • Inspei turn ol hrala.**, e\ha*u4, M^ensinn u joints, liatterv r Warning .torf starting sys terns,mol starf *v%4ems, h**Ung arwl cooling systems, tires, vsijjers and all tluid levels s1095 For Appointment call 726-1808 YOUR VOLVO Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND S/VE MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most of your books at half price BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR’S NAME. It might lake some time to Imd your books, but we will be glad j j to help you look, and the savings are wortti the wait I RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books tor a lull retund I SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them tor a very lair price SMITH FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus