EDITORIAL CIA bill good start, but more necessary Covert intelligence operations carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency may become a little less covert because the U S. House on Wednesday ap proved an intelligence bill that includes reforms. Many of the reforms on the new bill, which is re ported to allocate close to S.'IU billion to the CIA. .ire in response to the Iran/Contra scandal that took place more than 4 years ago The efforts was stalled somewhat when George Bush vetoed a similar bill last year. The new bill that just passed the House is a compromise that Bush is ex pected to sign into law One section of the bill would apply oversight re quirements to any government agency involved in a co vert operation overseas, not just the CIA Ollie and the folks of Iran/Contra justified then operation because they were outside of the CIA. and therefore exempt from tin' law. Another requirement of (lie bill mandates ,i signed presidential "finding" stating the goals and methods ol anv operation be done in advance of any covert opera tion. The trill also tries to close loose ends in the current laws by redefining some of the vague wording The law requiring notification of Congress in a "timely fashion' has been more specifically defined as within a tew days rather than being left open to interpretation of the j president. The new bill also puts into law , ti.m on using i n vert actions to influence dome .in I S. politic ., pub:a opinion or the media Covert a< turns ate defined by the bill as acts "to influent e political, ec onomic 01 military conditions abroad so that the rob- ol the t'.N. govern ment is not intended to be apparent or acknowledged publicly." While this new bill is step in the right direction trying to make presidents more accountable lor the at ; tions ol their intelligence agencies it simply does not go tar enough. The Congress tried to pass a tougher intelligence-limiting tjill last year but it didn't get past the ((resident. However, the CIA remains an agency out ot control and above the law. Until there are better means ol monitoring the agency's activities, new bills and laws will be easily sidestepped by the spooks ol l.anglcy The Congress should set up a full-time investiga tive hotly to report on what the CIA is up to. An agenev that has twice the budget of NASA will not he deterred bv a few now laws passed by pencil pushers in Wash ington unless those laws cun be enforced. ()rcgon Daily P O BOX 3iS» EUGENE. OREGON *7403 !’>«» Oregon IXuly { meratt >** pubfu^KJ > Moxkty though f ndtfy dt. - *g v .. •. s* v*kw .-outlay and Thwrvlay during !r*» tumrrw py ih*i (Wagon Daify l '* iwald >’ ;> v ■ ( o Irx: ai Urv%**rv!y o» O«gon l ^gonu. Oayor Irwi | rno«Ald ooarauis nd»p4**>«-nl'y of that Un vu'vfy wrtf'- off* *>*. .»! Su!u KX «< l ft> Momon* Union and it, a mambar of fh« Av.' managing t anor r-i. kk\ t t dtlorial £ dilof Par IX\ a. * Graphic* f ditor Je>' P wu\y nr*** r onor • ». ro>. Sport* t drtor Ai*h Higher l duration A dm tmelr ation Crv \ I* «»*• Advertising M-. f «*♦. . »n%y K4a .»y.e .*»«»'• Bw«> K •• l .. « ‘.a Ng And'iw* •' «» Crt"W !'»i Hoyt© ryp Scftane»«1 Sufratl S^ron V.l/ Classified Pliggy Mi <'iinn Ms/iagt* Business Kathy Carbone Supervisor Daralyn Dappo Production Jtm finch. Don lioss Jennifer Thomas Mon WaiIu>' G«rwral M«ri*y«r J *?v Ho) Ntwaroom. BuiirMta Office Production M6 6511 346 4MI Production nagsr M* ' ..‘u Ho-.*. Display Advertising 346 3712 Classified Advertising 346 4343 ' ^ 'V, J H.I.'.I.'.HJtETIE uasuai sex cheapens intimacy By Mat! MacArthur Imagine turning on the TV ami rinding that almost every show was about people who were ( onstanllv eating, talking about food or wishing about food Imagin'! that every movie in the theaters showed chiirac ters Ireijuentlv pausing to pork out. d not downright obsessed with the idea Imagine that nearly every advertisement Used visual suggestions of fcxiel to get \ou to buy a product Sound i ra/v' The reality is not too lar away from this si enario Just substitute food'1 with sex The obsession our soc iety has with sex is outrageous He hove me, I am not one of those people vs ho thinks sexual rela tionships are "bad” or "evil ” I think they are of profound sig niiic am i! to humans But to me, tiie important:!! ol it means it must in saleIv guarded Besides the tact that suc h singlemt ndedness is a discredit to our intelligence, 1 resent the lac t that something whic h will be came verv important to me and the person I share it with is i heapened and made light cd in (tie world around me II it wore just ,i matter ol my offended sensibilities, I wouldn't bother complaining Hut the widespread false im pressions c aused by the c heap uning of sex are muc h more damaging Sex carries high emotional, physical and ps\ etiological price lags How many people are now shoulder ing a burden that they were not prepared lor, lier iiusc they wen' either ignorant, hlinci nr just de linnt of the r usts of sex ' Many admit that despite the momen tary gratification, they .ire left with a residue of confusion and emptiness Who would assume a mort gage on .1 house when they knew they couldn't make pay moots7 Sexual commitment re quires similar preparation Ifoth partners should he ready not just one, or neither It it un thinkable that some among us would pressure another person to have se\ with them against their bolter judgment How self ish' Our bodies are not toys and sex is not a game The el feels are too significant and en during to treat it as sm h. For me, marriage is the perfect in stitution to loster the prepare lion, commitment and trust that I want to go along with my sex ual relationship Media hnxe also desensitized us to the lai t th.it sex is a mech anism to procreate There is no such thing as "free" sex There are contraceptives, yea. but il they are the answer then why are there so many abortions and unwanted children? I know many young people who are angry his ause they know they were the product ol lust not love or even common decency They are an inconvenience This knowledge leads to iovs sell esteem, drugs and other forms of self-degradation The privileged high schooler who goes "too far" with a con vineing Ikivfriend is no less tor tured by the decision she has to make Shi; is not emotionally or financially ready for a child, the thought ol abortion justiH abh horrifies her and she finds out that Iter "grown up" boy friend is really a gutless liar when he treats the matter .is a joke, or, worse, she never hears from him again How much abuse, rape, pornography, sin gle parenthood and a host ol other problems will we try to patch up legislatively before we attack the problem at its root' I think three things must hap pen 1) Let's take away the Vn lorian stigma attached with se\ It is too big of a problem to he sniggering at under the table Talk about it honestly and frankly Don't romance away the responsibilities that go along with the pleasure .1) More people should not tie afraid to save sex tor a time when fxith partners are ready .1) Advertisers, TV and movie studios, book and magazine ed itors, etc , need to get tile mes sage that we are tired ol being degraded and manipulated Don't let a perceived popular opinion further ruin our socie ty. All ol us at the University have a great potential to alfect society lor good Let's he lead ers, not followers Maybe when we learn to control our inner selfishness, our outward hehav lor toward others will improve, too Outward peace will never happen without individual sell control M.ill M.it Arthur is a Univer si tv student. yea'='='r! 4*l i