Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 16, 1991, Page 16D and 17D, Image 102

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(even when you re healthy)
YOUR student Health Center
tfpiscopai Campus JRimstrits
1329 I ;ist 19th Au’iimv
1 vih I* tutvri ! im'iahl hwI < Hi) x
Welcome to the l of () come join us:
Worship, fhhlr \nul\ \[*-ttkrr\. mu >i< . fun. lin'd, retrrat\. un ml
ministry, t nunu'lini; - ojh'H !<> till \tudfnt\ \itijff tintl fiiculty
< )IM N H( )l)SI ITiursday Sept. 19th.Mo 5
Meet the residents and staff.
Picnic to follow.
I.VFiRY Fiegmning Sept. 26th at S :30pm
milRSDAY I uchanst, supper and program
at the IXM House.
Fhe Kev. Bryce Mcl’rmid
Ann Kloeppel. l-ay Chaplain
6HB W72
Cougar farm brings new life to endangered animals
Rehabilitates aims for education,
preservation of beloved wildcats
By Meg Dedolph
Ermxak) Contribute*
Nulawnl is .1 Native American
word that moans "pifittv httii' girl
Only a scar old, Nutawni, or
Tawni. has wide soft eyu.s and puli*
tirown fur
Shi 's not only prottv. she's phi\
jui i 1 xt, ospi’oially whim sheleaps
from .1 corner of her i ago onto Kay
Sobring's siiouldors
.Tawni 75 pounds of indig
onons, endangorod cougar is one
ol throo cougurs in rosidont o at
Ca*a adia Rehabilitation. which So
bring owns and operates About a
iia If-hour north of Hu gone.
( .Madia Kobaliilitation takes (are
ol animals, especially cougars, that
10.; gilt bo ki lied otherwise
According to Sabring, the cou
gars in Ins care cannot bo released
into the wild bee auso they have bo
come accustomed to humans. It re
leased, they would seek out poo
[ilo, and when hungry, would
probably eat domestic animals
Sehring's cougars are eventually
sent to zoos and wildlife centers
around the world, including Now
York and Australia, whore they .ire
used in educational programs
Tawni is used in presentations in
hugene Si bool District 4J. and she
has a spot nil relationship with So
bring, who raised her from a kitten
She sleeps in Sobring's bod at
night, and if he forgets to let her in
the house, she sits in her cage and
sipieeks until hoarse
"Hut she's still a wild animal,"
Sobring said, "and you have to re
spec! that
Miinv of his cougars. Seining
said, come from people who had
tried to keep them as pets
it's unreasonably easv to breed
and obtain cougars.' he said
''There's too many unethii al breed
ers who say. 'You can put 'em in
your backyard on a chain, they 're
great ysith children, and you can
feed them chit ken net ks
Z'oey is an active 2 -year-old
who txilonged to a woman for two
years until the woman became
pregnant and dot ided to get rid of
her r no gat, Seliring said Instead of
putting the animal to sleep, she
gave Zoey. yvho had spent much of
her life in a garage, to Sobring
Melons, another cougar in So
bring's care, yvas in the movie
"Benji the Hunted." yvitii two other
cougars After the filming, she was
kept in a small cage and poorly
fed. as were the other cats, he said
The other two cougars were sold as
pels and eventually were put to
sleep, while Melena ended up yvith
According to Sabring, about HO
pert ent of the people who try to
keep cougars as pets .ire mauled or
injured by their c at In these cases,
the cougar usually is put to sleep
"Cougars aren't vicious." Se
ining said, "but you can't play
with them We re made out of
papier-mache, and they’re made of
cast iron.”
Sebring added that a cougar's
muscles are five to six times
stronger than a human's, so that "at
75 pounds, Tawni could punch
Pboto by Arvdro ffinnwi
Ray Sebrmg, owner and operator ot Cascadta Rehabilitation, looks after cats which have been abused as pets, or abandoned in the wild Tawni is
Tawni, a two-year-old female abandoned in the wild. The center takes in one of threecats currently in residence at Sebrmg s Santa Clara home
like Mike Tyson."
Most cougars in t:nptivitv nr«; do
clawed. which many people find
cruel Sehring disagrees, and said
that because the cougar hits no
need for claws in captivity, remov
ing them enables people to give the
animals the affection that they
"It was difficult to dei law
Tawni. until a group ol my cougar
loving friends said. Rav. we like
you, ;ind we'd like to see you live,
so if you don't get Tawni de
clawed, we will
Subring works with .1 number of
indigenous animals, but bis love is
the cougar He worked with them
for three years at Cougar Country,
another local rehabilitation facility,
before he bought his own cougar
farm a little over a year ago
"Cats just touched my heart,"
Sebring said "You can only hear
so many stories about cats suffer
iii)4, left in bucks of c urs, before vou
do something. I still feel bad be
cause I have to keep them in such
small cages
Sebring's facility consists of
three chain-link c ages, which don't
give the cats any room to run, he
said To solve this, be is building a
1 >1 foot-tall, 12,000 square foot
cage that will hold eight cougars
"Once they're in here, the cats
(.in look up .uni see they sky m
stead of having wire mesh ovur
their heads all the time." Subring
said ''They'll have room to run,
too, so when I come in here. Tawni
can jump on mi ha. k at !:> miles
an hour
When tills carte is done PI 1 ! •
able to sit up tile re with a cup ol
cotfee in tiie mornings,'' Sebring
Turn to COUGARS Pago 18
Looking for a good deal?
Read section 130 in the classifieds
Fresh handmade tofu and tempeh
using organic beans and grains
s[vai(af>(e at supermarkets and /Ay
natural food stores
I or triv n\ ip<". anti nutritional
information n»tkI a m-Ii ,ukirosM.\f
vtamix'vl onvoloi'K' to Kurata Ktx it*"
O.’ (flair HlvU , F ugi'nr, OK 'i/ KC
A OofO tradition
For generations. (JofO students, faculty and
alumni have been stopping by Taylor s for
lunch, refreshments, entertainment and
conversation And Taylor's is proud to be part
of that continuing campus tradition
Completely renovated, Taylor's now features
a complete breakfast menu, Boyds* espresso
and other fine coffee drinks, an expanded lunch
and dinner menu,
1 1 beers on tap,
big screen IV
sports and of
course live music
four nights a week
Across from the ClofO Bookstore at 13th and Kincaid
1850 hnuraLl Street
I neujmflN
/' C6NT6R
Ml N’S ''l I’I’C>R I CjROL’P wii! nurt i-vin 1 hursdav .it
pm nrtinc I hursdav, September W.
An Inquiry Class for rh bout the Oatholic ('hurt h will
i i held eseis I in- da\ -t irt11si- I uesdav, September 24 .it 7:J0
\ STUPEN1 MASS celebrated every Wednesday at 9
t.irtitut Wednesday, September 2s. \ social gathering will fol
low .
\V 1 I.CO.MINCi P1NNI R - at Chelsea House on Friday, 'Sep
tember 27 at 7:00 p.m. Come to meet new people and renew
\our friendships.
A BIBLE STCPY is held on H ivl.ivs, starting Monday, Sep
tember JO at 7: JO p.m.
! he Rite ot Christian Initiation lor Adults tor tin -e who are sen
oush interested to become a Catholn Christian is held even Sun
da\ at ( Is pm starting Sunday, September 2*>.
A StKrial Issues Forum will he held on the third \\ ednesd.n ot C\
tober and November at 7:00 p.m. hirst forum will in- on Wed., Ot
tober 16
(iet aw.IV weekend PARABLE WEEKEND RETREAT will b<
on t X tobet IS 20 at St. Benedu t ’s I od^e, M> Ken:ie Bridge Sign up
now Open to all students
Mark your calendars MARK ALAN SPECIAL on Fuesday,
October 22 at 7 JO p.m. Brin^ voui triends and vour books.
Eugene, Oregon 97403
34 3-702 1
Students are nniiul in amu1 and >iudv, read or just relax in the
ienter's lounge. It is open from 8: JO a.m. to 1 1:00 p.m.
NO I E: Student tivtttes, ses and workshops are planned
thr■ > isth.ia: the seat t Ik i k New man C..'enter's Sutul.n Bulletin and
the I t al d Ml KALD) tor what's happening at the t enter or i,ill
14 5-702 1.
Saturday: S:00 p.m.
Sunday: TOO a.in., 11:00 a.m. St 7:10 p.m.
Monday Friday: 3: 10 p.m. Evening Prayer followed by Mass
Sait ament of Reconciliation: .Monday, \\ ednesday N.
Friday 4:10 to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday at 4:10 p.m. or by
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday: 9:30 - Noon Nt
1:00 • 4:10 p m.
hr. Albert Felice-Pace, O.P., Pastor
Fr. Jose Pimentel, O.P.
Sr. Janet Ryan, SNJM
Clone Obersinner ck Chris Fery, Peer Ministers
Naney Nelson, Secretary
( iene Ohersinner, C helsea House Mgr.
lor more information call the Center at 34 3-7021
hi >int
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