Meat Puppets pull the right strings Mut Puppet FortsMsn Pisces -k.±.&'lz.._ In those days of com more i al ly oriented rock 'n' roll, it is rare for <1 band to stiiy together for long time without hitting large-scale commercial success Fortunately for-music fans, the Meal Puppets, three music ians who have been in the business sine e 1 have remained in tact and continue to reroute good music. l-'orhidiifn I’lm.i's. the hand's latest endeavor, murks the hand's first album release on .1 major record label It is also the lirst time the hand used a pro ducer to help create the fin ished product Whatever the Meat Puppets did this time, it worked The new album, released on London Records, is consistently good although it is not .is con sistent in style, making it hard to c ategorize "Sam,” the first song on the album is a real ear-catcher The vocal style used by lead singer (dirt Kirkwood is certainly unique and must tie heard to lie believed The recording's lourtli song, Open Wide has speed metal influences, while ■'That's How it Goes, ' has a country western tinge and some satirical lyric s about the thoughts of the everage-Ameri can Joe The album is a myriad ol dll ferent styles and concepts all brought together in a consistent way by the hand's years ol ex prrinnr e "That's How it Cors' is followed by a pop sounding, pleasingh melodic song titled "Whirlpool " The style of "Open Wide" Is progressive music reminiscent of work bv lane's Addiction In short, the Meat Puppets have produced a recording that has something lor everyone and will convert people who thought thev would never hs ten to music that doesn't lit ncatlv into a llillbtuird i atego rv If you have an open mind to music, give h'orbiddi'n /'/aces and the Meat Puppets a tr\ 7 Crash T«rt Dummiss rh# Ghosts That Haunt M# ★★★ What you s*iy about the ilrash Test Dummies, other than thus didn't spend enough time thinking; of u name for the blind' How about. "It's atiout time " l iie Dummies new recording. The (.'hosts That Hnunl Mr. is a unique work in an industry crowded with people following patterns set by other successful groups The Dummies have a style that is a cross of folk, progres sive, country and Lou Keed Lead singer tirad Roberts dis tinctivo baritone voice helps tear the Dummies sound out of the mainstream of iolk musii There are enough odd sound mg nils on the record to set it apart from the latest folk wannabes sm h as Natalie Met chan! and Ldie Urn ki ll How ever, the down-to-earth lyrics Kill Mju.irrly in linn vvilh tin' concerns nl mosl .mil new folk groups "Superman's Song." pushed ,is the record's first single. is .1 quirky song that grows on you .is you listen The subtle fight tlie good light message has been sorely lui king from most ol today's Reagan-Flush era mu siclans I he simple lyrics relied bai k to a time when some Amen cans could see past their own noses Superman never made any money savin' the world Irom Solomon Grundy Some times I despair that the world Will never see another man like him " The slow paced, non ballad style ol the sotlg prei ludes it Irom being a smash hit in the l tided Stales, hut it has re < eived limited air plav The record's only weakness is that it begins to grow tire so m e n ea r t he e n d I he strength oh the first hall ol the record begins to lade Hut the early, gritty, blue collar songs contained on the allium make it worth looking into There are no overt politic s on the album However, the down home, real-life aspects of the lyrics touch base with .1 reahtv that seems to have been left tie bind in the profit-driven cor ruption ol the Americ an dream Sometimes it is good to tom h base with reality The Crash Test Dummies will not sweep the country nr play any White House harhec ties, hut hopefully they will keep pushing forward and produce more of the same quality work By Pat Maiach [ morald Managing Editor RECORD RATINGS * ★ A- * * it II you hdv» to * At * * Quality mumic * A A Worth a M*t«n * * Frh»b«A material ♦ D«&troy dll copt«% KILLER Continued from Page 1 D.ihim'r was arrested lull* Monday after u man with handcuffs dangling from one wrist Haggl'd down polim and told then) he had been throat ened with a knife. Hr Ird the officers to Dahmer's apartment, which littered with skulls, torsos and othei body parts, police said. Three heads were in a re frigerator and a dresser was filled with pit lures ol bodies in various stages ol dismemberment, po litic said Medical Lxuminer Jeffrey Jent/.rn said authori ties had recovered five full skeletons Irom Dahmer's apartment and partial remains of six others "There were parts in various stages ol dr tiihointion," In’ said '111i' Milwaukee Sentinel, ipioting an unidenti linl source, reported Wednesday that D.ihmnr had confessed in 1 1 killing!, .mil m. know I edged ciinnihalisni l! also reported Ihi’ri’ mas be as many 18 viclinis (Ini’ victim lias been positively iiitinlilii’d through fingerprints as Oliver Lacey. i. who n centlv was staying in Milwaukee with Ins mother. Deputy Inspector Vun ent I’artipilo said Tlie victim s mother, Catherine Lacey, Cl. said her son moved to Milwaukee from Chicago about four months ago and last was seen hv a friend July 1 J as he left Ins job al an office cleaning com pany. Her son had planned to go to a Milwaukee shopping mall for ice cream, Mrs. Lacey said J ^Fai'S.ei *ce fl ^0 'o' / ' *'?, BtP' R\N"^ \,m»' < r :jr ■r*,f ^Shutterbug N•**t to Taylor s • ^42 FILM THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve go! your tan when you want it! SunShottcr on campus •K)U!'I' I') up p' ' | I (j.illun ..I i In j I [<(• t tj. If- tu - .md | I v.Mtnf purri|i | I s29" • * i 1 f; t * i • m 11 11 f r i •, i P n i ■ n l | \ [*. I lush I • s4999 ; ! 1 j 1 1 1200 rut ■ •'[ nw • ' - ■! 3999 ••• '•••'■< «» iv ■ ■■ 4.99 tV- •••'■ 4399 No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only I Just a short walk from Campus l 345-1593 » 185 E. 11th 3