BOYZ Continued from Page 3 vivo is ovidont In the opening, in 1‘»H4. wo sw Tro. .1 boy whoso parents are dlvort ed, hut (are deeply about him His mother, who believes Tre needs ,1 strong father figure to help guide him through the rough waters he will face, lets Ire live with his powerful and authoritarian fa ther. f urious Style's, played with great nobility hv Lurry fishburne I re s best friends are brothers Doughboy and Ricky Baker They come from an undisci plined and mostly uncaring family Ku kv is the ex< eption as he is all but worshiped by his mother Iks ause of his prowess on the football field, where he promises to is- a slar in college and, assumedly. tmvond The film continues when the Uiys are in their late teens Doughboy been to prison and would like to find a life for himself, but there seems to la- no way out He is played with great Intensity by rapper Ice Cube, who claims that when he read the script to the mov ie. he saw his life Ire has begun to move ahead of his child hood friends He has educated himself, and his father has made sure that he has not strayed from the path he feels will lead him out of South Central L A But lie is still rooted in the community and all his friends are still closest to him Cuba flooding )r plays Ire If you haven't seen lus fat e before, you stxm vs ill He makes a stunning and lasting impression He has the right amount of irinot ence when it is t ailed for and knows exactly when to tx' tough enough to carry a scene He can tell when to give a st eric lo another actor and t arries Ills own with rv ervone in the movie Among many things, this is a story about neighborhoods anti their influence in the growing up process C.ang violence, drugs and tile slrit l division til territory is a vital anti of tentimes deadly part of the neighhorhotxi It's Turn to BOYZ. Page 8 HENRY Continued from Page 3 human being Bill Nunn (Radio Kaheem from Do the Ki^ht 'lltinx) plays Bradley, the therapist who works with Henry Bar k at home, Sarah manages to keep up a front with her so i lely friends Henning does a fabulous job of making the character appear vulnerable, yet strong Her tailored appear ance gives the impression of a woman in charge, yet her fragil 11v shows through . When Henry arrives home, the changes in his personality become apparent When his daughter spills juice, she is quick to say "I'm sorry,” and cowers over in fear Henry re sponds with "That's okay I do that all the time,” and knocks his juit e over, too He no longer minds the dining room table and hugs the doorman In a corned ic sequence, similar to those from Kainmun, Henry leaves the apartment and walks around the street, wreaking havoc by visiting an adult mm ie theater and walking into heavy traffic Overall, Ford's acting is con sistenlly strong Because the strip! drew heavily from Kainmun, it v\as difficult not to compare his performance with Dustin Huffman's, but Ford made the transition from a hard edged lawver to a lovable family man wonderfully Abram's script, however, does not warrant an honorable men tion Ihcause he draws from too many over-used plots without adding enough ingenuity to make it refreshing By Christina Komeshian Emerald Contribute! Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Summer I’uhliculkin ,S< hrtlule 6/1 X, 20. 25. 27 7/2. 9. 11. 16, IX. 2 V 25. M) __ 8/1,6,8,19 To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 IQS PERSONALS Planned Parenthood has a p*egru*rx y !*ack (on Hrtyard) C«)i 663 6305. leave n\*nsi*Q*» II s TYPING SERVICES DIAL A-TYPIST f.83.7/77 _ I AGL I I YI T YPtNG-t OfTING Hy *%'!«/ PhD disson.i •hH' S’ W: :. *•>/ 464 ,’V.IH r AST YPt WORD PROC I SSING 6 page* ai an hour ProtosSKWiJ r«1! rig proofreading 683 3/66 Paggy a Typing Service I ipenenond typtsl odenng wvx m on IBM computer system and taser printer Reasonable* rates CaH Peggy at 34? 4<»_ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and l asar Printer 485-3343 f otmerty kx^ited B'fOo ThoaPo HkJg ' - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCl SSING uv i u»a - +x*al s.i'U II « TM IBM M* «*«•* II ••-.. 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Rairol. Corridor** 08*oer» Cn • ) 80S 962 8000 l *! K 864? ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT t 1 7 BlCOCKS F ROM CAMPUS 3« bedroom s oo laundry fairly S«bC month 484 .*393__ GREAT DEAL' 3 b**s lo campus J1 bdrm n**w*y panted X lA f I 1 1 U ?35 APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 txJrm, 1 t>* U of O Rsterving sum year Of bOffi Summer -a:«»s f urn t)»Q Kitchen. DWtfcsp. tng t.oseis, ne*i carpeMmoieum. kXs of paring. laundry sundock 683 8919 Call Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 a COVERED PARKING * WASHER DMYtR HOOKUPS * I UROPE AN KTTCHE NS * FITNESS ROOM * CONVI Nil NT TO VAIL f Y RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Managamant Co GoodCenO Cali Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a COVERED PARKING a FITNESS ROOM a SUMMERTIME POOL a PATIOS BALCONIES p fl P KG POVf 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co 235 APTS DUPLEXES !! CAMPUS !! 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