23S APTS DUPLEXES WALKING 0(STANCE TO CAMPUS" 15th A OLIVE Studio 8 >ohs New»y ft*mode**) SUMMf R RATES" from $295 00 46* 563.1 EUGENE MANOR H*gh dm living with pmrty of charm 1 bedroom *rom $395 *64 T441 (Includes LAtMies & C-rtfue) Bennett Mqt Co______ Walk to campus Spacious light, 1 bdrm BflJCOny oft »!'«« parking laun dry $235 ♦ dap Reel t stele North west, 343 4tQ9_ 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL 1 ?BLK TO CAMPUS1 3 bdrm, laundry parking 715 f V6th ;behind house) $360 iMjmmw rat© Call 343 6000__ 1390 Mill St. Newly remodeled 2 bedroom apt just 5 blocks from U of O Reserved perking and balconies* Sommer rate A375 Cal' Davxl to view 485 654 3 Jsnntngs ♦ Co M3-42I9 1 and 2 badroom furnished apart moots available now 1250 Ferry St 485 2823_ 71,7 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studioa, on-aita laundry facilities >27Q/month 4IM 7303. 1 V, BLOCKS TO CAMPUS 1 & 2 bdrm. New paint/carpet. Off-street parking. Just came open, will go fast! Starting at $300 tor Fall. 345-2255. LUXURY 4 plks to campus 2 bdrm newly re model**! new carpet, new paint f ranch window*, new tile shower only 1 left' Call today. 345 2255 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS STUDENT PLAZA 94b E 1910 1 bedroom apt with laundry Available now $295 summer rate Call 344 268?_ _ HAYWARD HOUSE APTS 1?90 t 18th Incredible SUMMER RAH S on these 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, town house type apartments overlooking Hayward tietd Covered pa/K.-ty. ba conies, available furnished unturn shed Call Kasoy to view 343 390 ’ ONI Y $395 FIRTREE APARTMENTS 1149 FERRY C.'oat ? bedroom apartments «*» " new carpus dishwashers. and or* ,’m ,i ,'xlry Set -r'fy b ,t] • _j Ava abie furnisf'**! ‘ »r! a Susan to view 687 64.'.' SUMMI R RATES ONI Y $3/5 1340 MILL STREET Wonderful i and 2 bedroom apart ava. able soon V»v a»* *». ' q ,.«»! building Balconies < ov»»rod parking >UMMER RAH ONLY % ! «5$385 Jannutga ♦ Co_ M2l$ 235 APTSDUPLEXES Ideal for 3 uudiflf 1 badmom* a? $290 tor '•!!). nago*u»b«> Share iju floor of nous# %uom qut®* Clean 6a ,’ QWM 2134 Amount #3 6 Waekft fr-om campus__ Lg on# bdrm apt# 1 7 Nock from UO in vary ci##n ft quiet complet Big kitchen w center leland. separate vanity ft bath, 6 ft walk in ck>a#t. fuHy fum, fr#« covarad parking Tak ing reservation* for fall Call Larry at 484-4103 Naar campua' Greav. overwed 1 bdrm ♦ study Ideal for a coup*« l o® Other feature* n dud®, pool. tennis and 5«%s*etPi» courts. r«c room. playground ga rngea available and soma city vow-. Right past 251 h and Chamber* Ca 484 6553 RESERVING FOR FALL Large, quiet 1 & 2 bdrm (urn apts, 1 blk from cam pus 1442 E. 18, mgr #19 344-4760. SOUTHGATE APAHTMf NTS 2345 Pattaraon Largo, t pod room, appro* 900 aq ft t appliances. private pato pool sauna laundry taci titles Bus line near cam pus 345 44 71 UNIVERSITY MANOR SO 745 1 15th l ooKrng for a Sumw 1 all rentaJ close to campus"’ Look no more Wo have * ?, and 3 bedroom units at great pr <*#s ranging from $305 to $415' Caii 683 0729 Jennings ♦ Co , 683 4210 U OF O STUDIOS $250 $780 ONE BEDROOM $300 361 1 7 E 14th 070 f arry Lana 361 E 141h 057 Mifyard FURNISHED 075 Hityard 963 Farry L ana Firaplaca hardwood floor* 1360 Pat1ar*on 1372 Pattaraon 1668 f arry SI $275 $275 $400 j $255 | $255 | $300 I $790 $>00 1844 Kincaid FURNISHED I WO Bf DROOMS ($380 325/355 E ' $350 361 i 14 tn $45C 534 I 14!h $330 534 1 !7 E I4|h $320 i 844 hr-, an smalt complex av.ti Ab«e "'O'* Private bath* private ofng erafor. on * S4M9 Prrvata anfranca to these 'eUrtWied quads $i‘J9 summer 'Mu Available **• in 1 $195 PER MONTH! Cl DARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17lh * AIL UTILITIES PAIO * Call Paul at 144 9790 Jannings ♦ Co 6614719 ?4S ROOMS 1 a/ge oom# share kitchen G-iose !o am pus $715. firs’ «sr.t ♦ deposit I* aundry mcfiAled Available 'hj* 344 0624___ ROOM ABOVE EXCELSIOR i block to campus I emaies cv > Shared k hen and bath $200 mo summer Cast 344 Tfid? COOPERATIVE LIVING Single and double rooms availabta tor summer and 'a Cooperative nous.ug one D » k Iron- < a-npus St !«»•' »*%•>»■: >»rxi -;j*#r,i‘»*t Inerper Content d 'r''embersTup coord I orai Manor 661-4960 Janet Smith 661-17 7 J CampbeH Club 661-111? I ema.e appoints ospe* ;aity encouraged to ba rt"(n mtn-ro^ersfrip N 5 ROOMS Furn rm :n *xyn# it r\ • V/VVmo A amarv! «n i TV w frr\ I fljmOUpNKM 4H*> ti’4 * GREAT DEAL' 1 rv**. !0 campus Na*i p4M"' imi« «m floors. n«n» bathroom A «*-, 1*1 KX .» .n* A*}**! 3' tfh • US .VSS !ix1*ty ;ss ROOMMATES WANTED f ng mi| . Jr, f . 4?, non •moiiir, faw pat a (not dog*) naada pi To I»va by tap rsf* Kathy 34 V 5*00. M94M1 lamala room mat a k> ahara fxalortc Waataida waima laundry, yard, bualtna Avail Aug 1 |??0 • 1 3 util Non smoking, no pata 344 00 ’1 3 nonsmoking roommataa naadad to ahara 4 badroom housa ? Mock a from campus Avsrl near and.or Sapt through school yaar 1220 ♦ MO da poaN • utilitiaa Call Sara or Brian. Mf-ns* anyllma 28S ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT T AYl OR S PRC St NTS Opan rmxo Sign ijp ti! H 3io SERVICES Tamporary health nauianca a.a a.' o ,-V '»».! ..• d>‘«< aa!«r> 1 - • . *.\k • „ - \ ,;■/ V// v V vv I > WfcY/ ' • l W' .v J ▼ i -nr^e 'S y^PKONOMNC tABLt:; EuGfcWE El $#/+ THIS STKiP'S T'Tue A] llll IS PHONOUNC6P 7 I I <£> 7/2* AMP ►JoT Tone fOKuOT