SPORTS Hauser lets us know Ali is still great FROM THE SIDELINES BY ASHLEY CONKLIN Twenty seven years ago, Cassius (May. now known as Muhammad Ah. shook up the world when he boat Sonny Liston for the heavyweight championship of the world In his new book, Muhammad Ali. His Ufa and Timas, Thomas Hauser does some shaking up of his own. The fxiok, written with Alt's coopera lion, is the first one that completely delves into the Ali persona from his rise to the heavyweight championship to what lie is today Although the book is written with All's cooper ation, it is not a self promoting gospel espoused bv the former champion instead, it's an in-depth look at Ali's life presented with interviews from those who new him lies! lint more importantly. Hauser's book looks at how Ali. now supposedly in ill-health, is living day-to-day Ali's health. Hauser says, is not as bad as some think He does have Parkinsonism, or Parkinson s Syndrome, Ini I not the more threatening Parkin son's disease. Although All's poor health resulted from boxing, he does not suffer from what is torn monly referred to as punt h drunkenness, as many other fighters do In fact, Ali is really quite healthy He does have to take medication and his voice is very soil and sometimes difficult to understand Hut Mils 'liv mg at 90 percent of what would lie normal lor him without ins physical problem Ali continues to travel extensively around tin world and actually lives a very booth life, al though it now seems relaxed compared to the days when lie was the king of the ring Hauser does a terrific job of putting Ali in per sportive Not only does Hauser dis< uvs Ali s piano in history In thci ring hut more import.mtlv liis place out of the ring Unlike other celebrities. AH has never trier! to shelter himself from the public where he has probably had a greater following than any other athlete ever put on berth Consider that when lie fought Ceorge Foreman in Zaire in 1074 Aii would go Into African villages that had no eler tricity or running water let alone a television set 'let little children would swarm to All. chanting his name over and over as if he were a god Cod-like may f*e the best wav to describe All. which might seem ironic in light of the Islamic beliefs he has held since joining Kli|ah.Muham mad's Black Muslim movement m the Mis What impressed me the most about All is his religion convictions All didn’t use his religion just as a means of not serving in the Vietnam H ar His devotion to Ills religion was actually more u portant than his boxing i areer Unlike some, who use religion merely as a sham. Alt is true to !:, tenets of his religion All was more than just a great heavyweight boxer He was the epitome of the r hanging times in the (il)s and perhaps more important than M ir tin 1.other king |r in giv ing blur ks hope for rights and liberties prev iously denied Like other boxers. All did last too long in tin ring, and it's sad remembering defeats to Larry Holmes and I revor Herbie k two men win should never have even been all wed m the 1 with a chump like All It's easy to fault him for hanging on to long Hut in ins day. Ah was truly the greatest I wish I could have been around then to cover the i hump He was anything but dull and it's hard to imegim hav ing mom fun than being around All when lit was preparing for a light Thankfully. Hauser lets us know that as time goes by, Ali is still Ali Nothing could lie greater than that SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 50off ALREADY-REDUCED SUMMER FASHION SELECTIONS! DESIGNER & BETTER SPORTSWEAR DRESSES • SUITS • SWIMWEAR LINGERIE • ACCESSORIES NO ADJUSTMENTS ON PRIOR PURCHASES EXCLUDES TRANSITIONAL FASHIONS / . / \Xtsu finli a j CAMPUS PH. 485-1581 Don’t miss out on great savings— Clip coupons out of the Oregon Daily Emerald. Engine Service 1000 S Hrrtelscn Rd »1 f uqr-ne OR 97*0? Onr Blot* North ol IN llth Nolan Ind Pla/j Specuv :nigVolkswagen service tor jj vears 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts Ha ppyJ‘Trails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one FREE* Hr eo ust'i! record or tape of equal or lesser value) LIMIT OF ONI PL R DAY' S1.50 OFF ANY CD! expires 8/24 'M ,s ■ ; Odboelb.rii looib.ii .r o baseball cards C0-, ape • IP • P COUPONi NEW LOCATION 365 E. 13th 485-5351 Stickers SUMMER DRIVING | CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! Great prices on the services you need1 Tire^ton z " AMERICAS HOME FOR CAB SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER • t. : L ■ s16" MAINTENANCE TUNE UPS 19 « <■ »> Si 99 Sb > fi S4999 1 AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICE s29" Evacuation and Recharge 49^^ RADIATOR SERVICE f lush 1,11 -"Id up t" ' gallon ul f.i.oluM In Spec.! hells h m'l eater pump s29" Chernn:al T n it r n-i ' Power f-lush $49" 1 Triumph 1200 Compare $ OUR LOWEST PRIPF No Appointment Necessary • Eest 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E.