235 APTS DUPLEXES CAMPUS * 77® E 16th 2 i)drm fum townhou** Parking Laundry Sumnw 6300mo Oh** by and cat MS 664 3 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS ' 124 7 W «th 97 Offering somo of the bos: pnctw r ; town' Units ll«n hi 6265 • Up to *4 ?5 I POOL PARKING LAUNDRY C«i! Nino 344 5583 Jtnnmgt ♦ Co663-4?ifi CKarmlng, oldw very apaoous. oewty decorated. 2f or 3* Man* In 4 pen E «tra largo dining room., fireplace hay w ndow. porch, off afreet parking. walk to campus 6490 ♦ Pop FTea I state Northwest. 34 3 4 1 09 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Grayttona Townhouaaa New mte nors. ? bedroom apis Onty 63 75 0C regular rate Call Tim. 689 868? 457 W 6th Avanua Spaoous P bedioom flats m centra! L ugene kxa lion Onfy 6375 00 regular rata Cal 683 4219 to view Tha Franch Quarter Vary nica spa aous ? bedroom flats and town houses Only 63 75 005395 00 Cali 484 5824 For These & Other Greai Values call Jannlnqa ♦ Co _ 683-421 fl FOREST VILLAGE APTS Quiat placa to study Weight room'sauria'pooi Bus to campus ? Ddrm 1 i? ba. 6475/mo and 6495mx3 Fronting now 667-1318 HAYWARD HCXJSE APTS 1 290 E 18lh Incredible SUMMER RATES o< these 3 bedroom. 11/2 bait -.own house type apartments overlooking May ward tmO Covered parking, ba conies available furnished unlurr. shed Cai kasey to view. 343 390 ’ ONI Y 6395 FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1140 FERRY Groat 2 bedroom apartments with new carpels, dishwashers, and or ve a undry Sec j'ly building Ava • abie furnished./'jnturmshed Ca S isan to view 887 6472 SUMMF Ft MAH S ONt Y 6375 1340 MILL STREET Wonder*. * and 2 bed'oom apart ts av » ab'e soon Very we sap: quiet building Balconies. cuw'ia! pa'K.ng SUM Ml ft RATI ONI > j $3355385 Joining* » Co683 4?1fl| Lg on* bdrm apt* 1/2 block from UO in v*ry cl**n & quiet complm Big kiteh*n w c*nt*r island, a*parat« vanity & bath. 6 ft walk in cloaat. fully furn, fr*« cov*r*i living w*lh p*»nfy o? charm i hodroom ifom EW 4fU 7441 (Include* UlilfliBft * Cat**#; _Boonad Mflt Co_ Wafc to campue Spaoouv gm ' bdrm Balcony o* stroof parking «w dry $235 • dep R«miJ £ sfa:a Nonh w.s >*ght 1 bdrm Balcony of* fci'iMM partung ttu■• dry $235 ♦ drip Rmi f stat© Nonh wosi 343 4109 1390 ALDER ST 2 4 3 bdrm furntahad apt* Summer school yr ck both M? WH UO. w*unny balcony dflkhwashar disposal carpatMj Inctudaa parking, wot** Summer rntaa Cali 48S 3091 PROSPECT PARK Otters qua* country irving and c*y convanianc* wtth our 1 and ? had rooms av«iU»h*a Othar teaiuras m cludo. pool. lanms and ba£»*u*thail courts, roc room, playground ga ragos avii. I 4 Sum v ms£ Beat the rush' Her - now ! My- »4 34 } 7 ' H S195 PER MONTH! Cf OAMWOOO QUADS 441 L 1 7th 4 Al L UTIL mi S PAID 4 Cali Paul a( 344 9290 Jenmnga ♦ Co 643 4219 245 ROOMS COOPERATIVE 1 IV INC. Single and double rooms available lor mmor and la Cooperai »« housing one b*oc* from campus Stu de> ■ ow *«.! «irxJ operated lr«ip«* Sive'1 Contact a membershp coord* Lorai Manor 68 3-4960 Janet Smflh 683-3777 Campbell Club 683 1112 Female appreanfe especially er- uuragwl to brti\ ’xie ''■ir’Nif.f- p :-45 ROOMS Comfortable clean )St«K* cm. prv t>S CK.'O' neighborhood. a»mpi.* 6 t)fks Ld'Y Itmled M«;b pr\ Serxxr» V *U* 1 onty Proper a wor1*' •& /•>«•* |1 t i‘ » -4. < • ’ GREAT DEAL1 3 txV* to campus New paint natbs «n* 1'ncf-,.j0*0 5' ft*. Crv: (4*> .V55 today ROOM ABOVE EXCELSIOR 1 Choc* to campus I •hiaw ooty Shared M cfw»n and bath $200 ;no lomme Ca£ 144 2682 ?S5 ROOMMATES WANTED 3 nonsmoking roommalM needed to share 4 bedroom house 2 block a from campus Avail now and or Sept through school year 1220 • 160 de posit ♦ utilities Call Sara or Brian. 667-7166 anytime Wanted. Mf to it«« 5 bdrm house tor Airguat done to campus (260 WasMVy ow utitrtws 145 444 7 §*!,£§ 25 family garage sale Aug 2nd. Ird. 4th. 9am «pm &C679 l ornne fkghwny 1 ? mile went of Chambers 4 l orane ?70 CHILD CARE Nanny, e»pe/en< »*1 hO'*«* it'ii Kv f:, month tarns 25 hours per ww* Deg-n September Galt 143 151t ?8S ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNT inywivw.M w u«i H — «r» »#• "♦»'_ - r eus t t*o Soon **•-/ *. ’ .v • v ^ EATING. D^owm.ng KiNuyUMfe BIJOU LATE NIT «* / •* ' ’ JS *» I» l*o isott ~-nf ►. r * ■ ■ *o eAOoreo ■> TRUTH or DARE 00 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THf MAPf UTIC SWt DISH MASSAGE HiM " y MX ' (i a jr»J JfANINt VANVACTOH. t MT Phona 43 5 6927 Af f OHO ABU 3io SERVICES Temporary heaMh ce i. i f -» \: '»nc. - it' ll M‘«r 10 days 165 drtys Mil My Rad a ii 46*. 66' M tirr *. ;>'• CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 Hb barked his way to stardom 5 ERA or RBI 9 Tread tho boards 12 Anagram for mood 13 Eirst-class 14 Greek letter 15 Safe for valuables 17 Wire measure 18 US chemist 19 Puccini master work 21 Iraqi port 24 Malicious gossip 25 Picnic pests 26 Altered to fit 30 The heart 31 "Is it a — to love too well'** (Pope) 32 Kimono sash 33 Lumber flaw 35 Social climber 36 Orderly 37 Indtca tions 38 Garments for the Forum 40 Finglish school 42 American humorist 43 Use physical fore* 48 Salad plant 49 Undge position 50 Charles Lamb 51 Table leaving 52 Fr holy women 53 Lovers' quarrel DOWN 1 Com mar cials 2 Habitual drunkard 3 Craggy hill 4 Love affairs 5 Aromatic plant 6 Fngltsh beet mug 7 Dyne or dure lead in 0 Woven fabric 0 First man on the moon 10 Smartly stylish 11 "Welcome —■(1977 movie) 16 New Deal org 20 Spanish 7-25 answer gold 21 Put up the money 22 Prolife auth 23 Most powerful 24 Coin to stop on? 26 Jog 27 Bo under the weather 28 Black 29 Claim colloq. 31 Performs a gliding dance step 34 Drink for two' 35 Burns slightly 37 Dad s pride 38 Mexican dish 39 Skunk s detense 40 Scotlish Gaelic 41 Toddlers 44 Moke knotted lace 45 Swiss mountain 46 Narrow inlet 47 Welcome sign Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 • Video end Nintendo ’ rentals < • VCR s end accessories • Eserydey discount v specials } Also worn System Tanning J Open 11-11 dally 1888 Franklin Bhrd. * (Oil VHUrO r»*l lo 7 111 } 344-2691 pizza ^frVAftN KlTcq ^ ALL YOU CAN EAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BRCAD $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m to 10 p m 2673 Willamette • 484-0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TUI M*' SPA< l ^As >P\H IS BEING fMHSUEP A OtStAfetiNj SCOM Hfc!Sy>' ;. y spp. bPor>«> ■wt%. i anp Haas K *.' TVt . MXHV ’ Hu' >* ‘. Tr I lAU ' TVh. him1 i!v. *u Ofiv J U'jlD tOj T TWHSATmt^ l*\ 1 »* . , ' 'i'AW' H*i - «:T lU* >HV ' I IMAGES OF WOAJE/V IN 7He MEDIA." uJ ^ ---* - U 0 7 - 3 O