PUMMEL Continued from Page 2 ir. of rnurst! ) \s you drink floors you discard tho empties by throwing thorn .it anyone you soo frishee golfing You can lake into i onsideration flow thoughtful tfiov .iro of others, fuit it is not necessary The game is over when tfit• heor is gone or when .ill the golfers d isappear The game is scored as fol lows: • One point earned for every fieer consumed while playing • Three points earned for every frishee golfer hit below the nei k with an empty beer < an • lour points earned for overs frishee golfer flit above the net k with an empty fx'er can Bonus points: • I ivi* points lor keeping the empty in hand and repeatedly beating any golfer with it • A whopping 10 points lor am frishee golfer who is taken away by stretcher Obviously, the scores mode early in the contest before the frisboe-armcd athletes are aware of your presence will he the easiest These first levs hits i an he achieved bs nonchalant !s walking up to the golfers and walloping them The beginning of the contest ss if I tie char .a: ter The most important quality needed to be successful at fhsbee golfer golf is a complete lack of conscience or respect for anyone but yourself. i/.ud by i lose -range, dime t hits Hut tin1 real sporting chal lenge,of thi‘ event will ciimt' vvhi'ii tin1 lirav»• golfers who re main devoted to their calling trv to finagle their wav to the end of the course l’remedita lion and stealth will compete with finite arm strength to see who can gel the most hits in the i losing Im'its (non alcoholn . of course) of the competition . The most important quality need ed to he sin i ess fu I .it frisbee golfer golf is a complete lai k of conscience, or respect for anyone Hut yourself ■much like midafternoon frishee goffers themselves And remember, il anyone complains about your new found hobby, just tell them. "Hey dude, don't be so anal re tentive It's just a game, man." BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME WHILE HELPING OTHERS See Eugene's newest and most professional blood plasma center. Call 683-9430 (or more information J-MAR BIOLOGICAL 1901 W 8th Right on the bus line' Recycle This Paper TNE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON In 12th-century Pisa, Italy, the construction firm of Morrelli and Sons, whose members were all afflicted with a genetic disorder in which the left leg was considerably shorter than the right, begin work on a new tower IT S COURSEBOOK BUYBACK TIME AUGUST 7-S-9 ^ We pay 1/2 the new selling price for any book needed Fall term! 11TH AND KIN AUGUST PHOTO SAVINGS! Cohrwatch system. SPECIAL VALUE COUPON 5 x 7 l:.nlurgcnicnt We Sink’s 24{ x|x)sun- $2.20 Sink’s \() (exposure $2.99 Movie Developing $2.29 I’nrei tjjectivr tiigu.i/.S 10 SPECIAL VALUE COUPON Photo pu/./lcs KxtO $ti Photo puzzles llxll $11.W Photo Mugs $2.:<1 Vuk'o Trtinsli'f - 5‘i ())f KtR. Trier Trices e/frc/isr \u^u\i 11 17 SPECIAL VALUE COUPON RLi’KlM^ US 5 for V5c 4*4 4 for W( S x 7 Enlargement 9Vf l'nct\ rffrettvr \u^u\l IV - 24 UO BOOKSTORE REAR OF MAIN FLOOR, I3TH AND KINCAID, PH. 346-4331, OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY Get the word out with an ODE classified