CELEBRATE Continued from Page 8 writer toss will begin Teams o! .1 secretary and boss w,l! compete for prizes by throw ing .t dilapidated typewriter .is f.ir ,is possible. Following the typewriter toss, thereWill he two'other fun matches, including .in obstacle course and time tri al. played by teams of wait ers and waitresses as tires exhibit their professional skills and pride, and a Buck et Brigade competition, where teams compote to be lirst to complete emptying and tilling a water tank Another promising game to catch will be the special tilar Lggloft rocket launch Participants will be required to build a rockets to carry an egg. Participants are entitled to three launches, whereby only eggs that are safely landed will be judged fudg ing will he based on altitude real lied and the design til tin r i! i k c i T ii • ■ : igg I (i!! !.lunch will take plat e in Amazon l’ W Eighth Avenue The tele phone number is t»H7-52-15 YMCA Continued from Page 3 workshops The Eugeni; facility regularly updates the lucilitv and equip ment to (.ompensate tor the growth rate in the fitness Indus trv For instance, the latest aer otiii programs involving step and bench workouts tiave re t enth been added Kelley said the organization's mission is "to provide Chris tian programming to develop an individual's total body, mind and spirit." Although the organization's philosophy is based on Christian ideals, (tie YMCA embraces all religions All programs place emphasis on the mind, spirit and both the three components symbol ized in the YM( A s triangh logo In the pursuit ol meeting the YMCA mission statement, the YMCA encompasses all realms of health and wellness. A pro gram lor the developmental!) disabled has been del ised to provide therapy aid to the r>() to 7T> members who use wheel t hairs Non-fitness classes such as an arthritis support group, an after-school child care program and i amp opportunities lor high school students, nre also ottered (or YMI'A members A "Volunteer Connection" is .iv.iihible to hcdp community members use skills to help those in need, ,ind a "Creutive Cnemployment" program ot fers the unemployed access to the VM( A to improve health while providing counseling tor luh opportunities The YM< A also operates the Voluntary At turn Center, a clearinghouse for volunteers and volunteer or gani/.ations The YMl A also offers a na lionul program lor members that allows participants to visit YMl A facilities across the na lion The 'AWAY program stands lor ' Always Welcome At the Y " For students who pun base twelve-month mem berships and return home tor the summer, their hugene Y MCA membership allows them to visit the local Y MCA in their home town without .1 lee Volunteers are an integral part ot the non-profit, chari (able organization Although membership dues and dona tions support the facility, addi tional funds are needed each year to provide scholarships and financial aid to low-income families and members in need of aid GIFTED TEACHING! DYNAMIC WORSHIP! SMALL CARE GROUPS! COLLEGE/SINGLES MINISTRY! • Sunday Morning and Evening Services * Wednesday Evening Service Hope you had a great summer! This school year share a great time with us! I For information concerning service and or activity schedules, please call Gary Clark at the Eugene Christian Fellowship offices, phone #344-3380. Are you... PRESBYTERIAN? JEWISH? EPISCOPALIAN? LUTHERAN? UNITARIAN? UNITED METHODIST? ROMAN CATHOLIC? UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST? DISCIPLES OF CHRIST/ CHRISTIAN? METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH? We’re Here and Cooperating As... A Campus Interfaith Ministry Welcome Back Barbeque Thursday, September 19th 5:30 pm Wesley Center • 1236 Kincaid 346-4694 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1390 Pearl Street, Kugene 344-3524 Sunday Sorvio** Sunday School for younj; pt-oplo through 19 yours of hj[«* YVodnosday Kvnun); Mooting -»• -<»- -V- -<»- -V> -V- —«. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:.'i0 I' M. -Hr --V CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 812 Olive Street, Kugene .'M l ti.’M 1 Open daily except Sundays and holidays Mon-Thurs 8:30-5, Kri 8:30 8, Sat 10 1 Weekly Bible I-esson videotape for viewing, also marked books for reading. Free lending library for books and tapes Available to read or purchase: • Authorized Christian Science hooks and literature • Bibles, concordances, reference books • The Christian Science Monitor daily newspaper. ■» ■» v -»■ »■»■» -»»-<>• •» •»-»- ■<>-»-»-<>■•»■ ■<» » •» ON CAMPUS Christian Science Organization meets weekly. Contact KMl’ scheduling office for information The Christian Science Monitor daily newspaper is sold in the Campus Book Store Free ('hrist lan Science literature available at Krb Memorial Union, 13th Street entrance and mam lobby OUR REST TO YOU FOR A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL YEAR. _ drt . Don’t miss out on great savings — Clip coupons out of the Oregon Doily Emerald.