ET ALS RFUCION The Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry office. 12M> Kincaid St., is now open Mon day through Friday afternoons for drop-ins and conversations Call ;i46-4f>94 for more Infor mation VOLUNTFFKS Coaches are needed for llie Lmerald KIDSPOKTS fall sot <:»*> flag and tackle ftxtlhall pro grams Practices Ix-gin Aug JO with games starting Sept 2\ Adults interested in c oat lung should call 6 B 3 - 2 3 7 3 or 74<>-0403 as soon as possible FILMS I)anton a film from Poland will he shown Tuesday at 7 pm in the Yamada Language Ccnlcr, Koom 1 1 r> I’ucifir. .is part of the Soviet and Last la. ropean Film Series The senes is sponsored h\ thi I'niversity Russian Department MISCELLANEOUS The Chronic Fatigue Syn drome support group will meet Sunday at 3:30 p m at the Em erald i’eoples Utility District building, 33733 Seavey Loop Kd This month's topic is Chi ni'si' medicine The guest speaker will lie acupunc turist Beverly lunger, L Ac For more information call f>ftf>-0310 A free Mn« orientation on advanced operations with tips and hints will lake place: to night from 7 to 9 In Koon 175, Computing Center Cannabis Info Day "The Economic Impacts" will take place Saturday from noon to ;t p m across from Saturday Mar ket at Hlh Avenue and Oak Street For more tnformatior Deadline tor submitting lit uls to the Emerald front desk. UMl Suit JOO. is noon the day before publication lit uls run the day of the event unless the event lakes place lye fort' noon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Summer Publication Schedule 6/1K. 20. 23. 27 7/2. 11. 16. IK. 23. 23. .30 K/l , 6, K, 1n*a*»s^g Day* & avar.'^A 144 '*41 1 (. onatdarmg ibofiwn? (■on**.'** .I'llKfVMivM BlHTl#TlGHT IriM* *** ground Wonj proca*%ng/f ut '-or»,./rn« S4KVK* ( O') l JMMK P' Of4 CAMPOS! "dTal^a "typist ui rrn IAGU EYE TYPING fDrTING By iiipty'OTM Ui wrUiK f*1> 0 dftMtflU ion MtxkwM W»M !utO' 4B4 7S9B FASTYPf WOHO PHOCF SSFNG *i pagoa m an rxxjt ProtatMonaJ adding proofnwid'ng M3 3/Sfl Printed text to computer files BBGEmnnB 7474500 31,’oi.o.iujw »j <• . TTiNf ««/ * (iliduAl Si KfNil \pjmi5(i| ^ * lh"Cii4i»i»n\ l HcmvI'*|hiy * HIM 1 ompatihlr I)i4 < iiflHi4wW~l h(ftE Uth ^INSTRUCTION_ FREE MAC ORIENTATION Thursday, July 25 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Room 175 Computing Center Advanced Macintosh Oper«t»ont with tip* and hint* no FOR SALE MISC C*»**n* player. $15 Coro-’.i PWI* $350 13 color TV $100 oOo l iMtvu me*"uyQtt «1 404 4053 f i * i c l*« equipment. tvh« phonos soAwa/ti ale, l»om $5 to $50 Can Indf*. 34? 4S44 K>a ne/ Bister B*s* Iricel cor>d $300 obo complete pamt gun **t i>p. JT facemaeli OulcA Chang* CO* Constant Air Apai paint gun f i cal cor>d $350 obo CaM Brian, 581 7 tflU anytme us CARS GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehicle* from $100 ford* Mercedes Cor v*tt*s Chavy* Surplus Buy*r* Cuida (1) 005 96? 8000 I it S 81 Schocco, i owner. 77.000 mwrs air. sunroof tloraO cassette «k orient shape $3300M'. oa.# oiler 14 *» 341 7 U Chavy Sprint, rad, 2-door. 5 apaad. great condition 50m pg $3500 CaM 740-1549 _ Murray mountain bfc* 19 , bka A yellow. berafy uaad 900 144? f lith #14 (by Agate)_ RALEIGH MSP MENS BIKE VERY TRAOfTIONAl LOOKING RIG GOOO WORKING COND $50 $42 3969 WOMEN'S 1 SP CRUISER STYLE BIKE HOMELY, BUT M VERY GOOO WORK MG OROER 950 342-3969 mCQMPUTERmECTOQaCS XT COMPUTER, 40MH 640K I LAM dot* $500 Nnhiki 15 *p mtn txka 6300 Chdtt 404 03tW lajgaam_ Bo rad with sum mar? Invent in a U# lima of mutuc. guitar Mry board. t>as& teutons John SharHey 344 44V 345 5312 Over 20 years teach-ny m penenoe all styles, a ages ?oo TRAVEL Traveling Soon? Apply for a credit card Ffy anywhere In the USA for 9189 teas CaM TODAY!' 485 6639 ?ii OPPORTUNITIES T he A SUO ft now laurg *tpp»*calians Hy the oompfroiar ponon JoO ck» script on A appeal km' Avk)>at>to if I MU Suite 4 T r» ASUO «t in A' AcJOvf qu«i Opportunity Employ*# Women People of Co»Of l •*£»«<•>«► A Gays Peopua e*p»f eor* r** evsary !>end lo HOC I '»h. fi3. 97401 I AHN MON I Y Heedng $30 OOOtyr ■'xoma poten»*i Detail* i) HO*) 96? HOOO I *: V 964? I AW ENFORCEMENT JOBS $• 7 Mi’ $M. 66? V Pi>« »* S' *• " State Patrol. Correr «*onei Of 1k.«x* Oa II »0S 96? 6000 I «1 K 964 ?_ mk.hoc.omput i R S4 HViCl S accepting Student applications lex tefl positions Consulting, ironing. services and purchase ptan support Mu*! hav« microcomputer savvy good com mum cation and orgam/awonai skiffs Start mg pay $*> $5 bOmour Appty ftoom ?S0 Computing Cantor SALES REPS Dynamic. recant college grad a*h Greek aft ilia non writing to travel to ma^or universities throughout tha U S to eervtce tratarnity. sororffy ac count a M*gh Incoma potential Sand ratuma to 303S? I aaaan In June lion City. OH 9 744* or call fe»A ?9*>? An OOI Classified Job description can fill any position' SUMMER'S NOT OVER YET! Due to the heavy summer traffic be tng experienced. St Mary lodge & Resort r» accepting appkcaPona kx additional staff Jon the leem rated top* in providing tha Deal of Western hotpMMty to Glacier Park visitor* Openings include Bar Restaurant and Kitchen staffs SaieapeopMi Cashiers Housekeeping Office ana Maintenance Per son nw Wftte or ca St Mary l (xyjv A Resort St Mary Ml MM 17 [406) 73? 4431_ ?*0 HOUSES FOR RENT 1 V7 BLOCKS FROM CAI#>US 3» bedrooms, on stie laundry taa'fty AH SO/month 4*4 7393 GREAT DEAL! 3 tuns to campus u bdrm newfy painted maida. new fkxxs 3 bathroom*. i targe Wchan $?t00 month 34S ?2SS 730 HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS l arg« 3 bedroom house 6550 343 90i i 1140 PATTERSON [ spacious 4* bedroom house AVi&iUttM in Of August 2 !uB bath* ' replace formal drvmg a'im base m«n|. oM strum parking only 3 block s !o U of O $i ?00 [ aasa required Janninga ♦ Co 643-4219 1022 llMCOi N M ge ’kx;*^ available nowr 4. Ddrm* hi tMMKT'ftnt grt'rtgu fireplace KX* O’ •»»:'« siorngu Must see' 6795 Jsnnmgi • Co 643-4219 73S APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 txJf m, 1 bk U Of O Reaerv ng sum mer'schoo* y »*»' cx born Summer •nfor maJ *or 34 *> 7? 75 Jennlnge ♦ Co 643-4219 CAMPUS a 779 C 16a French Quarter Very mce. spa oous ? bedroom flats a'xl town houses OrVy 6375 00*6395 00 Cat 464 5824 lor !>'*trso & Ohm Great Values call Janninga ♦ Co_643-42it 235 APTS DUPLEXES CHANTILLY APARTMENTS t247 V* 8th 12 Ottering some of the besi pncas in town' Units sian a! $265 Up to $$23 POOl PARKING l AUNDRY Call Nino 344 5583 J»nnmg> ♦ Co 683-4218 U OF O STUOtOS $250 361 17 t 14th $280 9 7® F arry l art* ONE BEOROOM $300 361 E 14th $275 ®57 HMyard FURNISHED $275 975 HUywd $400 963 Farry l an* FIreplace'hardwood floors $255 1360 Paflereon $255 1372 Pallereon $300 166$ Farry St J29OV1O0 1644 Kincaid FURNISHED TWO BEDROOMS $380 325/355 E 19th $350 361 E 14lh $450 534 l 14|h $330 534 17 E 14!h $320 1844 Kincaid F URNISHED Several ot ihe above unite have laundry and oH-etreet parking on tht prarrvaaa Call lor turlhar detail* Sorry. NO PETS Shown by apt* SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES686 1130 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMBISM 15lh A OLIVE Sludio $ lofia Newty r*fr>odo«d SUMMER RATES" from $295 00 484 5633 EUGENE MANOR FAgh ftse ;'V»ng w*h peaky ol charm ' bedroom from $395 484 7441 (Includes Utilities $ Cable) _Bennett Mgt Co_ Walk to campua Spacious light. i bdrm Balcony oh snoot parking. laun dry. $235 ♦ dep F’taai Estate North wuat. 343 4109 WaNi to campua Spacious light 1 bdrm Balcony oft street parking. Ukun dry $235 ♦ dap Raai Estate North wasI. 343-4109 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL 172 BLK TO CAMPUS' 3 bdrm. laundry, parking 715 E 16th (behind house) $360. summer rata Cali 343 6000 1390 ALDER ST 2 4 3 bdrm turmahed apt a Summer'schoo yr or both 1 ? b<* UO. * sunny balcony dishwasher disposal carpeted tnctude* parking water Summer rales Call 485 3091 ?35 APTS DUPLEXES Ig on« bdrm ap iNising Upscale student housing in cfud>r$ meals 143 1255_ UNIVERSITY MANOR SO 745 E 15th l ooMng to< a SummerT a)' rental dose to campus7 l oo* no more1 We have i 2. and 3 bedroom units at great prices ranging from *305 to *415* Caii 683 0 7?9 Jennings ♦ Co , 643-4219 Call Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw A Beautiful 1 A 2 BEDROOM FROM 1505 A COVERED PARKING * WASHER.ORYER HOOKUPS * EUROPEAN KRCHENS * FTTNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTEH 1811 Kmgalay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS A STEVENS Managamani Co TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere. M-F: 11 am. -1 p.m. s4.95 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 Ni" The 1991 LSAT Be Prepared. Kaplan Is. Kaplan s prep courses have helped more students than all others combined! Classes begin August 3 U of O student discounts c, 345-7496 JSTANLEY H. KAPLAN Iikr Kaplan Or like "lour Qums