Pee-wee denies sex charges, ‘Playhouse’ dropped NI-.'VV YORK (AP) Actor comedian Paul Reuben*, slur of the CBS children's show Tee woe's Playhouse." on Monday denied police charges that he exposed himself In an adult movie theater ('BS. however, said Monday it would drop live remaining Tee wee's Playhouse reruns from its Saturday morning ehil dren's lineup. Reubens, tit. who bet ame fa mous us thn nasal, bow-lied preudolesc nnl f’ee-wee Her limn, whs arrested Friday night in .1 Sarasota. Fla , adult theater and charged with Indecent ex posure An undercover vim of fleer said hu saw thn ai tor mas turbate "According to 1’aul, tin- lads as staled bv the vh e squad were totally untrue and he nev er exposed himself or engaged in any other improper active til's, ■ his Los Angelos publi cists. Richard (irant & Associ ates, said in a statement "Paul's family and friends have rallied to his support, along with hundreds of fens who have called his family with their words of support, the statement said "Paul, who is emotionally devastated by the embarrass ment of tin- situation, is cur renllv in sei lusion with friends t> i\ • * th wht* sag* Maki mad "• hn < .*Mth h 14*% ;ii.V DID 67%ot Emerald YOU readers will have it plus delivered KNOW? ,n ,h* ii!,TYPING SERVICES Ai 144 0 TS9, ROBIN •* 014AO SCHOOL A PP ROV [ D ?0 thtaiMfta* t>«K ground Won3 prooeaaingf ul rmurr,* m*v>ca Ettt lowpf ON CAMPOS? DIAL-A TYPIST 643-7777 EAGLE EYE TYPING I CM TING By aipaK^vau w f*8 D dttM'1.* lonpuOa*? W^-^ty 484 'MMi FAS TYPE WORD PROCESSING t> Pd©**** ' H' fxx>? Prolea&onfti wje ng proot'««ad ng bH) 1 ’*>6 Maggy • Typing Sacvlca f ryp'SJ oNk»ng mwcm on IBM aon>po!«f »nd **>»' pnntar 'HJwft Call Maggy at 342-4464 TYPING UNLIMITED Bart>ara Land l aaar Prlntar 446-3343 Fofmer>y tocaiod B-jou Ts«w!ra Bitig Printed text to computer hies pmnmmnmn 747458^ n?oi-o«ti»»w »j >* u |- 1 VI' -i'V? ‘ ■ »•’ ] MVS l 13th 130 FOR SALE MISC Caaaatia playar $’*■ Sman L\>-. u PWM S3S" *3 : i»o* TV S'80 i*t>o l INI W r’wNvayvi .t! 484 48 S3 «>arva; Blaiar Baat t *cal cond 1300 otx> complata paint gun »»t up JT faramaaA Ouicli CNanya CO*Conatani Air Apa« pamtyun t » cal cond *3S0 otx> Call Brian 647 - 7l§i4 anylima 130 FOR SALE MISC Matching Nda a4>ad vote and char go« good oo'td'tion $1 75 bot* Co. ??6 5079 avarwnga 1&&B GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vahiclaa from $100 Ford* Marcadaa Cor vatta* Chavya Surplus Buyara Go*da O) 60S 062-6000 Eit S-0642 69 MG Mtdgat good condflon am top spo+m what**. fum «**♦• $1700 of W C,r»g 741 1*163 61 Scirocco, ' ownar 7 7 000 maps o Contaci L 'sa 345-4447 us COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS Huy computar 4 coal of typawrltar na DO* as B> a dos* $ '00 ot)o i 4"4u •• _| XT COMPUTER, 4 MH t-i . K HAM d«%*. 6500 Nr&hftv 15 ap !> mi 5300 Chris 464 0306 175 INSTRUMENTS Bo rad with sum mar? Invasi *n ft Po nrre of muse gc ’iv *u#yt>oanJ t>ar»s us&om John Sha'kay 344 44 5? 345 531? Ovo' 20 yuttfs ’oac' >; «>» ponarx**. 44, 4 >65 200 TRAVEL Eogana to Mmrvwapolia o'va wriy a • Iato on August 3rd $9C 465 0643 Trivaling Soon? Apply lor a cradft card f ly anywhara in tha USA for $169 Naa Call TODAY" 485-6639 220 HELP WANTED E ARN MONfr Y handing boons' SaO.OCXVyr moom# potential Dal aits (1) 8C6 96? aooc trt T 964? LAW ENF ORC EMI NT JOBS $' ;.S4? %f*s &&yr Pona*. Sheriff. Stole Pwrol. Corr»cs*onaJ Otic*** Cal (^; aOf> 96? 8000 E *'■ * 964? LIKE WORKING WfTH PFOPl E? Several potion* ova iat>4* tn August Icy ftiudtnt* **16 work study r 1h© f a Gain v*.<«!>*« I«Ipw'eau wck* ig ^ « 'ocaptoom *»Hyra-: person ♦n a tKAy campus or»c© Applicants ava iab*e m the Office o' Academic Advtvng A Sudani Sanies* 164 O' egon ttoti_ MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES now accept ng student applications Icy tali potflions Consulting naming sendees and purchase plan support Musi nave microcomputer sowy good commum cat*on and organizational sk lls San •ng pay $*> $*> 50-hour Apply Ftoom ?5C Computing Canter ‘"“' ‘SUMMF‘rTnoToVE fTYET• Due to the heavy summer tra'S. p« \g eipersanced St M.r> l odgo A itoson >s accepting applications kv additional «jaH Join the team -a:t*j tops " p'OvxJ (>g "•« best o' Wt»Vu' hosprta 'y 10 Glacier Pan vtsflors Openu^gs include Ba? Restaur an'. and Me hen stalls :«i us people Gas hays tk>„MiMwti ny. Office. and »,Ai if -arc* Per so i» Witte or <• S: MtVy lodge A Urn irt. St Mary 11 230 HOUSES FOR RENT GREAT 01 AL * ) »* anipu- • • Odrm ii#. » ;>«* '«d •■»t*i <*w ' «•'• 3 Path rooms. ^ targe sitU'-ef' N«#»ty remodeled •• bedroom. 2 bam yan) garden * 'e p.a- *• r-.urt $ ,‘Smo it yard . « monthly Clean mg mi o' a ncjfy c o,,pa*, s'v«vo No'' «. -no* y ir» 4<*65 t Ama/on 68 ' HU ' U OF O ?040 t morale, studio cor ago *ch 1 $386 . . - * '• *" SPYGLASS ASSOC tATI S886-1130 1140 PATTERSON t it'emery spacious 4* bedroom house •i.ii apMi i« o’ August 2 'u ba" s ? replace forma dm»ng ivea base men!. off Wreet parx -vj on’y J blocs s to U o' * V 30C l ease Jimrungt ♦ Co ?30 HOUSES FOR REM 1072 LINCOLN Huge bouse iiviiii«b*e now <* txjrms fut; basement. garage ^replace tots ol eiira storage Must se« $/95 Jennings ♦ Co 683-4218 5 bdrm, ? ba. 27th A University. W/D. gas h«ut $ 1150*no ♦ <^»P Avail now 344 2897 rove message ?3S APTSDUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 bdrm, 1 bk U ol O Reserving sum met school year or both Summer 'files f um . big Kitchen. DWflisp big ck&ets new car pet -1 motoum, lots ol parturtg laundry sundeck 683 0919 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS STUDENT PLAZA Wit 19»0 1 bedroom apt wtlh tataxlry Available now $295 summer 'ate Call 344 2682 1390 Mill St. N*rwty romodeted 2 bedroom apt just 5 blocks from U Ol O Reserved parking and balconies Summer rale $3/5 Ctt Oavto to view 485 6543 Jennings ♦ Co 683-421® !! CAMPUS !' trace Apartments 1005 Garden Avu 2 bedroom flats, $399 2 bedroom lownhouses, S425 suMMt m run s Grea: pn. es and much more l'AHMN( . PRIVATE PA IlOi> AND BAl CONIl S ON SIU I AUNDRY' Ask Gary tor mlormahan. 345 /?/5 Jennings ♦ Co 683-4218 C»h Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * WASMLR-DRYER HOOKUPS * COVERED PARKING * MTNtSSROOM * SUMMEHTIMt POOL * PA TIOS-BAI CONIE S p fl P KG POVt 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co ?35 APTS DUPLEXES 1608 W 8TH 1 txlrm unfum Private. l«f>ced yard, garage. al bus slop 6335 344 6689 1610 PEARL Great remortoied 1 bedroom a pari meni New appliance*, dining area, parking & laundry Only 4 bkx*8 10 U of O Summer rale ONI Y $305'" Jennings ♦ Co 683-4219 1 and 2 bedroom furnished apan menis available now 1250 Ferry Si 486 2823 1 1/2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studios. on-alt# laundry facilities f ?7Q/roonth 484-7393 Call Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 a COVERED PARKING a WASHER.DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KDCHENS a FITNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co GUESS WHO? Be the first person (attar 9am) to name this Mystery Celebrity" and win $5 in classified adverllsir>g' (Credit can be ueed anytime dur ing our summer pubhcairona'j —.- - TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That* Right! All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere M-F 11 a.m. 1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 4 f'V£. ' ' ,v9 . > r r r f mShutterbug EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT I • coin op 7am-II pm • drop offs 1430 Orchard Si. • dr> cleaning 345-6133