REGIONAL Students lend time for new playground Efforts pay off at Amazon Housing About 20 University students pitched in Saturday to help pave the way for a new play ground at Amazon housing in south Eugene and. in the pro (css, saved University Housing about S2.000 Amazon Co-op Child Care and Amazon Gommumh len ,ints received SO.(Mil from the Incidental Fee Committee last month to purchase new equip men! for the playground l m versity Housing had agreed to Knit the bill for removing the old and installing the new equipment, which would have cost about Sti.500, said Su/ic Blanchard. direi tor of Amazon Co-op. [tut several student-parents end members of tiie ASl l) de cided instead to volunteer their time and energy bv taking out. .111 the old e<| u ipment t hem selves Blanchard said the new plev ground is not a luxurv but .1 lie cessitv It will not only provide more for the children to do. but will be much safer "For about three years; we've had unsafe structures.” she -..lid Tin- >*ijuij>tni*nt was put in arounil 1*IH0 It whs matin of wood dint wasn't treated so it rotti'd It ,i dangerous sitmi tinn. she s.iul The Universi t\ should have donr sonmlhing iihout it long ago Amazon Housing provides homrs for over 100 families Blanchard said, and about 200 i h ild run I iv n in the complex Thu equipment will fiu in stalled Aug AO. Uliinchiird said adding that the possibililv of .i voluntuur nlfort is humg looked into "l Metzger’s house casualty of judgment SAN DILCO(At1) White supremacist Turn Mut/.gers lallbrook. ('alii . house will be sold .it auction Aug 2H to pay part ol a civil judgment levied against him by a Port land court. Last year a Multnomah County jury awarded Slit 5 million to the estate ot Mulugeta Screw, an Kthiopi an man w ho was beaten to ■death In skinheads m No V elllllcr 1'IHH The jurv inund Met/ ger. Ins sun lohn .md their VV hi to \t van group muted the skinheads (o kill Suruvv Met/ger appealed tin* judgment. bul thi' miIo of bis property is proceeding Attorney s (nr Sennv s es I,lie have begun seizing con Irihiitruns to Met/ip-t ,unt IJ . While Ar\ .in Kosislaru i In Mm . San I Hugo ( miniy marshals seized his tru< k television sets, videoi asM'lli' recorders, video and audio tapes and las mat htnos Mnl/.ger has applied for and ret eiv ed state well an henefits, claiming the tools ol his livelihood have boon taken avvas "27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 291 2 2025 Franklin Blvd tugone Oregon 97403 PI IVTCf,' ^ ALL YOU CAN EAT' SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BREAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p m lo 10 p m 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Nett to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery SOMMER DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! Ttrestone ” AMERICA S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE I LUBE, OIL & FILTER • > is Li•* • Up to 5 qts 111.“) 99 S6 I 99 AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICE I : • ••<«** *•• . A.! '. .Jt ' • 1 • , ,,,, i< ,•< , 4? i M ■' * '• • •' 1 irnpuf!r?<3 .1' '• afKj !:j?1! ' rU Evacuation and Recharge 49 99 RADIATOR SERVICE Flush, fill K .'Hid up to 1 cj.»l Ion ol In sj... i bells h Sr-, ar : water pump s29" Chemical Treatment Power Flush s49" gFiuwpfc 1200 Compare our LOWEST PRICE I Mtilivi « $?999 39 99 *9 99 39 99 4999 49 99 No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th_ _I_ ^ CASH FOR BOOKS SELL YOUR BOOKS EVERY DAY MONDAY-SATURDAY*YHAR-ROlJND (see our buying hours below) WF BUY BOOKS! current textbooks, study aides, dill notes paperbacks, hardbacks, and more NOT SURE IF YOU CAN SELL THEM? bring them in and we will tell you what they are worth! Smith Family Bookstore Campus Location: 768 E. 13th Avenue 345-1651 Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9:00-5:30 Buying Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:(X)-5:00, Saturday 9:00-2:00 Downtown Store: 525 Willamette Street 343-4717 Hours: Monday-'Thursday, Saturday. 9:00-5:30 Friday 9:00-9:00 Buying Hours: Weekdays Only 9:00-1:00, 2:00-5:00