HOLLAND Continued trom Page 1 Not everyone agrees with VVcssells as srssmmit, however I.list year, tlx* ASUO and tin' Lesbian, (fay nnd Itisexuul Alli ance pulilii l\ < iillm] lor Holland's resig n.ition after (ireg Johnson, it law school professor. was asked to apologize to Ills class for hrii-flv discussing lus hnmosex u.ililv during .1 lecture Although Holland was apparently not directly responsible lor the request, I,(.HA ( o-director Sue Dm kstadcr said at the time that Holland was at fault for not taking ai tion and issuing an apology on behalf of the administration In another incident two weeks ago. the IJ S Department of Lducation ruled thiil Holland tied twice violated tin Inmilv Edut ationnl Rights and I’rivai v A( I .1 federal law designed to protect the privat V of » student's .)( .idemic rec orris The ru I trig vs i is made folli >w mg .1 tom plaint filed h\ former lavs student Willv Hits, who in 1907 submitted .is tus own .1 paper lli.it lie not write The ruling stated that Holland violated the lavs by showing tlie paper to the real author during a meeting and to a lingerie pplir e sergeant No disciplinary action was re ({Hired, however During the past school year, the American Bar Assoi ration threatened to remove 'the si hi Mil s .a i ml 1 tat ion. t it mg a lack of improvement to lavs school fa i ilities. limited Itriani lal support, an in adequate teat her student ratio, among other things iii May. however. the ADA accepted the l 'niviTsilv 's proposal to upgrade conditions ASl'O [’resident Jennifer Bills said she e. pleased that Holland is resigning as dean, but is concerned tJi.il lie is stin mg on as a faculty memJier II the way he handled tiding a dean is all indication of the wav he will handle being a professor, then tJiere is reason to lie i oru end'd lor ga\ and lesbian law students, she said I hope there won't lie any hack lash against the students who were involved in the protests after the (ireg Johnson in cident,” Bills said Wes sells said a search committee is being appointed to find a replar ernent lor Holland, and that a new dean will he appointed as early as January if .1 state wide M'.in h is sue ressful l( the ( ominit tee fiiils to find an Oregon candidate, a nntion.il search will be launt lied in Sep tember )uni' 1‘w:! vs ill he the latest Holland would hr on tlir (oh. Wessells said Former gubernatorial candidate and Oregon Attorney General Dave Frohn mover is rumored to ho a possible re plneement Although his executive as sistant, Marla Kao, said I rohnmavcr is planning a possible career move, noth ing is definite vet "We'll know b\ the end ot the veer what lies ahead in Dave's future," she said "He’s indicated that he will make a change There are a number ol things that are possibilities Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS I /h innin^ ( (I Dciulline* I \\V SCIKXH IDiTIUN Mia S| ]'#. Ix-a.llii, \.iy . • < 1 •' ;< in BA' K lollll HlX )K s. S( I'lT Mhl K !('. I s .niliiu ScpicinK-i I 00 p !■.. 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Apply for a credit card My anywhere in the USA for Si891e*» Call TODAY" 485 8839 ?J0 HELP WAITED Apartment Manager. . . • • •<>«»• ■*.; • amp • U •• **»:•* once "-**.®ik!Wiry So* id lo b i ’ k: - airy •; ■ t AMN MONi Y Hi».td>ng t> • ■ S’ vf »nccyn« {Krioniia I**!.*-a . ’ ! I* • - n l «! Y 964. i rrand furwaf !o» wia o" « ? ’ ■ '*• jxk rlity M f S5 «*5 p«* " M •av%« bansponiMOn Maspond to Wo I vtt» Dwyiy A!’t>n-4»ys P O Ho* M61* l V** *» Or y.’44; t AW ENf ORCf Ml NT JOBS S' ’ 54? 686 68?/yr Rowai Sh®< " Sla'i* Pill'i.>! CoffwMyM' Ott«c*KS Cn* • i) 80S 96? flOOC I i! K 964? I IKf WOHKINCi WITH HI OPl I ? pos’iKXis ava-af>*> Aog^/V *o' ■*. with wCKh sli«Jy . !fw» f .» (..i " *ia,0' 1V.! r»»U»r f rt. pM'SC* m <« 6u»y campv.s otttcw App ■'<-«!©m llVii at ii >n !ht» OfSii o! A*./.« J»m«t Ac)vis ' g & SJuCto' ’’ Sotvhws ’64 O' MIC NOCOMPUTI H SI HVICI S a .»« iwiping siudant apptcaU’O1"- ’or Si positions Cons, " rig training so'vcus a-*) pureHaso pair s.ppod M v 1 uv« moocompwio' savvy good commur'i cation and orgarwationai v* Nor) ’•Q pay S‘> S* 50**>.r App> fkx»'' /V Compu! ng Cantor 230 HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS l su go * badroom hooso S • » 1 ' Nearly remodeled spa* hjus houb«*. bwdroom. ? bath yard garden puu«< $’?Sr»X' rvt. y*»ru -u month’y C >♦».»“■ ng ^sti O* a . sJ j COupais sria/o Non smofc.ng ono pots SfYOWTl tiy app! SPYGl ASS ASSOC (A TES 686 M 30 1022 LINCOLN Hugo house nvtbiabta now 4« txJrms lull Pasomon! gar ago. fireplace. >ots ol *i*'nt st or ago Mu s' S4»w S ’95 Jtnnmgt ♦ Co 683-4219 ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT 1140 PAT T l RSON iun -I'm. W o’ buffs 'oUoM **.• L »*vtv*'< ■«*; *.«) Jarmmgt ♦ Co 6AJ 4.1W i txJrm . i>*i . " K [>- ,%, , v\ t ,. r * * s S’’- Av 4k from UO in vary ctaart ath. 6 wai> in cloaal, fully turn, fra* eovarad parking taking raaar vationa for fafi l arry, 484 4103 Umqoa' Owl a* ’ txJrm • itud*y k)**.t ■ a > ;v«> Nt*i■ rampus ViKy ut?g*» l O” * ■ ■ arpcv* '•! t»fl/ 131 y HAYWARD HOUSE APTS 1?90t 1 8th p.i.'Mtkpiw SUMMt H RATl S O’ * tHalroom ^ 1 V palf- lown houioi •»{** apart menta overlooking fiaywunJ Cover «C1 parking b»i ix>- ■«*. ,i»uftuPk* ynftfn i%f«3 i a;i kttM*y lo v**w 343 390/ ONI Y S~C»V FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1149 ftRRY Gmm' pMdnjom apa.rvn©n!* *•■ irw ;..arpats, d sr washers a?*cJ on Wla a /MCjry St * ..TiTy t);.kJ r\g Ava ab**i lof is^imO Onfurf'if-SMU Ca; s Aa* bfl / M ,V SCI MM i M RA I f S ONI Y ST 75 1340 MILL STREET Wonderk, > a no LmO’oom ap.tr m*» ■:*. .uu.-il'Hi 'kxh V«*'v *»• m», qv.-Mt C KJiog Ba»LU' .»#*. coven*.: Pitrk ng SI MMi R RA Ti ONI V S m*385 Janmnga • iu 663 4219 Can Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL Now & Baa wilful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM ISOS a WASH! RDMYfR HOOKUPS a COVLHl D PARKING * FFTNf SS ROOM * SUMMI MTlMi POOl A PATIOS BALCONIfS p n P N G POVf 1611 Kmgsiay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Managamanl Co GbodCenb 235 APTS DUPLEXES Affordable? I ivable? Vt RY' N#* n ■' Resolving f.jm *hk‘ ywar »f DOfh Surnm«r a n*. 1 . :• g » ; OW'd'Sp. Dig v»*u»,,> 'n»s .v;h*-" »i >>K o' i ni'y GB3B919 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Grayatona Townhouse* N*/w •* | j twciroom apt*. O'N V( ’* j | t»gi l.ir '.iHl C.t 1 irr- fifty 8*4. 45/ W 8lh AvafHi# k»a DOdroO?” ’o'* «*■ ■'.* I jon«. i*_*i ton 0‘.>y 3 * “• 'MQuutr mUi t a tj#3 42^9 to v*m T ha f ranch Quarlar Vw'y •• spa mv?. 2 bcaJfoor" .t/x: :.m» '-OUS4.*, Only $3 '•) 00*39?. ‘ a j 4IV* *>tt?4 tor ' n«R«* & (*’«•■ :•'»».i’ Vac»**. i j | Jannmga ♦ Co t>83-42lfij Can Now Fo/ MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * COVERED PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * I UHOPl AN KITCHE NS * FfTNl SS ROOM * CON VE Nit NT fO VA11 l Y RIVE R Cl Nil R 1811 Kmgaiey Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co CefcxuSfcnB CAMPUS AREA 430 E 1 5th Quad Irving SUMMt H Sf’fzCIAl si ay l all Raia $235 Call Grag at 687-0630 To view atop by Untoft _ !' CAMPUS " M i'ocw Ap«irtm4*niS 1 ao*j Garden Av»y 2 bedroom Hals, $399 2 bedroom lownhouses, $425 SUMMt H KATES Groai p'x us and miX*> mo/o PARKING. PRIVATE PATIOS AND BAlCONU S ON SITE t AUNORY Am Gary k>f nt »n town1 Unm %!a/l al $2*t>5 Up to *425 KXX PARKING LAUNDRY Cali Nino 344 5563 Jenmnga * Co_ 68.1 421 (j 235 APTS DUPLEXES Nice super clean, hught r ;e M"T' ik.* A par King 1840 M $435 C i '143 ‘>894 or Hmvo msg PHIMt LOCATION ON CAMPUS l<'.gh’ cnaofy unique i &drm duplex N»*w pa ■ ! ’ *#w vmyl and hardwood 5()0»! dOSO'VWS a Sp*K .1 ,!■> by yc.K. O' y $435 ♦ dap 359 I • .'!h R*»a I sum Northwest 343 4*09 PROSPECT PARK Otters quart country living arxl city convomence with our 1 n't! 2 bod 'Ooms available Other loaiuros m dude, pool tennis and ba&ketba courts rec room, playground, ga •ages uv.i and some city views M»ght past 25th arid Chambers Ca 484 6553 RESERVING FOR FALL Large, quiet 1 & 2 bdrm lurn apts, 1 blk (rom cam pus. 1442 E. 18, mgr #19 344-4760. RIVERTOWNE 597 Country Ckib Road 485 1422 Newty decorated 1 & 2 bdrrrvf. ' hr ^s!'bw pool, Irom $450 T HI ( CM l I GIAN • A• l*r . ^ leasing Upscale student housing tn ■ *i-ng mw,ii‘, 34 3-1255_ UNIVt MSI T Y MANOR SO '45 t 1 Strs l ooking k>r a Summer 1 a onui dose lo camp ,s’ l ook no more' We have 1 ?. ana 3 bedroom units a! groat prices ranging trom 5305 to $4151 Can titt l 0 - .r'J Jenmngi . Co 683-4219 U OF O STUDIOS 5250 361 1 2 E 141h $280 979 Ferry Lana ONI BEDROOM $300 361 E 14th $275 957 Hilyard 1URNISHED $275 9/5 Hilyard $400 963 Earry L an* Fireplace hardwood tk>ors $255 1360 Patterson $255 1372 Pattaraon $300 1668 Ferry Si $290-5300 844 Kmca.d FURNISHED TWO BEDROOMS $350 361 E 14th $450 534 E 14th $330 5 34 V7 E 14th $320 1844 Kincaid FURNISHE 0 Several of the above unite have laundry and oM street parking on lha premia## Call (or further deta.ta. Sorry. NO PETS Shown by appt SPYGl ASS ASSQClATESW-1130 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS!! EUGENE MANOR Ffcgh rise living wflh pa*nly of charm 1 bedroom from $3L»S 4«4 ,'441 (Includes Utilities A Cat me _Bennett Mgt Co_ Walk to campua Spacious light. 1 bdrm Baicony oft fti'ue! parking, toun dry $235 ♦ dep flea* l stale North ww>; 343 4109 Musique Gourrnet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM $5 95 TAPES FROM $2 95 In the Fitthpearl Building 343-9000 Engine Service 1000 S Bertelsen Rd *8 tugene OR 9740? One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind Pla/a Specializing in Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts Shutterbua The Ne»!! Taylor's