Courtesy photo The McMurry pioneer home, later known as Chichester Place, was located on the land tract that later became the University campus. The house was located at what is now 13th Avenue and University Street, where the EMU now stands UNIVERSfTY Continued from Page 22 city ol Kugene bonghi 1 7 r> m res of land for 52.500 from a l(x:al minister The site extend ed from .i point on Kith Ave nue just past the University Bookstore, north to Franklin Boulevard and west to Univer sity Street. In May lH7;t the legislature approved the site, and con struction promptlv began on Deady Hall The building had four walls and a roof by the time the tall rains came, hut in 1(174, con struction obstacles prompted the legislature to grant a two year extension for the universi ty's opening VV.J.J. Scott, a lo cal rancher, assumed a $5,000 university debt permitting con struction to continue. The building was completed in the summer of 1871). and was accepted with .1 ( h.irti'r ifr.itteii fiv Matthew Dr.ulv in the 1,1st days of the fH7t» legisla tore The l Tm ersitv opened its doors ,is Oregon Stale Universi tv on Oct If), IH7f> to a i lass ot Oti students, with a nearly even mix of men and women Tin’ ( itv and the University grew together geographically and culturally. The University originally lay outside the ( ity limits, and it was assumed that the Universi ty would grow toward Luigene, Richards said In fact, the oppo site happened, and the Univer sity scrambled to acquire more land before it was surrounded by the city The property at ldth Avenue and Alder Street, now a park ing lot, was the only land to ward luigene that the Universi tv purelieved Tim University bel if vucl t he pif( c of 1.1 ml would hr .it !hf i enter ol i .mi pus. iind it was proposed .is .1 site lor .1 student union As ,i i alalv st tor i change, the universllv set Mu gene apart from other cities of the s line size, Richards The Universllv brought Intel lectuals, music and culebri ties to campus and to the city, including some who would only come because ol the l'ill v ersitv s liberal reputation I ugelieans also were given the opportunity to see major politi cal players who ini luded Mu gene on their i umpulgn trail be cause ol the University Tile coexistence betwoen rumpus and city has seen rosy and stormy times, but Kugene might have had a very different cultural identity had it not gone .liter that white elephant Musique Gourmet Cateting to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC ft OPERA ON COMPACT DISC ft CASSETTE CD's FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM S2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building 207 £ 5th Avenue OPtN 7 DAYS 343-900C BRAD’S BODY & FENDER 8th & Grant 343-9283 You need Brad’s bad For complete auto body work and paint jobs. Foreign and Domestic cars are our specialty. At Brad's, we give you free estimates and written guarantee of satisfaction. We take insurance estimates gladly. Duck Boosters Since 1946! Over 40 years In Business Financial Aid from Bi-Mart. It’s exciting to stait a new year in college...and expensive. But you don’t need E(’ON 101 to understand that a trip to Bi-Mart is going to bolster your financial package. Bi-Mart is a membership discount store, with 42 locations throughout the Northwest there’s probably one m your hometown. Nearby, our store at 18th and Chambers is right on the bus line. Your $5 lifetime mem bership w ill open the door to sa\ mgs on everything you need for your new dorm room or apartment. From towels to desk lamps and cookware to curtains...Bi-Mart has the selection and namebrand quality vour’re looking lor. You’ll save on notebooks and paper, pens and stationery, calculators and cameras., and tapes and CD's for vour study breaks. Head over to Hi Mart today. With the money you save, you’ll have a turture so bright... vou’ll have to wear shades. BI-MART I AMAZON " jjS NO ■■ I EUGENE LOCATIONS: 18th A: Chambers • 2030 River Road • 116" Valiev River Drive BI-MART Mt ■ >■ * up l > is c oun i s i om