COMMUNITY Alternative farmers have high hopes By June Williams Emerald Contributor Two small greenhouses tucktxf aw,iv in South Eugene muv have a large impar t on the lrx:al forxf supply once the community finds them, that is The greenhouses were started as an alternative to large agri business produce Douglass Moser, who begnn the Commu nitv Supported Agriculture pro ject last October, said he hopes the program will tier rime popu lar in Eugene This would elim inate buying through a retail food chain, he said 'Ultimately we'd like to work directly with the consum er,” said Vince Devoto, one of Moser's helpers on the project "That would eliminate the mid dle man It would still lie more expensive than Safeway, but less than Sundance " Devoto said the only option the fledgling program has now is to sell its produce, u mixture of salad greens, to local food stores, until they can publicize the business. "We deliver about »>() pounds of salad a wttek to Sundanr e, The Kivu, f riendly's foods and New frontier Market," Devoto said. "That's only a small por tion of the greenhouse, for awhile, we could have picked 70 pounds a day, but there just wasn't a market for it Although the produce is still connected to agribusiness, "it's local and you don't have to use a whole lot of gas to ship It around,” Devoto said. Eventually they hope to deal only with consumers, either de livering directly to their homes *25 FREE ,u i *■ Si, «•:. A ■!h [ ufCTuise • ! H.ifv Ai , »*i it Mi .uiil.m it unly$31*J Wl supput**. i ! CYCLEBiCtf HtPAIHB A CYCLES _1 340 WILL AMI TTI L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS Photo by *Wmn Pcxiloo Vinca Davoto (kneeling) and Douglass Moser hope small green houses hke this one can replace large agribusiness of organizing a central dropoff spot for thn product! Our aim is to work with thn people who are going to eat it. Moser said "That's wh) we're not certified organic That would allow the food to he shipped anywhere We want to know where the food is going "L'verytimo I hear about a new organic farm in places like the Salinas Valley. 1 laugh What about all the pesticides in the ground water? What about all the air pollution?" Moser said he believes in small interaction, such as using five acres instead ol 500 One of the reasons I started this thing was because I don’t like large scale.” Moser said That includes America's large scale eating habits, especially sugar consumption, he said "People have to change their eating habits The sugar intake per capita is a half a pound per day," he said Miisit belies es this t\ pita, diet is killing people, ,ind mi it’lv is setting the offer is of ii in lic.irl attat ks ami hvperat live i InItlri'ti "Timi! is growing short." he said. "This could he the last generation Moser sees humans as a giant heard of buffalo stampeding to ward a t Idf Only the ones out side the heard won’t he swept over the edge For awhile 1 wanted to save humanity Now I’m content to work with the ones on the edge, he said Neither Moser or Devoto know how their project will turn out Moser said there is still a lot of work to lie done in order to make community-sup ported agru ulture a reality "One of the reasons whv I started this greenhouse was so I could learn." he said "There's so much potential hero BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME 1 WHILE HELPING OTHERS See Eugene's newest and most professional blood plasma center Call 683-9430 for more information. J-MAR BIOLOGICAL Right on the bus lino A on Duih PO BO«>lS» IUGtNf OWtGON*MOJ OtQOO IWy I •'•'rt*! « pu&wftaU dftfty MtwxHy Ihrtkig* f vu«* 4/-XJ I i.«MdAy And ThoSVUly du/ir^j rfi# W/my O*«go*' Drt > I "U. o I'v 4! 'Ni IJoivum-ty of O»gor i iMr«-:«M md*p«nd«npy of lh» U»WArm*y *■■»• 4' kv o» !’%• J »t> M«k»xv!*< U'^jr and « a ^»^rw of rh« AMOLuMad f**w •> ’’hi t -h»/aW *» p/*v4t® property Th* jnu»wlvi WTtOviti umi of [>«;*»'* « p/tyu* 'jirvHi IdUof m Cfw#f CFtfteiopPiar H-a* l drtorial I ddof f*a Gi«|>hica ( ditof Jw A»*ocu«U f drtor* t M« mti *•«»• I (litOf ■ ' • % Hjr Joa< llralmy KI .* at l ■*..» Ng Wf>i>' -w f k>y*« t ryr Schsnaafl iwR !..,'»»!> Sr^v.-- v«.* Claaadtsd Pwggy Mt<»’vi. Hminm kru^iy Gsrtxvm .V.*yw»«u> Pd/n'Y'' Papf** Production Ingryl W*i!o ProckfClKin CoCWTfnd/vV J/r. | ryf^ pOO IVwt m/ Mc»n W.» *ur ■ "Var T 'nx^rts «n«ra! M«rv«g»r y R««! N#»niooni. Of Item Produefton US 44! 1 146 4 381 Production M * m if hht\h \t\ "f as/, fas/ action. " "Nnt In be missed; a must-see. " \lso showing Old ( lassies in our I sed Dept. France Photo out Willamette • U.t2H16 Often Mon Sat V: 10-6:00 p.m. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (tAuliiriiriK pics, supers and giants) 44 New location onl\ - ISSN franklin Blwi. N< xl to 7 1 I on \ illitrd / //(' i OUlllllJ1* W(*S/ K«///// tcbv «» < oufhtlf t \/«/IS %