SCRIMMAGE Continued Irom Page 5 his jut) in tin; futurr from Atlanta's sn mid round draft pick, quarterback Brrtt Favre of Southern Mississippi Favre was seven of 11 passing for 127 yards in cluding two touchdowns lavre. whose second pass of Ifii! si rimmagi! went for .i lout hdown. said 111! also completed the second pass of his college career for a tout hdown I'hvre may he the Falcons' insurance policy il Miller, who has been injured three of the four years he's played with the team, goes down again "I never got hurt in college so it's just one of those things where the body is going to give when big guys hit you." Miller said But I avre, who was sporting a t niversity of Or ugon cap while on tile sidelines and at the post game press confurciue. said lie knows that il ‘still er is healthy and playing well the team will win games And what about the Oregon cap' "It s Chris' hat," f'uvre said "I thought i could gel Miiiic nir time tonight It worked her ausc I e\ cii got so in i* funs hollering at me Both Miller and Loville had some advice for Bill Musgrave and other I)ur ks who hope to Break into the Ni l. this season "Working hard, hardwork." Loville said They all have the work ethic That work ethic was in stilled in us In t loach Brooks and Ins stall \\> ve always been the underdog and we never got the respire I, so the way we countered that was just by working hard and taking respect (Musgrave should! go out there and do what he's Been doing." Miller said "He had .1 great 48 (joints, which was the second-best high sc hool mark in the* United State's last year This year, Stellie k owns a best of 4,t»:t2 in the multi-event competition With our success ai developing quality javelin competi tors, wo obviously (eel that Oregon is the right program for Kelsey's talents " Heinnnen said in a released statement The javelin has boon her best event year after year but she has been able to develop her skills in the heptathlon the last five years We feel she is capable of doing well at this level." Hit the big time in advertising at the U of O with special editions of the Emerald. • Law School Orientation The first wave of returning students hits on August 19. Don't miss them. Ad deadline is Monday August 12. • Back To The Books The indispensable issue for marketing to campus. 15,000 copies. 23,000 returning students and staff. $400 million annual market. Ad deadline is Friday August 16. • Duck Bucks Coupon mania in its seventh strong year for cost-conscious students and tracking-minded advertisers. The coup de grace. Ad deadline is Friday August 30. CALL NOW. Emerald advertising: 346-3712. Classified advertising: 346-4343 Oregon Daily Emerald