Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS I panning ( luwiffcti Deadline* I AW SOKXH. f D1TION AUlil's r IV. Deadline Aujsum p i:» HA* K K ) llll -HOOKS. Si lr! I MHI K 1' !>■ .t>11ua Sqiu-mN" > (' n, To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 IPS PERSONALS Planned Parenthood ’ v. a pnrg v » u*,' 90% Aijr /'rt’O »V>*> pn*y .1 y t.*VS IVrl'-nyr - f>H/ ftf.M ns TYPING SERVICES /«• >44 0 759. ROfUN n GMAD SCMOCM APPWOVCD ?0 yc*r ■ •» t>.i- * / . ' »1 Ward proew.'. r-.gf u* I -ll l«'4Kpr ON CAMPUS' ■gaBtouc ■< i ’■ fiaiw»ga«wwM—n——am—wpnBjmmragK'i DIAL A-TYPIST _M^rryy i AGt l l vi TYPMG l DfTflO \‘f ni[H»’-4t'.iiii) 1“ (• (IsUKul • ■ MUlff'-i W. • .tor 4»t4 :■ 4*i f ASTYPI WOMO PMOTt P' 3;se Peggy a Typntg Service I ipo' *») lyp*',- f.g MKVt • IBM comp ’•*' %yi,t«*m «nd tv*t* pnr! it' f t < m vy vat)hi k\uk Call Peggy at 34? 4ftc.fi TYPING UNLIMITED H*rt>«r« t and l aaar Print*f 48*> 3343 I ',-rTHM y kx^T’iKj H • • - T Pk[V4 Printed text to computer files Js C A NN E R Sj 7474589 S»?Q «w «j idEJomi'gzaiiJ • .jJ .1 '•I \|-| i 1 • ; m (tilk /i ! t. 1*| • IliM * • jl : » tinhriv ■ ♦pt • I V uni I CAROLYN Cl NO V •)'jVvj - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PMOCISSiNi. , t. v u *-.'**'• :*.':**« \(,U 1/ (PM l*M U . . ■ . 1 ■ • •» } 13th i jo FOR SALE MlSC Ouaon ii.'it tiutl , -v*? V i.'m? P • «*"•» l-r»* S" Mir.jvyu •, wntrg'jf U» * i, . ■ * Vi'v *i9/y (a u" jyn 130 FOR SALE MSC Keyboard lone Casio CT670 Best condition $250 obo Call 345-0575 EM {RAID CLASSIFIEDS A gem of a deal1 Mjtt >• i' H+t i •** «r .. 14'V WP • .1 « : * - WI' .V f ■ .i' tm« tru«i« yC*#*- .. *'<>*■ , U* Nt ON i' xj . t - ^V' ®? Hood* » 1 .»• (}'* . 1 »rf> I * »» «» %■ 4'. ’4 * ’'i, ■ I,."ii*. Jnj lioMOTORCrCLESSCOQTFRS ' V - <> »'-*< tK,t»ir. **fn» ’ * «■ os BICYCLES ~ Sc hw i on D«hji* . , .**, ,w*' < *«% «v; • t a *> $*’ MUSI Sill* VN •• *<•, t > *r'*1 $ 1 *>C ( COC’Uli * l VI 14 *> -44 4 1 H> 0 «ccofdi i , -i • • tv1*** (l - f. • ir ?J computer ptinlx word (xocvttiog juytiHli d.rr*» of #T’ Qu*\r kBytXVWTJ !>.-r • •. • ,KV 1 ’ ,r Kity 144 4 ‘ 195 OUTDOOR RECREATvqn WINDSURFING S' Ait DAY Sm* - • VHx* Prug-.i fV* » ! M: ?oo TRAVEL Traveling Soon? A(i|.)ty for a eradil card My inyi*h#n m tba l/SA fo» S18WU«« Call TODAY1 48'.> 8B3& 1 way a' »« !im | ugttr* ?o f r■'so l t*a »•**•, 6 *»r> p 1 way p«<- «» • •,»’ f y*»'« ?*•«•* York C*?y 4 B i*C am $200 •O Ma u onfy Jtt*« f.1 7 4?3 90 p'»v nacaMAttry %*»'■’ fwk.>rrt© lo ft" f ■ Htf\ f ‘ 3 97401 (ANN MOW Y fWMKltng boo*.' 1 XXi-Y' -n*.txrH» po**TtfWi f>*4a • • HK S HOO- f *1 Y I f rand funn#i it* o*’<** ? '••> .•«*' tlrty M f l*. .•** 'vo. • M ■ i.u •nvv.p^ (UKpond to War. I » -i Dairy t*' ' ' pw Aiv ■"■4ty\ t' * t C> (» 44 I NT R< f Mf NT JOBS S’ ' '-4. J4M y1 tv>ri»( ST***' " ru 1‘ii1*., •''mi ■<>»»» Off. i*". * ,i I IM WOHKIh*C WTTM PHOPl t? i».l ilL 4» r‘ ‘,Fv® 0^*04* C»‘ AiaM.U+ - j ; »*« fv« f>Q A V j,icAl«On5. tk,i*. S*af" ,} pay V' J** **■ » fAuO ■ ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING 230 HOUSES FOR RENT 1 Ul OCK ro CAMt'US IUm ■ * *»♦ tnt'rr ^omo l a. 'KJ'> -.>•* ’ * t, Q'MtV 3*:. '“'!*» «** % f «*S m< • yffcfT] '-u^VV ' a **lry .• .;>«•. ,vi> N img 0r- y A.V, | A- a. • ' f¥\.‘ ' U OF O JW ; »vrf ry ■ *0 p»»‘ '• f?v iVD’ I 102? LINCOLN M.,go dva x.m 4» ui'm • >•.» ;»* M *w***i $ ';**» itnninQi • Co iMO PATTI RSON ( *'t*mO y t ' 4. 1 ■'..-■at ava At**) ' M o' A,jgu%4 ? Ijtt tMMhv forma dining a'oa txi*-** m*K3l, o*f '•«•*»' parking, only 3 0*00* ' O U 0*0 J1 ?CK l mqu'rud Jinmngi ♦ Co 683-4219 2 CM H ampins -a'" 'g < 0O"T' * i••.»*: ■%;,KXJ 'iXr Vif■*< 14 3 i»> . 235 APTS DUPLEXES 2 BLOCKS TO U OF 0 MiHrace Apartments 1805 Garden Ave - . sk>ry !in*r-'- V K • ! . ;k ■ *. I • V *m . hucV.«vr Icwnftu .--I, $4.- j i ‘ * H I’AHfciNt. t AUNOMY ,» U'\o 144 V>6* j Jtnmitflt » Co 663 41 tj EXCEPTIONAL VALUES i Gr*y»!oo* TownBou*** '*>••* > !>'AK'foo''- CX'Jy V ■ ' i 'ogjW •«;« C«t I-m 689 8667 4$7 W Bth Avtnui -.-a. : in c»r' •» l . --oca »< 4.' 1 9 U v ttm Ih# f r*nch Ou*r1»f V«cy *« • ; -lotjwft v *3/‘> v* ♦* .i j j 23'j APTS/DUPLEXES FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS pi*c« IO V Wo- j ! '.Vpoo* ST’fl pots 1®M i 0 ^ to C2*mpuS ? tJflHT 1 V? b*l and !»io Her ' ng 'nwr • - ■ M7-13H ONI A ? LOCATION Cr»»t Villa Apartmantt l Rrgt, ? ndfrp. 0- *»' A- {XX) J4f,‘v .iv.» «rx« soon lOCwt (> 68/ 09?? HAYWARD HOUSE APTS. 1?90E 18th j |rv f.« j.o*, SUMMt R RAII S on " «»■»« 3 DoO'oom i i y Daih to*’ *;> ;*,<» typo apartments overlooking Hayward ' ♦>»* Covered p*lrk)Oq tWl j Nl Y ST9S FIRTREE APARTMENTS 114ft FERRY ' Grea* ? oedroom apartments wilh »*w .v{**'. d'shwashery and on • '« .! xVy t^wunty h /ik1>ng Ava ■ I ,ir»o tufOd^.infurnjshed Cull ; s ■-» 'o v-»m i>8/ 64 /? SUMMf R j RATI ' >Nl Y J’l/fi 1340 MILL STREET Jwondo'*., ' and ? bedroom apad "»i • *iv t .»:• o vw' Ve*y we kept I q «»•’ bu'idiog Baiconm*. covwnxl ! path • g SUMMER HAH ONI Y ! VJV. V«M‘< Jennings . Co 683-4? 1 4 RESERVING FOR FALL Large, quiet 1 & 2 bdrm (urn apts, 1 blk from cam pus 1442 E 18, mgr #19 544 4760 RIVERTOWNE b97 Country CtUb Ho»d 48S-14?? "Oft t>t« poo T1 $450 • HI t.Ol i ( < ‘.iAN ■ " l «; '•■a % '*4 3 _ i RENT NOW!' . I*!.-’ ' W ‘L .-SF* / .‘9 l 16U1 $300'^'o AuQ socg'o 'll _ J.V- «#«M. i-4*. 8WJ \PAK1\UM Ml \IIN<#? L«! out classified* t>f youf guide' " inrosptcfpahk 0'h*tf .inu .r* tw . v,ti 35 APTS DUPLEXES UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH HE NT NOW FOR FAIL' * CLOSE TO CAMPOS * PARKING * ON-SfTF LAUNDRY 1 bedroom* from $386 2 bedroom* from $535 3 bedroom* from $685 Call 683 0729 NOW' Jennmga ♦ Co . 683-4219 U OF O STUDIOS $250 361 1 2 E. 14lft j $280 979 Ferry l an* ONf BEDROOM $300 361 F 141h $275 957 Milyard FURNJSMED $275 975 Htlyar0 • $400 963 F*rry Latte Fireplace hardwood Moor* $255 1360 Patterson $255 1372 Patterson $300 1668 Farry Si $?90$300 1844 Kincaid FURMSHFD TWOBt DROOMS $350 361 E 14th $450 534 E 14lh $330 534 1/2 E 14th $320 1844 Kincaid FURNISHED Sewer*! ol the above unris have laundry and off atreet parktng on the P'f m »n Can »or ludher deta a Sorry. NO PFTS Shown by appt SPYGt ASS ASSOCIATES686 1110 C» Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL Na* & Beautiful \ & 2 BEDROOM FROM S505 * COVERED PARKING * WASHER DR YE R HOOKUPS * EUROPEAN KITCHENS * FITNESS ROOM * CONVf Nil N! IO VAtU Y RIVER CENTF R I til 1 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co ODE Classifieds a good deal! ■k Engine Service 1000 S HcrteKcn Rd IS tugcne OR 9 740? One Bluett Morth of W 11th Noljn Ind Pla/J Specializing m Vdkswaaen Sen ice Foi 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts YOUR CHOICE H YOUR choice 2 MEDIUM PIZZAS 3 TOPPINGS of your choice Expires 9 15/91 M| ■ YOUR CHOICE ■ 2 LARGE PIZZAS 3 TOPPINGS ol your choice S1295 Expires 9/15/91 YOUR CHOICE 1 CAMPUS 1930 Franklin • 687-2848 Little Caesais SUMMER HOURS: NOON TO 11pm DAILY Environmental Awareness Workshops Summer Session 1991 tOREGON TIDAL LANDS AND ESTUARIES—AUGUST ‘1, 10, 11 l iv summer session tuition plus $2S trawl, 2 credits (1 SS 408. S08) Participants will iisit tin- South Slough Fstuary to study the valuable resources contained within Oregon's tidal lands Some of tin- most productive areas on earth are where fresh water and salt water meet The tidal action stirs and nines this nutrient rich medium and life abounds This is an exceptional field lab site HIGLT LAKES—AUGUST 16, 17, 18 1 iv summer session tuition plus S2S travel, 2 credits (I sS 408/ S08) Waldo l .ike is tin- lix ation for studs of some of the most jnire bodies of w ater in the world The Oregon high country provides a field lab second to none Participants will travel by boat on Waldo Take where s isibility is at least 100 feel in depth The variety of plants and animals of tins region, blended with its history and geology, create an environmental study paradise REDWOODS—SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7, 8 Fee S22b plus 550 travel, 1 credits (l.SS 408/508) This works Iks p uses die Redwood forests of the southwest Oregon coast as a field lab The diversity of life here triggers the inquisitive mind ll is a place where it s easy to feel small Study will include die use and management of these forests, blended with concepts and relationships involving controversial issues. MALHEUR STEENS MOUNTAINS—SEPTEMBER 18 TO 22 1 tv 2^ plus $50 trawl, 2 credits (l.SS 408/5)8) This workshop is an introduction to Oregon’s southwest comer This country demands respect and is an excellent study area full of history, wildlife and geology Spring flowers are blooming near die snow fields as we drive on die highest road in Oregon To Register: Drop by Oregon Hall and sign up for workshops at the Registrar's office or ( jll 346-3537 for more information.