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Classified advertising: 346-4343 Oregon Daily REGIONAL Suicide suspected in student’s death MOSCOW lii.i ho M' A University of Idaho student found lunged from a tree al the old campus arboretum appears lo have < ommitted suicide. Moscow polio- said Wednos day Sharon Andrew Akhavan. 21. was despondenl about his grades and other personal prob lems, polu e l.t fake Kershisnik saitl Akhavan had re< i-ntlv dis i ussi-d suit ide w ith Inends and left a note III Ills dormilorv room giving awev his posses sums tsershisnik said Kei erllh , lie was a little lie pressed aiiout Ills grades We iieard last night lie committed suicide or someone killed him.” Kat liclle Akliavan. tin man's stepmother, told the Most ow Idahonian in a tele phone interview from Palos Verdes ( aid Akhavan s hod\ was discov ered I uestlav in heavilv wood ed area In ail 111 ear old par tu tpatmg ill a summer rei ree lion camp 'Hie body was hanging in a t.ord from a low branch about it) feet down a sleep bank off Nr/ Pen c Drive, neur the Kihhie Dome, the University of Idaho sports arena Akhavan s hands were hound (-■hind his hark w itii tvs ,:i’o I H i del Ti ned Wed nesd.l V to suggest how he might have tied Ins own li.mds if the -death was suicide Police Chief Dave C.ameron initially said there appeared to he signs of foul [lias .It the si ene and lfie death was inves ligated as a homicide, general log spei ulation tflat tile dark skinned man might have hern lynched Investigators hoped the result of an autopsy would help offl ciully determine whether the death was a suicide or homi i ide, Korshisnik said 1 lie au topsy was delayed until Thurs day Akhuven was horn in Iran and later emigrated to Israel. Kershisnik suid He is believed to hold Israeli citizenship Akhavun and his family emi grated to California six years ago. Kershisnik said ''Lately his behavior had changed a lot. kind of likr he was d«‘pn sM?d.’ sain a frinnu. Irf.m ( Immtrv, .1 24-vcnr-old student from I’.ikistnn Dul Akhavan did not seem MJioidnl, (ihaudry told the Idahonian I errv Maurer. .1 university spokesni.m. said Akhavan was .in art hili i lure student who un rolled at the school m hill 1000 He was .1 tnmsler student from Kmgsbnrough Communilv Col lege in llrooklvn. N ^ Maurer said. Ini! he listed a home ad dress in I’alos Verdes. (la I if. The t Jniversity of Idaho ronimunilv shares the shock and dismay expressed at the death ol Sharon Akhavan." said Hal (iodwin. university vice president for student af fairs "Am death on ( am pus is a tragi* and sail event. The uni versity is extending its support and sympathy to the friends a n d family o I S h a r o n Akhavan The university, 100 miles southeast of Spokane. Wash , had a fall enrollment of 10,500, Maurei said THEATER Continued from Page 5 mind The theater hostod I tic Kfjt'.C, record s.ilc. the Romanian Woman's Choir, the University of Oregon Foundation and Archives, and the Eugene Committee ol Performing Arts, whicti involved a sen i nirig ol a movie made at the University ol ()regun m 1 |lei anise this is .1 community theater. Hove is in (tie process of applying lor non profit status He hopes to raise funds in order to pul some tin ititling touches on construction am) to create a board ol directors and advisers vslio would work with the community to insure that the best lilms arnl live shows .ire brought to Eugene An artist gallery is housed inside the theater, as is a gourmet ciiniessioc bar complete with heels and wines But the the star attrai turns are the lit) i deeply raked seats .designed bv art Illici t Don Conasci, a professor at the University) that re line, eliminating worries iibout an obstructed view of the screen or stage. A new look is anticipated lor the theater when he doors open this Saturday Hove will show cur rent Hollywood films that have not gone on to video yet The show is for a 21 and older audi >nce and a nominal tee of l)'l cents will he barged [leer, wine, champagne and snai s loods will he sold Have culls this "having tun with American novies, the best that are available after their regu ar runs People can relax and talk \ohods is go ng to suv sshh Some ol the films to In shown tills weekend 111 dude Truthur Uurv. I'hvikiurs, Siluncc ol thv l.iimlts and I .inlusiii In the theater, new international films will he ihowing Many countries from around the world vill be re[iresented. sm h as the USSR (Taxi Blurs I ranee [Cross M\ ). India (M.ih.ilmnitu). mil Mali (/■ i/a/i). LIZZARD Continued from Page 1 time fur the* city's gullurtuling anarchists I was |ust too busy running around .ind bunging out in tbc Nutinnul (iullery in London. Li/./urd said It wasn't until the M'coml time 1 went there I saw any bands, and 1 saw some pretty weird ones It.II k 111 the states, but still III trigued by what she hud heard in London. Liz/.ard tuned in some pretty "weird records "More than anything ! got into the foreign shift." she said Punk roi k was a movement It was a phenomenon When KKV'M began to use disi joe key s troill the Kugetle cutnrminit\ in the early BOs, some ol them ashed Li/./.ard ll they could borroyv her tmiriis Liz/iini agreed, l)til after they played thorn, sin- recounts, I hoy i .nno bach .mil then said Nii, wo can’t do this Wo don't know wtio those people are ’ At that time I had never thought ol doing radio at all Lt/vard began to volunteer at hK\ M. and also began to till in on ix i a si on for the disc jockey s ol Modern Mono, which was then fining aired on hi.(Id When K LCC took Modern Mono oil the air, she and the show's (reator, Lenny Tone, re y iy oil it at h KVM Despite Modern Mono's un derground music format, the show lias so lar avoided contro versy Its late night slot, Sun EXPOSE YOURSELF TO PHOTOGRAPHY AND ENLARGE YOUR TALENT New and Used Cameras Photo Supplies DISCOUNT PRICKS Buy • Sell • I rack* France Photo 1330 Willamette • 343-2816 davs from 10 p m to midnight m.i\ have something to do with lluit. Iln' way I always figure it. the people who are going to get tin’ most upset usually turn oil liter the first tell minutes." Li/./ard said "I’ve never had a complaint. And il the station's had a complaint, they've never told me Program Director |olm Lthei idge said Li/./,ini is luirlv re strained in i housing material "l.m \ blushes easily.” he ex plained Not surprisinglv. Modern Mono's listeners lend to he vnung During fundraisers, however, Li/./ard gels most ol her donations from people in their litis Hut then, she added. "I don't plav hurdi ore a lot either anymore I think the audience has gotten older So is hardcore punk at its last gasp/ "I think everything that could have been done with hardcore has been done." Lizzard said "it’s really hard to find a band that's really good." Well then, where is under ground music heading? "I don't know," Lizzard said "And that's what makes il so cool 1 have no idea. It could lie something totally different. 1 hate going into the past. Usual ly when I'm at home I don't lis ten to anvthing that's over three vears old And as far as the fu ture goes. 1 hope it surprises the hell out of me, instead of bor ing me to death ”