Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 06, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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i Is Pee-wee getting
what he deserves?
The mugshot on the evening nows was almost too
heart breaking to look at It showed a tough, menacing
man who glared at the camera with anger and spite
With his heady eyes and pointy beard, it seemed that
.Satan himself had been booked by the .Sarasota. i’hi
Police Department.
Had the police captured a drug dealer/ A twisted
serial killer/ Or worse, a perpetrator of savings and
loan fraud? No. the suspect in question was none other
than Paul Reubens, a.k.a Pee wee Herman, sans bow tie
and beet red lips. Paul vs,is nabbed by an undercover
.Sarasota vice detective july 2(i. allegedls tor exposing
and fondling himself in an adult movie theater.
The bar klash —
against Reubens
lias been disturb
mg. more so than
tilt: incident that
started it. Al
though I't'C Ml'f.S
/’/.n /louse. his
ianim winning
.Saturday morning
I V show, w as
canceled by CHS
a lore I In- scandal
While some of us may be
glad we will never again
have to sit through
something like Big Top
Pee-wee, it is disturbing
that yet another career
has ended under such
broke, the network has yanked the remaining five re
tuns tmni its stimmet schedule A video featuring Per
wee Merman has been removed from a Walt Disney
World tour The list goes on
Wh.it interesting roaetions Sunday School teachers
i and the like may agree with what has happened to Pee
! nee. citing his role-model status to millions of kids
around the world. Surely, they sav, someone who was
reportedly caught in a coin op video shack — literally
yyitli his pants down should not be afforded the lux
ury of a Saturday morning TV program.
Yet we always hear about hig league hall players
drinking and driving, taking drugs and beating their
wives Indeed, out athletic heroes' alter game sexual
exploits are the stuff of legend So win the fuss’ And
why. in a state famous tor its crimes and \1i,tmi Via:
reputation, was the vice squad tailing little ol' Pee
yy ee? Surely the blue knights ot the SPI) have more
pressing business
What about due process, ami the venerable slogan,
"innocent until proven guilty"? Surely a public figure
such .is liurv Mart would like to know Pee-wec's career
however annoy ing and obnoxious it may have been
is most certainly over And while some of us may be
glad we will never again have to sit through something
like Bin T°P l’rr wee, it is disturbing that yet another
career has ended under such circumstances.
Oregon Daily
Onyon Drt fy f m^atij \ put>< Vmd da * Mivnitiy ” f du's?*g t* «» fnx*
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Much lu vour discredit
and most ol vour readers know
you have no spare credit to he
dissin' you continue to
waste spate in every issue on
stupid student-made comic
The Van (airen tiling during
the school year was bad
enough Hut what you're print
mg now. though, is worse than
.i waste, it’s .in embarrassment
In a mi ml issuti (ODfc’.July IH),
in the cmim strip !*@#, two
words worn misspollod in a sin
gle frame.
What do you say about a col
lege sludrnt or a college
newspaper who can't spell
assassinate or wield? Shall we
grant some difficulty to those
and limit our complaints to the
misspelling of its in the next is
sue' This one, though, is more
understandable, since "cartoon
ists" probably learned their
misspelling from reading Enter
,ilil articles
Now, the content nab. I'll
refrain But you might pay
more attention to what you
readers think about these strips.
If you want make any valid
claims to college-level intelli
gence, you'll drop 'em
Jeff Harrison
Grounds crew
Frisbee golfer golf: vigilante fun
If you'vi’ spont any iitnount of time on campus
this summer, it shouldn't Is1 hurd to imagine this
You'ru walking down tilth Avenue in front of
lohnson II.ill nr through the KM ft hroe/cwav
when suddenly. Irom out of nowlmni, the skv is
filled with hurled frisbecs Irom hull One of the
frishtius grazes vour ear and lands a few font
•iw.iv As you reach down to pu k it up and seek
out its owner, a voice from the shadows bo< kons
lor you to, "no dude, leave it where it's at We re
plas mg frisiiee goll "
Yes. it's summer and the girls and hoys of the
lie|i crowd have descended on campus to terror
ize and torment innocent pedestrians with their
game of dead-eye accuracy and finesse Never
mind that ploying frishee golf on a crowded i am
pus is akin to drinking vour roommate s last lieer
Nothing c an stop Irisbee golfers who leel rays of
sunshine heating down on their beautifully
tunned heads
But please, don't lake this wrong I risbee golf is
a fun game Trying to hit relatively small objects
willy a flying disc can be quite a challenge It's a
peaceful sport that doesn't require a lot of physi
cal exertion or expensive equipment And just
about anyone can plu\
In fact. I used to play the game myself. But back
in Montana where I "golfed." the most popular
course! in town was set up in u woods on the edge
of town Not only was the atmosphere of the
i otirse more relaxing, the dense stands of pines
provided more of a challenge to the avid golfer
However, the best thing about our course; in the
woods was that there were no pedestrians naively
wandering into the field ol competition
The only drawback in having the course set up
in the woods, with no pedestrians in sight, was
that there were no witnesses to our cool activity
We were out there just lor the pure pleasure ol it
and there was not a soul to show oil lor what a
Not all ol the folks who use the course on cam
pus like to play in the middle of the day. Some
considerate golfers wait until traffic: has thinned
out and the course is clear Hut those who do not,
those slick cats who insist on playing in midafter
noon so that there arc; plenty of witnesses to their
hepness, ruin the reputation ol even the most
considerate frisliee golfers
It would he easy to sit hue k and adopt the nihil
ist attitude- of simply bitching about problems,
hut I have come up with a solution as well If my
plan is implemented, frisbee golfers should bo
driven from the campus in a matter of weeks
My solution consists of a game. 1 like to call it
frisbea Golfer Golf To play the game you need
just two items, a cooler of beer and a note pad, A
strong and accurate throwing arm helps, but a lit
tle* c Inverness can make- up for a weak arm
I he objec t of the game is simple You and your
friends go to campus with die beer. (Non-ulcohol
Turn to PUMMEL. Page 3
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