Tuition for all students skyrockets Beginning this term, the Uni versity will have th(? second highest tuition of any public university in the western Unit ed Stales. in-state law students will pay $5,018 this year, a 40 5 percent increase from last year's cost of $0,570. Non-resident law stu dents will pay $0,446 for the 1001-92 year, a 67.8 percent in crease from last year's cost of $5,328. In addition to raising tuition, the law school had to trim the 1001-92 first-year class to 125 students, down from 180 last year Further enrollment cuts will follow until 1003 04, when the entire law enrollment will be stabilized at 300 students This year. 440 law students are enrolled Tiie law school cuts and tui tion increases were made to de crease the student-to-faculty ra tio and augment fat ultv salaries and student services. The American liar Association had threatened to remove Oregon's law school from its list ol at credited institutions unless these changes wore made Undergraduate tuition for resident University students will t ost 52,508 a year, or 5107 more a term In state undergrad tuition at the University of < ah forniu tit Berkeley, the most ex pensive public school in the \ The Shutterbua »' T ay it • •. • 14.’ F11 M GREEN records COOL MUSIC 683-1584 308 w 6th «v« *• buy A I • n«w • u»«d • Ip' • • tap«» • cd • • • IngI• • NOISE SINCE 1991 • g .» r J ge • grunge • grind • punk • pop • psych • indie THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it! SunShower on campus •nui'iiii <>■> Upat—n fey usds • West, (tisis only SBO morn a year Because of Mi'iisuro 5 t uts, the st.iit> systtim will still have to eliminate or merge ()() aca demit programs and trim on rollnmnt by ooo students at its eight si hoofs 7 7n* fallowing is a summary of other stones the Oregon Dai ly Emerald layered summer term. Stacey replaces Colson Anita Stacey was appointed hy the ASUO July H to Till the Incidental Fee Committee seat vacated a month ago when Mike Colson was voted out A fourth-year English major, Stacey will complete the final year of the two-year term Col son was elei ted to in spring 11IO0 She was one ol 10 appli cants for the position on the seven-member committee that allocates student fees to the alhletii department, the KMC and more than ‘to student groups A former Panhellenu Conn oil president, Stacey was select ed because of her involvement in campus activities and her at titude toward relations between the 1FC and student groups, said ASUO President Jennifer Hills Colson was voted mil of of fiii- by thr IKC on Jun« 1 fol lowing nearly four months of debate over bis possible role in altering IFC' meeting minutes Casanova Center opens After years of lining bidden away in the tiny confines of Mi Arthur Court and Cerlillger Hall, the entire athletic depart merit has moved into the spa cions ben Casanova Athletic Center next door to Aul/en Sta dium Although the $11.7 million, 1 07,000 square foot building, named after the former Oregon footfMill coach and athletic di rector, still inis some work It'll to lie completed, the entire nth lelic department moved in at tiie end of lune, and an open house v\ as field Aug 7 I The new facility lias already had its own brush with conlro versy Athletic Diret tor Mill ftyrne ordered a set of sports si ulptures ,it tiie front of the building cut down after tie de cided the sculptures did not lit 111 with the rest of the complex The at tinn angered the si ulp lures' creator, Massachusetts artist Ceorge (ireeri amver, Turn to SUMMER Page 4 BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME WHILE HELPING OTHERS See Eugene's newest and most professional blood plasma center. Call 683-9430 for more information. J-MAR BIOLOGICAL 1901 W. 8th Right on the bus line I 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery HappyiTiails We pay cash for used Records. Tapes & CD’s Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one FREE* •(tree uM'il ret urtl oi tape ol equal or losses value) LIMIT OF ONE PER DAY1 S1.50 OFF ANY CD! enures ‘I 9 I NEW LOCATION No* selling basnelbaii football and baseball cards 365 E. 13th 485-5351 IL CDs ’ Tapes • i Pa • Pi isters • Slii Mrs COUPON .ai-ai-ii BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (excluding pies, supers and giants) New location onl\ IKNH Franklin Bhd. \( in 7 II mi \ illard Iff TCBY I he ( oiinlnjk Ik-sl kx/iirt ( mifKtn v\fun \ \//l' */. /^/ /u sfvemjs Glenwood Furniture BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS ()n (Quality New & Used l urmture "Visit SHERRY'S BARGAIN ATTIC' t ree I <>< <11 Delivery 424!> I r.inklin Hlvd., Lugt'tif • 747 602 1 jhernjs Bargain Hut /.. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS On Used furniture & Household Goods Bikes, IVs and More I ree l (w al Delivery • layaways 148 t. 14th, Springfield • 741 2447 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON The herd moved in around him, but Zach had known better than to approach these animals without his trusty buffalo gum