Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 30, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Educators to try to Seize the Day’
Conference to highlight innovators
By Dara yr Trappe
Emerald Av ouato Editor
\V I).11 ;iiI'--, ihe luluri- in>;•) i t
t )r>■)',!>M schools, and wr hat's ihi
(»<".! .way lo move forward
A three dav confluent i‘ at till'
I dn vrrMty, (alli'd Kdiuallon
2000 ■ Seize the Day.' featuring
mu !; i ' ik er s as state Rep
\ era hat/ and edui ala n supet
intendenl Norma J’aulus. will
prov tile a forum lor some povsl
tile answers
!'■ gin oil ;! rhursd . \ the I 'hi
\ersil\ will host its set Olid
l-.duf atuui 2000" cnnleieiice
with u lotus on innovations
and innovators in education
Last \ear most ol tin speak
ers we tin light Ionised on what
we re fat tug today what an
■ an e ,,| i In- t hiinges laV mg
plain. said Brooke Belctier.
i onlereni e director This year
w - w.inti d to look at tin peo
ple w h o a r e 111 eking l h e
t hangers'"
List year s event was a big
suet ess. Bell her said with r>20
people attending
This yeur, kev ed in at ion
speakers sin n as I'uulus and
kal/ tup all impressive list ol
educators politicians anti bust
ness executives who will give
The speakers oiler Ilium per
spectives. Belcher said, but
they all have one thing in com
mon "'They are people who
have visions
Also featured this year are )u
tilth Kam.ilev, president ol I’ort
land State 1'rmersilv and John
i'uvlor taitto. t't'll New York
state teat her ol the year (ditto,
win was also New York City
teat her ol I he \ ear in 1UH'I
lU'it) anil 1‘i'll. will talk about
the kinds ol shifts that need to
happen here. Belt her said
l-.d Wariiot k president ol ( .u
mulus Consulting Croup, will
speak ahoul how -dm at ion
will help prepare [n oplc lot
(!l! feren! w ut k s iI u .1!:. tit..
Belcher said
Jim lord, print ipul ol hu
gene's Shrliiotl High School
.will discuss "restructuring
schools, who's responsible for
change >uit! he will also spot
light SUCt esses." she said
There will he a lot of differ
on! views, Belcher said
We'll look al Ihe possibilities
and al wfial people are doing
now "
In addition to listening, those
attending will get several
chant es to participate During
Thursday anti Friday, lour
small group sessions will In
held. One will highlight sut
cessful innovative education 111
some Oregon st hools.
it's ,i chant e to go around
and see .1 lot of the different
changes that are happening
here m Oregon," Belcher said
I’artit ip.ints tan also join a<
lion groups, whit li w til meei .it
various tunes during the ton
ierrnce to integrate inlormalton
and plan implementation
Discussion and networking
groups, to talk over new inlor
imitrnn and meet other purtici
pants, will also he held
Kdtit at ion 2000" is t o sport
sored In the University's Col
lege of Education, Lane Com
munity College, Lane Educa
tion Service District and is ad
ministered bv the University's
('ontinuation (tenter
The cos! of the entire confer
eru e is so I lor slmfents SCSI
lor lat ult\ anti stall members ol
the University. LCC or Lane
LSD, and SI-10 lor the general
lit addition, pro- and post
i (inference workshops are
available al a cost ol SL’H For
additional information anti In
register, contact the Continua
tion ( enter, lfifc) Moss Si , al
(40 tr.:i7
\;. I’vt-n!* .i?t* I.' thr I'M:
Hior%dj> Aug 1
I If) The V-hwi /-mi. rn S. hool
leat hat The DnhuffijntfaUvn ■■f
\marunft (ihildfi'n.hy John l >> / r
Cattn. Ballroom
> mi ) 40 ,i•'-i « '»<> 4 »o M
Spuions I n t r o d ut t i on i
Information !*■’ (lassm ms into
A I ;u vf/ s.tv Kids \ V'
Sum mat Pt-ftti’: {o- K H>
< :.i? k A i • ;»•. .... n \- H o
fin mg. Mat ft ( !m\ / , i
at an .Kx am filar y St* "nda/y v h. >■'
in Oregon, Century Room H f JilHJil
Thinking ■ , Suit '\>|flm it'd
Knsouh a ! •' Hal pin# Ar A* i*i
Students ( <-'• .t y kcom P
C ill. 4 1. M N. r H ■
. ‘
H ;
i ounfy Maple Room
, 4Pinner break
’ 00 17*/on* /ntf Plans lot
Onion's hdurailion \unrui Paulas.
Friday, Aug *
m IS Anttounfiwrtwttiia. Hal! room
ft *«» Preparing People tor the
I fifth Pot formant a h ohiittly of the
fiiturv l <i VA,i• • . » Ballroom
<14. 10 2s and 10 (0 1 1 OS
Mini S« -ns S, nth Medford
liifth St hool Senior PtoftH l. ( juilufy
R .rn I) iftiwMiiw hsuhtrift and
I oattiirift at (herrwk"; i t >
( nllrftr Maple Re. r|H Satellite
lolot ommunn atoms L.du. ahonal
PtoftfAttnnihft <>.ii K m Mailt
A ft'- C.r >upi lift in J K ■ *> *.••
Century K<>..rn A Ran hmft Out
Collaborating with i immunity
hdut athmal tievoun.trs, Century
Room (
lo (H) i 1 OO Mini Srv. * s
Itu StJio tl Inftuftfinorit atnl
SutioK\ of Students it Risk (4?i1.if
K:-'.if!; H .Satutday A. aderny, Cod er
Hoorn A
II 1 **1 f*o - Bnef Ac tion Croup
Conrcx lions
12 00 A money's Oh one High
« . ' ■ Lo H \\ iftes A PI in ! >1
( 11 m pro ho n si v e Change i n
12 no A merit as (Ihon.v Htfth
Ski Is ■ i ->w IVage.v A Plan (■ 't
( o rtt p r o ho n si v o Change in
L.du< .its >n. Von Km'/
100 hoi.ui on PhtiH' Issues
Ama/nnuk Ohvella. Juvat.i Rus> h
i- 1 !.»• i Hall f
* a • .ini C <m arrant S«»s.m .n*
s% . I h /7; / <• -• issues spi-aki-f »
Cure vs ss 1 Ki K u v ., i it,Ll i ! .
(Oliveilaj. M<; n 1 in del Kuo in
Saturday. Aug I
ft 4'. AnnouiK **rnonu Ballroom
0 tKi Rrstrur luting Schools
Sfmthftht on Sun oss. Jim lord
10 IS A» lion Croup Report*.
11 iK) Utiitrod At lion lot Change
liBi K.. «;.•> lak.lift Stand
than go l he Power of Human spirit
M.irgariM (.rati o
Student I’urent Association
will hold ,i brown bug lunch
on the gr.is-, yard by the ! A1l
( IttId ( .ire ( enter Wnltiesil.n
■it 1 2 .10 |i til
( nw,lilted Sexual Behavior
Ta.sk I uk e meets today from
10 to u m to noon in Room
Hid Oregon Hull The film
.Someone f.'/ose to ) on will be
preview ed
Danilin p.u I . ;.d a him
from Poland, will In- shown a!
7 tonight in the Yamad.i l.an
guago ( enter. Koorn 1 IS I’arit
P.n ifit Party organizational
meeting today at I |> m in the
1. Ml B i) a r d K oo in (hill
t i t !>J t I for more informa
IM'ddliitr Inr subniillinf’ ij
a/s hi ihr Kmerald friinl i/esl
IMl Suitr 100 is mum thf
day holoro publication El uls
run tin■ il,i\ ul ihr ovont lill
Ii'.ss the rvrnt lllkos pliu.U bo
loro noon
Sotii os ol event* with .1 Jo
tuition or tillmi•.•.ion i barge
IV/// /lilf />(' ./( i rploil (aintpu*
rvrnt* .ind those schoduIrei
nearest tin- puhlii ation duto
will hr given priority Thr
l.mrnild msrrvr* thr light to
rdit not it Ci for grammar and
New and l sed ( 'aments
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