“27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene Oregon 97403 ■ ■ YOUR CHOICE ■ ■ 2 MEDIUM PIZZAS 3 TOPPINGS o( your choice $Q95 Expires 9 15 91 YOUR CHOICE ■ ■ I VOUfl CHOICE 1 2 LARGE PIZZAS 3 TOPPINGS ot your choice $■(295 Expires 9/15/91 YOUR CHOICE ■■ CAMPUS 1930 Franklin • 687-2848 Little Caesars SUMMER HOURS: NOON TO 11pm DAILY New dean to deliver graduation address Kisa Palm, thf new dnan of the Universi ty’s College of Arts and Selene es. will deliv er the 1991 summer commencement ad dress at summer term ceremonies Saturday More than 1,100 degree i andidates are el igible to participate in Saturday's ceremo nies at Hayward .Field. The cemmony will he moved to Me Arthur Court in case of ruin. In her speech, "Commencement Could You Have Done More?,” Palm will speak on the importanc e of getting a lilmral arts e-du ration and c hallenging graduates to take a leading role in responding to environmental and economic concerns throughout the world By becoming the dean of the College of Arts and Sc iences, Palm heads the Universi ty's largest college She is also the only woman dean among the University's vari ous sc hools ET ALS The Incidental Kee Omunittee will meet Mon day, Aug 2<> a! *J a m m the liMU Board Koom The agenda includes spet nil requests from the Mediation Program and Sister University !’ro|e< t. and internal business The Cnthulir Newman ( enter, IHfit) Lmerald St , wil| celebrate Mass on Saturday at fi p in and Sunday at 0 and 11 a m. and at 9 p rn On Monday, Aug 12. hr Michael |ohn Potrior will give a concert at 7:30 pm ( all 343-7021 lor more information Non-traditional and Student Parent Associa tinn will meet today at 4 30 p m in the KM l Ben Linder Koom Hume Conference will be held Aug 12 to 1 in Koom 128 Chiles Registration is at the phtloso phv department from 1 to I p m Aug 12 and it a m to noon Aug Id Deadline for submitting lit ills to the Lmerald Iront disk. HMD Suite 100. is noun the day before publication lit ids run the day of the even/ unless the event takes place before noon IJ wAi.,_ m' X Btp ') ,Q\0< / JlA s'Zt So s19 iiiw' f * neShutterbug N«“»! to Tayfor s • 342 FILM GREEN records OPENING 683-1584 388 w. 6th «v* w# buy A sbII • n«w • u««d • Ip 9 •tap## • cd b • tlnglas iiiiitiimimimiiiiiilililil NOISE iiiiiiiiiiiitiimmmmtiMi EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7am-11 pm • drop offs 1430 Orchard St. • ur\ cleaning 345-6133 annum.mimiimnnimmmmninmimui Illlltlllltllliil Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. iiiimHiiiiiHimmmmimiiHiiniiiiMiiiimiiiiitmHimiiiiiiiiiiimi'iHiMimimmmmmHiiimHiiHiii 0 HITACHI Standard 8mm Mini Camera/Recorder (VM-E15A) •8 x Zoom FI.4 and 2 Lux Sensitivity •2'ArrKxpJxxo Head and Flying Erase Head • Twin Beam IR Auto Focus System • 7 Key W Remote (Hand Set Ind.) • TfakVwtde Dual Macro focus Our Everyday Low Price ONLY $999°° UO BOOKSTORE AUDIO/VIDEO REAR Of MAM FLOOR. 13TH AND KINCAID. PH. 346-4131, OPEN MONDAY • FRIDAY '■ oi NA HAL TMUH VAT Vi X ** D VA 00 »UNM*Tt3 iKt I MAHGAJH PASSt: S ON !.4t f »*•* G*M.'Q *‘.+4 f>,t'w'‘ RJDS Aim**1* i-’ W A. H CONOiTX>NIOi TA*rs f«r 4ua 0 »««/••* ’jX ■ ,z-jr> m«*' * H( >n uss A) ki\smi mall of n» M AN kl< KVUN A J11JK 1 N IV V KNS<>N \bv4utd) O'4 to hr mivNrd* Tbr thinking per v hi’5 ‘GHOST " An ciirptnmnlly beautiful I mm us v lui' of ihr rugged North vfc-rst frontier rival '! 'irnri With Wolves'' in ihor araiuirur " I ^ P'fCr'A P » TAI»r» »•* !», WESL£» SMPtS- ANNABEL LA SCIOHHA FIFO) KLINE GOLDBERG n » . *«> « "w, i : We ship your stuff home! OK 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos, TV’s St Insured, custom packing St Boxes for sale 3" UPS. Emery, Motor Freight 2705 Willamette Street • 344-3 106 (convenient parking) l*»*