Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 25, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mufiique Gourmet
Catoftng to the
Discriminating Collector
CD s F ROM $r. 9r>
In the Flfthpearl Building
?<)(' f 'ilh Avenue
- Bivkenifock I
Step into ISirkenstoc k footwe.n .uni find .1
rem.ir kahle 1)1 end of c omfot t ,111cI st\ le in
color sth.it r,111 qe ftom basic to hr illi.mt
We c ,ir ry .ill ,iv .til.ible IS irke listen k si \ It s
Eugene • sth Street Public Market • 342 6107 • Daily 10 6
McGee wins hammer at festival
Berry spears third-place finish at World University Games
Two former Oregon track
stars won their respective
events .it the 1 S Olympic TVs
tiv.il this past weekend .it Drake
Stadium on the UCl A campus
ii a m tn e r t It r o w e r Scott
MoOee won his event and 1.1/
Wilson took the .1.000 meter tl
tic .is ihe (>Ivinpi( festival i on
i lodnd .it various sites through
out the l.os Angeles area
Mi (lee, the 1000 NCAA
c hamp and the NCAA runner
up tills past season, won the
hammer with a toss of 22S -t.
Ills sec ond iiest throw ever
Wilson, who used up her
track eligibility in 1000 and
c ompleted her final c ross c nun
try season this past fall, won
till- 1,00(1 meters in a time of
0 2 1 :»s
Two others with Oregon
track ties also competed at tile
(ilvmpic. festival
Hob (Tray, the NCAA runner
up in the 110 meter high hur
dlers this past season, finished
fifth in that event at the' Olym
pic: I'Tstival, c lot king 1 t 00
Kosie Williams, the school
record holder in the 100 and
200-meter dashes, ran on the
bron/.e medal, third place West
-lx 100 meter relay team that
doe ked -t(. 0 1 Williams c om
pleted her Oregon career at tin
NCAA meet
Several other University alb
letes also competed quite sue
S<oil Mc(>i>r
cessfully .it the festival in
sports other than track
Julie Cavanaugh, a first-team
all-American for the Oregon
softball team this past season,
was on the gold medal winning
West softball team, and Sarah
Johnston, an 18-year-old sopho
more at Oregon, was part of the
victorious North water polo
team that upset the' hast 1110
on Sunday
In basketball, Debbie
Spore ich and Sara Wilson,
freshmen at Oregon last season,
were on the bronze medal West
basketball team Jordy Lyden
v\us on the men's West hoop
Paula Berry
squad, but the West team fin
isltod fourth and did not tnedal
Meanwhile, at the World
University dames in Sheffield.
England, Ken Flax, the 10Ht>
hammer champ at Oregon, (test
ed the field with a toss of
Also at the World University
Cannes. Paula Berry, the 1091
NOAA javelin champ, captured
a bronze medal with a third
place finish
Berry was hat k in etghth
place lor most of the competi
tion but unleashed a throw of
101 -2 on her final toss to move
into third
Looking for a good deal?
Read section 130 in the classifieds
Join us tor an exciting ( onterenc e
foc used on building greater con
sensus about desired outc onus tor
ecluc ation and taking effective ac
tion tor our future. Anyone- involved
in or concerned about education
in ()ic-gon is invited. You c an make
a ditterenc c-.
• Networking, mini-sessions and
ac tion groups c reate a torum tor
ideas and solutions
• I’re- and post-conferenc e work
shops provide spec itic informa
tion and hands-on experienc e
• Up to two academic credits arc
available: Cl 408/508.
You'll hear educ ators, business
people and government
representatives who are taking
ac tion and making a difference:
Vera Katz, House Education
Committee; Ama/onasOlivella,
Executive Director tor the
Oregon Commission on Black
Affairs; Norma Paulus, State
Superintendent; Judith Ramaley,
President of Portland State
University; John Taylor Gatto,
NY State Teacher of the Year; Ed
Warnock, President of Cumu
Erb Memorial Union, University of Oregon
to register now, call the UO Continuation Center