s25 FREE ,ic.c *• /, 'h t.iif< h.r * •' Mi*** A. . ■ ' \V ' i«r vV -.,ji i .• i 1 J4Q WtLLAMf TTI SELF SERVICE Tkc Copy Staj> 539 E. 13th M«-/»rrn f*0ttrr**tn A terry Hhfhl «« I Ilh' 485 6253 ENTERTAINMENT ‘Warshawski’ looked good on paper, but... ★ * Playing a! Movi«* 12 kn th« Gateway Mall Kitad any novel iitxHil ii dctet live who in no-nonM’nso. hard-boili*!, self n• 11 nut .mh lough-.is nails and .you'll probably lie reading a laKik. tilm>ut ii mnn Ili.it is, un less you'm mailing n Siir.i I’arelskv novel starring her most f.imous i million, V 1 Wursh awsk i Kathleen Turner sl.irs .is the THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it1 SunShowrr on campus nn ••!!( i>» * «»• • Chicago private eye who has a confused love life, a refrigerator full of moldy food and a talon! for being tougher than most of the men she comes in < ont.it t with The (burnt ter. .is Turner plays it. comes off quite close to the material that it came from But the movie [dot is right out of a TV show The Itooks have a lot in com mon with another series about a private eve, the Spenser nov ids by Robert B. Barker There's the atmospheric locale ( hit ago instead of Boston There are the deli berate IV rat ia'lly mixed group of friends that With t liar at ters have gre.it loyally lor Until detectives are single with continuing love interests and both are outside of societal norms when it comes to matters of the kitchen Spenser t an make a gourmet meal out id leftovers while V I couldn t make a piece of toast Turner ts the standout in the film She is a Ini of Lauren Bu call with a hit of Veronica Lake thrown in She is street-savvy, strong willed and the white hot sensuality that usually per vades every role she plays is delightfully understated and subtle Unfortunately, the plot lor V / Warshawski is about as complex and involving as a typical episode of .Spenser hir Hin' That may he good televi sum, but it's mediocre filmmak mg .1 strictly pedestrian plot V 1 (Victoria to her friends) is hired by the thirteen year old daughter of a former hockey player who was almost V 1 s boyfriend, until he was killed Hoodlums all over town seem to be involved But most of them are extraneous bad guys thrown in just to kill time They have no more personality than the cardboard they wore cut out of If you've M»n five episodes of urn TV detective show, you'll have this one fit’ ll r o <1 o u t ii bo u t bull w it v through. Wh.it works best in this film is the comedy But this is sup posed to be an action thriller and that's what fails. Angela C.oethuls plays Kat Grufalk, the street smart thirteen year old who hires V I to find her dad's killer They have some great scenes together Although the movie was only mediocre, I am still lixiking for ward to a sequel, which Kathleen Turner apparently wants to do. i'he character is well defined and interesting I’herc's a lot of [xiten tial if a competent s< ripl is writ ten Lucas Gutman F met aid Contributor ^ w.rf <»>«»** '**' The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT TRACK TOWN PIZZA (jet a medium (1 2") One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY (JusI iisU lor the Sjwclal) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. '■/S Cl M HAl Ai:'HV>KjN TMOfLSAT U 00 Wi 0 W OO • SUN MA T U S«S * KlOS ALWAYS I*' tt> / »4W uAflV »4SSfS OW SALtf WL?j»__l_>iL?yiiS_yOg_£>>j-C£0£jSLg^__rm/Wa_^A^WCONDnr>ON£D!MMMJ STARTS FT* AUd 2 *>jC A Sur W.« 'ty 7 00 ^ Restored full length ver%wn nere* before seen on m Teen w / ugene1 Peter O'Toole T HHAL WttKl mu »> ' Fa®, * JU ^ Ff! *2 Thu a8 720 • Sat & Sun Mat 3 00 Twwrrav* UARS MX) me MfMIT •umjtcToe' WGM04 WAS SIX TOOAT m L o»e<)y aV>v/‘ W'*®** t Foo<4 I AJAiIAl *A « A HELD OVER! Thu &-1 " oo. 915 ™ a? Thu 8.8 9 JO • Sal & Sun Mai 5 03 Ah trotw m+sUry from Ptltr Grttmaway I) R tJ W \J N (; [j \ \ I M B h K v **•»» <000 c. f S <;* GQiP_^ M'.vrm, 1M,« :• v'lfAl <:.n SI ARTS I Hi., AUG 2 « • r ' • «> BILL MURRAY • RICHARD DRl YF USS , JUH... f Vtw OMV THC LOWHT Lj»G< France Photo presents Minolta's Summer Bloc kbuster "THE MAXXUM 7Xi” h-tuuring iultKiHtm if Flush inahsts “bust. I'n^t Hi lion. ” ••Not to In- missed; n must-see. ” \lso showing Old ( lassies in one l svd Dept. France Photo I l.u> \\ i Unmet It • U.l-2SI(> Often \/nii-.S;if V:J0-6:(H> p.m. ^'Amazing What A Dorm Room Will Hold... Now how are you going to get it all home? Bring it to Pak Mail we ll pack it, box it, seal it, tape it, ship it, and get it there on time and in one piece. Ana .we II save you all the hassle! Pioneer Plaza, Springfield 744-1607 Take Franklin Blvc) to Pioneer Parkway East to Pioneer Plaza PAY<4 PL4II 1 yn^iL