Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 23, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Van Brocklin — fighter and lover
Bench, plaque mark spot where he met his wife in 1946
From the Sidelines
Most people art> either lovers or fighters Norm
Van Brocklin was both
The Dull liman was one of the greatest quarter
backs to ever plus and his fiery competitiveness
led both himself and his teams to greatness
Sportswriter Murray Oldermnn captured the
Van Brocklin temperament in a book on NFL
quarterbacks ' lie v\us Ted Williams in shoulder
pads .1 bit more approachable, not as prolane,
but just as truculent and equally the artist What
Williams was to hitting. Van Brocklin was to the
forw ard pass
Van Brocklin was also a romantic, marrying the
biology lab instructor he met as a student at the
University The Dutchman didn't know losing,
whether on or off the field That's how he got
(dona Schiewe to dale and later murrv him
Olderman also mentioned this in his book, de
bating whether one could be both a lighter and .1
"Van Brocklin is a paradox in many wavs,'
Olderman wrote "There's the calm, reflective
side His dedication affects the kids who play
for him. who know he's a hard man and lake his
comments, which 1 an sometimes !>e i ruel
Van BltH kiln's great feat in tile game of love is
even marked on i ampus A bench and plaque in
front of Deady Hall mark the spot where Van
Itrix klm met (lloria -15 years ago
The two met under a shady maple tree in front
of tile campus' oldest building I he memorial,
11 ud 11 a ted to tilor I a Seine we, ('lass of '4b, Norm
Van Brocklin. ( lass ol 4'l was dedicated earlier
this year by their 1 hlldren three ol their own
and three adopted from a friend who died in an
auto ac<ddenl
I lie plaque, in the concrete slab below the five
loot wooden bench, simply says it .ill It is here
wo unit nnd here wo will always bo
On campus, that memorial is seemingly the
only reminder (bat Brocklin passed 'through (ho
! adversity before liis greatness on Iho NI-'L grid
Maybe liecause Van Brocklin only played two
seasons at quarterback for the Ducks and left be
fore Ins senior season, lie is remembered more by
the NI-'L than the University Sure, many still con
sider him a legend, but when Bill Musgrave was
overhauling the passing record books last fall,
Musgrave was compared to all the great Oregon
quarterbacks of the pas! Bob Berry. George
Shaw, Dan bouts and Chris Miller except
Norm Van Brocklin
Perhaps the ties! tribute to Van Brocklin is the
bench and plaque honoring the special affair lie
and his wife enjoyed before he died in 1983 and
she in 1987. The marriage, the children and now
the tiench show a special side to the Dutchman,
one many didn't know existed We would much
rather rememlier the greatness of the quartcrbai k,
coach and husband than we would his orneri
The bench that remembers Van Brocklin and
bis wile's love is a part of history that we might
consider our own someday, just like they did
The hem h has romanticism apart from the
Dutchman and Gloria It is a beautiful, cozy,
shady getaway under tfi.it big tree where many
can rei line in its comfort away from the searing
summer sun.
It is a place where a lighter could easily become
a lover, too
Sports Action adds preseason games
SALKM (A1‘) 1‘rosoiison
games will lx1 included for the
jirst time when till* Orison
Lottery's Sports Action game
begins its third scuson at the
end ol the month, .1 lottery
news release said Monday
Sports Action is based on
the outcome of professional
football games More than
VI 25 million In prizes were
awarded through the game
last year
Due to new legislation, all
prix eeds this year will fund
athletics and academic sc hoi
arships «it Orison's public ml
leges find universities
Our pliiyers have told us
th.it they want Sports Action
proceeds to benefit Oregon's
colleges, so we're verv
pleased about (be change.
Lottery Director Jim l)avey
s.iul m the news release
Sales lor tile first two years
ol Sports Action were over
S!4 1 million, and we re pro
tecting record sales for this
year's game
Sports which produce no
revenue, such as gymnastics
and swimming, will gel 71)
percent of the money, with
the rest given to revenue pro
ducing sports, such as football
and basketball Womens
sports will get half the money
bach Wednesdav the lottery
issues an offit nil list of the
football games and the odds
for the week Players selet t
the number of events 3
through H, It), 12. or M
the\ w ish to play Players
must match all events select
ed to win
(excludiiiK pit's, supers and giants)
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