Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD's FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM S2 95 1 =Mt In the Fitthpearl Building ?0/ f Sth Avenue AYS* 343-9000 EXPOSE YOURSELF TO PHOTOGRAPHY AND ENLARGE YOUR TALENT New and Used C ameras Photo Supplies DISCOUNT PRICKS Buy • Sell • Trade France Photo 1330 Willamette • 343-2816 b' • Ip t ST. THOMAS MORK I NIVKRSn V PARISH ( .itholu nun ( cnKt I SMI I mi raid StKvt I i; nc ( )R *> it I' Mass Schedule: Mondac Kridac: 5:10 p.m. rtrnint: praccr followed 1»> Mass. 5:fNI p.m, i\ i^il Vlavil 1 ORI(l(>\ SIM 7 /y/5 SUMMER Continued from Page 3 railed Bvrne a "redneck" and an "art basher" in comments printed in tin1 Aug lt> edition of the lingerie Krg/sfor-Cuarr/ A compromise was reached, by which damage incurred to the sculpture will !«■ repaired and moved to another plate near the building S< hools keep suspei t t ash The Oregon State System of Higher Education is keeping a SI million endowment from the Susakawa Peace Foundation despite controversy surround ing its founder's reputation When the state system accepted the endowment from the Japu nose foundation in Marth, questions arose about receiving money from the foundation os tabhshod by Kyoichi Sasakawa, a former war t runes suspect with reputed connei lions to or gani/ed i rime "■There seems to lie some sug gest io n t h a t b ei a us e of (Sasakawa s) politics, the iimn f'V is suspect.' said (Ireg Park er, the state system communi cations director "Because of the budget constraints, we're going to lie taking money from any legitimate source Report r« ommends < hnnges A faculty committee report substantiates main of the com plaints ami concerns of stu dents partic ipaling in a Univer sity study abroad program, and recommends i hanges in the wav the program is run and evaluated The I’orguiu (Italy) Study \hroad Program. whit h offers students the opportunity to RADIO Continued Irom Page 2 man, this year's ASIJO public a lions coordinator, will be the ASl'O rep resell t a 11 y e, John Thomas will be the Student Senate representative One nth er student, an 1)-"(i member, will be appointed and the remaining Oregon West -fitness • AEROBICS, AEROBICS Bench, Funk, Hi /Low Classes • Stairmasters, Lifecycles & Aerobicycles • versa Climber OREGON WEST —FITNESS— Best Hours-Best Prices 6,im-11 pm 7 Days a Week 1475 Franklin Blvd Across from campus 485*1624 WV4 • Tanning Packages • Personalized Training • Adjacent to Jogging/ Bicycle Trails 1/2 OFF INITIATION FEE Bring this coupon in and receive : ? off our low initiation fee spend 0-18() pounds with wavy, collar-length hair At least three assaults oc curred; two of them were sexu al assaults scats will be filled through u hiring committee made up of student group representatives Till* rest of the group will consist of six at large student positions and two non-voting seats to be Idled by memliers of the luigene community We re aiming for Sept. 1st lor actually getting something broadcast because we'll have the antenna on (August) 2:ird, .1 nil conceivably it shouldn’t be more than a matter of a few hours before wo can start up ” The broadcasts may be pre recorded initially, he said, until a change i an be made in studio space SUMMER STYLE AT SPECIAL SAVINGS 1 Now you can define you? style tf Stantiy with Mat'-* ,'ylirsg products Mi'.;' '.r /' • txxty and sty'-ng control at your linger tips attow'ig you to create dramatic tail des-gns For naif with exceptional sfnne a'xt •• c-iwe- -top - and ask to’ Mat- * styling products today1 a 1 m 30%OFF ALL VAVOOM AND MATRIX PRODUCTS ju&'kwr 0 686-1435 50 West 13th, Eugene FREE PARKING Evening Appts. 30% OFF all retail products $10 OFF Perms and Color Weaves* (Both reg $4500 and up) $3 OFF haircuts* Offer expires Septemt>er15. 1991 O'V' )cxxI with Penny Nanci. Marty & Larry onfy ‘ Now clients only Not valid vnth any other offer located at LU£ttiwr J 686-1435