1 o HRS. FARNSCJORTM, NOT AX AU~ H^PPV U3(TH THE OFF«cB2S D6OS10V4 ID G-ivE HER A, TOC6T, DCODES To EXPOSE Here, neio-fooud freedom of expression. ... LETTERS Harassed Following thi! Run !)M(' con ( ert Friday night. Lingerie polic e swarmed the night club Indeed they had boon siluntly lurking m the alloy all evening, appar ently waiting for something to huppen When they arrived in lull force. (1 counted at least lour cars including a canine unit) there appeared to be no sign ol criminal activity exc ept lor one man jaywalking. I felt I was witnessing harass merit What recourse do I have, as a taxpaying c iti/.on at the m ene of an int idont like this or that of Rodney King7 Ac cord mg to 1’1‘t) officers, I have none I was informed by otli c ers on the sc ene th.il I was in terfering with police business' and was sub|ect to arrest when 1 asked the police to be ac i ountable lor their actions Does it really take tour white cops to issue a ticket to one black jaywalker7 II this is the i ase, maybe 1 should arm my self with a video camera And by lilt; way, who was monitoring the si cm- at tin' pre (iominantiv white Daddies con i art happening at tin1 same time7 K listen I an as Imirnalism Ba dum bump The incident reported Inmi Independence, Missouri about police arresting phony fortune tellers who used < rvslal balls to predict the future (ODE. July in) is a reminder of Adolf Hit ler, who, when he knew tin end ol World War II was neat summoned lus personal oral le to predu I the day ol his death She ga/ed into In i i rvstnl ball and reported, "Herr Hitler you will die on a Jewish flolli day What,' he liellowed What Jewish Holliday '" To which she replied, "Any day yon die will be a Jewish Holliday James Ileermam e hugene LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community Letters to the editor must he limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style Watch Millie I was appalled lu reed about the speed wilh which CHS dropped episodes ol the iiimiv winning /’er wee's I'l.nlhiusr ■ liter its star w.is allegedly (■night exposing Inm-.ell in ■! Morid.i iidult mm le theater This incident has all the un dertones in previous raises ol disi ruidnalion involving homo sexual tear hers the religious "mowI" right has such a striin glehold on this country that anyone who i houses to engage in sexual activities other than missionary position heterosex u.d intercourse between mar ril'd adults ought to hi druid to he within 100 leet ol c Inldren |)ouhl less, tie new Nil pretne ( aiurl will he ol no assis tatu e i he old y ra v ol hope i ran see is licit perhaps, one day I will open my morning pa per and read 'Cuorge and Bar burn caught doing it doggie style. Impeachment hearings begin today I doubt the Bushes would he that hold Darius A/in Biology s25 FREE .1 t- , 'i-r\ »v' t f l puf* f'.i'.r ' M, i' At : i" I *«1. . ’ h «• »- .1! >f !y S J 1 ‘J Wf mi* Jtlppiu1 . CYCLEaifrf] HtPAIHB M CrCLAB ( 1 J40 WILLAMt TTE_ RECORDS j r 258 E. 13THo 342-7975 ItCM cdl tep«l 1 BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME WHILE HELPING OTHERS > See Eugene's newest and most professional ) blood plasma center Call 683-9430 for more information. J-MAR BIOLOGICAL 1901 W. 8th Righ I on the bus-line I =11 StrGtch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. r .IMHAl A. «A S l'» V»*AtDMtX! «4n*:Aj* <*4*.• t . «. •. 4, t v\-t* » Ait > •! v *>y > i >;> 3 r ; • t.T 4 .... i >, > • . S.B A $*jp WjI . 1 .Kr t 'fJ 'u.. /my f.n ■ r-Si.-n ir r ftr1 *t w'r1 ■n . n in / u n/ Peter O'Toole TX\rt^NC>E rirysii nr ( ^ v . i > • ti Thu an • * N4l a Si ' Mil! I (XI rwwn mt AOO TW« um~*c t o# WrvMtN » AA -4» lUQdiil^ Lii^s G'**Jy At""/ _ W*1^ fFoodj fctUZmi *.I'LLKKffcl fr'AUU'I* Ht iO OVt H! •*•,. K ' ' \V i \ b a Thu Aft 30 • !Ul A M-Ii *> CX' 4'** «vi**u * S). |)R()\\ \ l\«i [j T y MB! H' _ i-i. v .tiu 14 iMM.ikMJL i euM Bill MURHAV • HICHAHD D«l mJSS BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. ((Al luding pit s, supers and giants) New loiiilinii unl\ ISSS I i.inklm It I \ (I. Nc\l In ' II mi \ ill.ml “TCBV” I In (