EDITORIAL Fair play in Wichita? Break out the clubs Anti-abortion protests in Wichita. Kan. have settled down a bit after Federal Judge Patrick Kelly ordered federal marshalls onto the scene. The anti-abortion folks are saying the judge has overstepped his bounds. The judge has said he is doing his job by trying to maintain order in the town. In an interest ing turn of events. Terry Randall, the founder of Opera tion Rescue, the group organizing the protest, told ABC News (hat the anti Until God gets a seat on the Supreme Court, the anti-abortionites are going to have to stop their illegal activities. aoonionuos simpiy warn me rigm 10 conuuci civu uts obedience! protests like those of the civil rights and anti war varieties of '60s. That is a fascinating comparison. When Terry says the right-wing anti-abortion zealots want the same rights as protesters of the ’(ills, does he really mean it:' If so. the OS. can base the National Guard show up and shoot four or five of them That would certainly be in line with treatment the left-wing protesters of the 60s got And of course, the polii e would have a field dav macing, tear gassing and billy clubbing the protest ers as they sing their hymns. Terry ought to be more ( .ireful about whut he asks tor Ile just might get it. Also, the folks of Operation Rescue should realize that their little gatherings go further than simple civil disobedience protests. By blocking access to the abor tion clinics they are deriving women their guaranteed right to legally terminate a pregnancy They artr break mg the law and should be dealt with accordingly Other Operation Rescuers told ABC News that the anti abortion folks are ignoring the U.S. lavs in favor of "God's law." But until Cod gets a seat on the Supreme Court, the anti abortionites are going to have to stop their illegal activities or face the consequeiu.es. T w ith THE WHITE MOLl.EE flNP THE SUPREME COURT /p THE GRIP OF THE FAR FUG Hi; IT'3 UP TO US |M CONGRESS to PEG'ENQ THE PIGHTS OF THE People/ r_ \T ..V.YY tH/Rp' oCv; ■v y ■ "V LETTERS Strike a nerve? I‘,it Maliich, I bulinvc sour suggestion lo tell complainants ul frisbee golfer gull not to be anal retentive" and "finding u frishm' graze sour ear" are not that lar from luring related (DPI. Aug t> ) You see, sou have got sour head so far up vour a - you can't see a frisbee. nor create svhet Freud might have considered ii lavalorv masterpiece Since I destroyed the anterior cruciate ligament m my right knee I have taken up frisbee golf and whiffle ball and I feel so cool playing- People gawk at mu while golfing as it I pulled off a lBO-degree oil it: to rail slide down u fifteen-slop hand rail It is public attention that has maintained m\ self-esteem and kept me from deep depression in clearly the most boring and inactive summer of my life. Why don't you confront people while playing instead of calling upon the ignorant masses who love the whip on their bat k or .1 imitation messiah on a cross (whichever vou supply) by blowing your horn on an ill-fat ed bund wagon7 Settle, Put You have created a contro versy where them is none Tol erance .m fltninKT HKXVKVJ, w 1106 *9o»n wo