Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 01, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
V. /
Holland to step down from law school post
Maurice Holland
By Daralyn Trappe
Emerald Associate Editor
Kmba!tled l niversity law
| school Diiiii Maurice Holland
! will stop down from his admin
istrutiv.it post next year but will
I continue teaching
Provost Norman VViissells
m a d e t h e a n n o u n i e m e n t
Wodnesduy Holland, the
school’s dean since l<)Hfi. is \ a
r ationing and was unavailable
for comment
Holland’s resignation was
discussed during a .online re
V i t VN |ll Ul r>7» I I I l 1. tilt.
President My les Brand \\ ■
Soils said
"(Holland) .liul the president
talked .iliuul il a! some length
and came to a 'mutual agroc
mnnt that ho would stop down
and (orno hack as a professor.
U ossolls salt!
Whon askod who mil 1.1 loti
the suhjot I of a change Wes
soils sold "Il |tisl emerged us
part of ihe rev lew prot e s II
was just (Hit on (he lahle along
with laroor plans ami .ispira
MUn.lllU « III iliMI llllll Ills .11
tendon lo thi! litv\ school's cl
torts to establish .in Intcrnntinn
■il Institute lor Natural Kc
sources Law; .in urbanization
ih.it will ho concentrate on an
vironmcnt.il law issues
"l hitting (Holland) out ol the
deanship and loi using on this
will give the institute a Ixitter
chance of suit ceding. Wes
sells said
In i press release, Wcssells
and (trend staled that lluv ip
predated Holland's work and
helieve he was an eflectlve ad
V 111 ,1 II • I l >1 l 11' M IIUUI
'Despite tin! it 11 lt< u 11 ifs
posed h\ .1 number ul i ontrn
versies, inadnipiale si.ilr lurid
ing and the Amerii an Llm Assn
i latum s warnings on ariredit
ation standards laied b\ Dean
Holland during Ins tenure. tin
UO S< hool of Law is stronger
and mill ti belter positioned to
day to deal surtessfulh with
the i hulletiges ahead." Wossells
stated In the release. "Dean
Holland has limit a good (mill
dation lor the future dean
Turn to HOLL AND I’.uju f
Lizzard taps music’s
underground reservoir
By Matthew Rendall
Emerald Contributor
Where in Eugene can you
find music so deep under
ground you’d need an oil drill
to bring it to the surface; rec
ords that would strip the trans
mission of (’.uses Kasein's turn
table; songs the Moral Majority
would never object to, because
it i an't think last enough to un
derstand the lyrics7
Here's a clue; You can find
such alternative music being
played on Eugene's school dis
trii t radio station bv a disi
jockey who insists that “I still
thick llwi5 was the best sear for
music, ever
Clive iip vet7 The program is
KRVM's Modern Mono, and its
impresario is Lucs Lizzard As
Li/./.ard explains it, her Sunday
night show is designed to
showcase music that listeners
would not otherwise hear
Her policy is "basically to
play mmc ol the major labels,
inil rather the minor labels and
what’s going on in the under
ground toduv meaning, what
you're going to see later on
M ! V l.i/zard said it's pen
jde doing music In themselves
placing out their own records
(and) taking more < luinr.es than
the other hands
In the past, this meant pri
murih punk rock Li/./erd has
teen following punk tor a long
I come Irom a small town,"
she said, and they Had one r.i
tiio station They didn't get ser
viced hv a lot of big labels So,
when I was growing up 1 was
listening to thing- like the
Standells or the Sonies, that
kind ol thing
At lirst, however, the punk
wave ol the 11170s blew past
Li/./.ard Studying art history in
London in 197B, she had no
I ten to LIZZARD ihiyu i
Photo by Af*d»e H»n cm
Lucy Lmard. host of KHVM s Modem Mono on Sunday nights, gives lugene urea residents the chance
to hoar music not yet readily available on other stations
Splish splash
Bruce Samples gets a splash of the Willamette Biver Ivom Sara
liusso near Alton Baker Bark Although Eugene residents have been
looking for ways to escape the summer heat, temperatures should
cool somewhat today, with a chance of rain
Photo by Andre Ranierl
Bike builder_
Jim VundurTuin, a I<x <t 1 inventor,
is Irving lo change the way Aim-ri
( aris view the i iiminun bi( v< le V
creating sturdier models that ian be
used in pint e of fuel-run vehicles
See story, Page 4
Glub, glub_
Drowning by Numhrrs. the latest
film offering from director I’eler
(ireenawav. is full of symbolism and
is riveting on a gut level
See review, Page 5
On with the show_
Steve Hove's Willamette St Thea
ter will show films and present offer
ings from local theater groups
See review, Page 5
Police in Moscow, Idaho say they
believe a University student who was
found hanging from a tree committed
siiir ide and was not lynched
See story, Page 8
Libraries to switch
days of operation
l 'mveisit y libraries tin: i hanging their
weekend schedule lliis Week due to a
iainpiis wide power shutdown planned
tor Sunday
Thu knight, St ienc e and Architecture
and Allied Arts libraries will la- open
Saturday from ‘I a m lo n pan, and
rinsed all day Sunday, their normal
weekend day.
Workers from the I'hysnal Plant will
he installing new transformers that day
and performing other work throughout
"Normally they chose a low use day,
like Sunday.” said Deb Carver, assistant
librarian for public: services
"They had good Intentions but it
wasn't the best for use," she said "We
really didn't want to c lose this weekend
because it's getting toward the end of
the term "
John Tyler, Physical Plant projec t
manager, said the power to .ill c ampus
buildings will be simt down from noon
to a p m . and that the power will be off
in several others from noon to midnight