Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 23, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Continued from Page 1
iirn also being highly
compotnd lor," he said
"Tho options wo have arc
very limltud Kight now,
wo are collaborating with
tho Kogistrar to find
rooms olsowhoro to fit
thoso classes,' Aikens
Kogistrar Horh (ihorer k
said it is loo soon to i om
moot on how tho classes
aro being rosi hodulod
"Wo aro still in tho pro
cess ol res< hedullng tho
i lassos and it is too soon
to toll whether wo may
have to cancel any of tho
(Ihoroi k added that the
Registrar's Office is trying
to solve the matter as offl
< lent I \ .is possible ami
will !r\ to avoid any ( lass
i am elialions
Classific ds
Early morning quake rattles Portland
earthquake shook people awake
in northwestern Oregon earls
Monday, hul caused no damage
or injuries. .1 geologist said
Tin 2 (M 1 m temblor mens
ure<i I r> on the Ki( liter sr ale,
s.iid (lari (iort of the University
of Washington (ieophvsir s ( rn
ter m Seattle It was i entered
about 12 miles northwest ol
downtown Portland
The quake was preceded by a
fornshcx k and followed hv five
Tom Itrnltain of southwest
Portland awoke when he heard
his house shaking
"It sounded like a huge gin
pounding to get inside," he
said The windows and tile
doors were shaking I veiled
Who is it' Then I realized it
was an earthquake
Portland polar e said the 01 1
dispatch renter received 100
tails short i\ after the quake
Dispatchers in Washington
( ountv were unsure how mam
cal Is t In’v had n-t el ved. bul
"graveyard shift said the board
was lit up like .1 Christmas
Ire' one of them said Mon
land.i Baldwin of San lose,
Calif an earthquake veteran,
was visiting friends in west
Portland near the quake s epi
The jolt woke me up. and I
said. Where am I? " Baldwin
recalled I'm not in ( alifornia.
I'm in Portland' It really sur
prised me
The Richter si ale is a mens
ure of ground motion as record
ed on seismographs liven in
i reuse of one number means .1
tenfold mi rease in magnitude
Thus a reading of 4 S reflects
an earthquake 10 times stronger
Ilian one of T S
An earthquake of I S call
1 ause slight damage in a local
A foreshock of about 2 1
magnitude was recorded at
10 23 p m Sunday Seismn
graphs rec orded five after
siioc ks Monday morning, the
first seven minutes after the
quake and the last one at o 34
a m All measured 2 3 or less
Gort said some small after
shocks were possible in the
next few days
Tom Worden, spokesman for
the State Emergency Manage
ment Agency, said the quake
was "actually quite a routine
earthquake of that size in the
Portland area
A 3 1-magnitude temblor was
fell in the Portland area on
March r> It was centered north
east ol Vancouver, Wash On
Aug 1. lOHO. a 3 7-magnitude
quake was centered about 12
miles east of Portland
Monday s earthquake' was
unrelated to a 0 O-magnitude
quake that struc k southern Ore
gon 10 days earlier, he said
1’he July 12 earthquake, cen
tered 70 miles off the Oregon
Coast, was felt as far north as
Kugone and as far south as Sac
ramento, Calif
"This quake seems to he as
sociated with a small fault
/.one I think they call it the
west Portland fault That's just
beginning to fie mapped out,"
Oort said " There have been
quite a few small quakes assoo.i
ated with that in the Portland
area over the year.
"Put the whole area is part of
a subduction zone where the
Juan de Fuca plate is pushed
under the American continen
tal plate It's from that
subduction that we have the
danger of really large quakes in
the area "
* */ fit”*^
The Saga Continues
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Roberts calls for session
Barbara Roberts says she wants
a spix ial session of tin- Oregon
Legislature in the spring to craft
a tax par kage lor referral to vot
Meanwhile, Roberts is skip
|>ing this week’s Western (iov
ernors' Association meeting,
the first since her elei lion last
Roberts spoke Sunday to the
Oregon School Bourds Associa
tion, where she said she wants
a statewide tax vote between
lime and September l<t')2
Roberts is gathering ideas
from state residents on how to
replace tax money taken by
Measure 5
Voters approved the property
tax limit List year It requires
state government to pick up an
increasing share of local si bool
Legislative action is impera
tive, Roller!s said
"A special session is the only
wa\ we can get it on the bal
lot," she said
Roberts has a committee re
viewing state government in an
attempt to convince voters that
government is as efficient .is it
can lx
Roberts previously said tile
Legislature should put .1 T> per
rent s.iles t,i\ on the ballot as
earlv as November
In Mari h, however, the gov
ernor said she did not think the
Legislature should trv to pass a
replacement tax for Measure 5
She felt voters might not at -
eept a now tax because of their
belief that government is ineffi
cient and lacks credibility
Roberts said it was important
that state voters approve new
taxes liefore I'ttLI-'iS, when the
state's share of local school
costs is expel ted to jump to
S 1 7 billion That w o u I d
amount to alxiut a third ol the
current budget
The Western governors are
meeting m Rapid City, S I)
Spokeswoman Sarah Carlin
Ames said Roberts skipped the
meeting in part because ol her
longstanding commitment to
address the school hoards'
Ames said Roberts also needs
to sign many of the bills passed
by the Legislature in its recoil t
l\ ended session
Ames said Roberts intends to
attend a national governors'
meeting next month in Seattle
Continued from Page 6
not so much iilxuit a loss of in
not once, lint what happens
when u i hild is never permitted
to grow up with innoc en< e
There are many messages in
tills movie Some .ire subtler
than others Some end up com
ing off preachy, but they are all
effectively delivered within the
context of the movie.
Besides tile primary moral of
tins film, which seems to iie
that young black men need
strong father figures, them is a
* i _ aQ “
A' ^ C
W ft ;f
. .. o
secondary one underlining ev
ery other message in the movie
liei ause tile black, communi
ty has iieen neglected and of
tentimes deserted by the white
dominated country, it is from
within that African-Americans
must turn if they are to survive
At one point in the film, fu
rious tells a crowd of young
men thut killing themselves us
they are doing is exactly what
white America wants. To save
themselves from destruction,
fie tells them, they must turn to
each other for support, because
they're not getting it from those
in positions of power in the
Doyx N ihr Hitod is brilliant
ly simple in its storytelling
technique while giving the au
dience enough complex issues
to think about and hopefully
take some real action. It's a
great interweaving of character
studies, slices of life, lively, up
beat youthful exuberance and a
rich, textured moral movie
with heartfelt messages.
By Lucas J Gutman
Emtxald Contnbutoi