EDITORIAL MIA investigations should be reopened The president's national security adviser. Bienl Scowcroft. said Friday there is no "t redihle evident e" that any U S. servicemen are beinn lurid in Vietnam It is a bit ironic that Scowcroft should talk about credibility in relation to MIAs, because when it come to that issue, the Pentagon and the administration have absolutely none. Scowcroft and other defense department officials have been saying for years that there are no U S pris oners of war still taring held in Southeast Asia, vet the families of MIAs still refuse to believe them Ann now u grainy photograph allegedly depicting three l IS. service men in Southeast Asia has renewed speculation that US veterans may still he alive there There are main reasons to be skepli cal of thi' au thenticitv of the photo The most oh s ions bei ng that the photo room hi’ .1 pirn on the part of swindlers who seel to defraud desperate family members out of money in es 1 hnnge for informa tion about the miss ing soldiers Although Stow ( roll suvs there is no iit unlive tot the di fenst; department to There is still no credible evidence that would lead one to the kinds of conclusions that a number of people have come to.' Brent Scowcroft U S national security adviser him; tin possibility of I’OWs in .Southeast Asm Ih* ■ are some It would he incredibh i;mbiirra.ssing to have some of these men surt.u e after the Pentagon has been denying their existence for \ear'. There is no evidence that a i over-up has been hap pelting, but the possibility exists (,‘ombining that witn the amount of complaints put forth h\ MIA families, it is obvious that an impartial bodv. outside of tin i ur rent administration and the militarv needs, to reopen the issue for investigation. Hs letting a "non-official" bods see all the govern ment tloi umerits on MIAs. the government could onct .mil lor all close the door on the skepticism about a possible government cover-up. The current refusal to do tins only fuels the belie! that the government holding b.u k intoi mation Oregon Daily PO BO* )i»» tUCtNt OREGON 97103 fnw Owgon {>*uly [ * puttfisnad CJafy MtyiOay ffvouQl' f 'Oay duf«ng ’’«* • '•■*> yt*«. a/vi T /tustifty and Thur*day durtng tfni tumma* t>y fha Orapon Daily I mam*: Put) Co Inc al tha Unvanuty o< Oagon l .,y»»'«u Oayo< Phi { mwaitl opera* <*• ndoparxkini *y ot t^a Un-vu#n»y w th off «».#?. at SuH« V j o' 'n» t ft Mamo^ai Union and t* a mamt** of !'*» Aaaacutted Pr*»s Phi t ry>4»rn«J r* prrvftlo propady T fn* uramova o' mi of r% pro-a* Dy Wtw fcdRortn-Chiaf Hut^ Managing l dltor Pit Mrt.nct l dfloual E ditor (’rf Graphic* E ditor Jah Pas ay N««t t ditor ’ ' s Hu., Sport* Editor A&h4*y Co> k. r Night l drtor t>.t -t v'' Trapp* Aaaocuta t anon Student Govsrnmani Activities [>a ay T High#f [ dotation Administration Or** Bouno" Advarllainfl Gray Joan B'adfery K'*Jtw l oca*- i .sa Ng Anonm . Roy to Ety" ScftarwtMt Ti*r«Surrar S^sroo Va/ Clasatfiad P«ggy McG>nn Manager Ruamaaa Katny Carbone Si4>ervtsor DaraJyn Trappa Production Jim f Don Mu**. Jenn.tef Ihomaj. Mon Waifcar G«n«ral Marv*g*r Jucfy H«: N*w«room, Business Ottic* 346 5111 PrtxJuctton 346-434’ Production Mb rug* Ross Display Advertising 146 371? Claaatfiad Actvartiairvg 146 4343 /AETALIT/ Got you ) DOWN' w£LL Now 1 TH£R£'5 ^ FUN ' AND £A5/ WAY TO ^/W<£ EVERYTHING V HAPpy: EUPHBrAI6M5/ /MJ>T£AP Of. .. cl£*p. cur DL-atH Eco*JO/*iC PiSASrgR MURPtP. O^OffAu •vX'ARAMMG PtSTR-OyiNG fVfRyy^iMG CBn 50RSHJP fHE 61-00'**/ ( a c e of v>*t o*i \N A c fkU M M / fUPM^ W0& l.P L I E 5 1 /. ~T | /v\ b' £ R, H A R V £ *> T i CoUATtRAL L055 ft£C E SS 10nJ P£FfkD|M6 FREEPO^ - ,vsORf tf£AUT|Fler!l L EUR {.W. wt just DCVC10PED NUCLEAR WEAPONS'] ]