EDITORIAL Right-wing cronies deny ‘S’ word exists in u bold victory for ignorance, conservative groups throughout the country have applied enough pressure to force Health and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan to teinporarily block a survey of teenage sexu al behavior. After successfully blocking an adult sex survey for the past two years. Hep. William Dunnemeycr. R-Calif., and other conservative lawmakers, have now turned their puritanical efforts toward blocking a scientific survey intended to learn about teenagers. In a time when the; debate over abortion has again become an important national question, parties from ali sides of the political spectrum should be welcoming any information pertaining to teen sexuality However, in the true spirit of repression and igno rance. the members of the righteous right would rather deny the fact that teenagers have sex. In fact, they would like to pretend that teenagers know absolutely nothing about sex until "evil" leftist educators start telling them about it. or. even worse, ask the teenagers themselves what they already know about it. The five-year. S1H million survey, which was scheduled to be conducted .it the University of North Carolina, would question about 2-4.00(1 junior and sc nior high school students on teen sexual practices. The questions would be asked with full knowledge of all the participant's parents. The program was initiated to help the Public Health Service develop programs to combat teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted dis eases, among otfier issues. Critics of the survey say the program is a waste of government money and that the nature of the questions would promote an invasion of privacy. Gary L. Hauer, president of the Family Research Council, a right wing political lobbying group, told the Washington Post, " The questions are so explicit that it will be extremely offensive to the moral values of many young people." ()t course, because a survey like the one Hauer is Irving to block has never been conducted, no one can really be sure what the "moral values" of many young people are More likely, the people w hose moral values will be offended b\ the survey are sexually repressed parents of children who probably already know more about sex than their parents ever will. The survey would be a good scientific tool in help ing fight teen pregnancy and S I Ds a problem most conservatives want fought However, it it means actual ly looking the problem in the eye to see what they are up against, lobbyists on the far right would rather bury their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. Oregon Daily Emerald PO BOX )iS9 EUGENE. 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In the fields of Lapland there has been no sepa rate and spet ml human language but instead herding has produced a large, expressive Ian gunge, a language that cuts across the phantom wall of the Linneun species in a way that can he seen in anv bugene park to all but the most die hard t Cartesians ()l course, individual participants in the Lap land herding don't get the same significance out of the common signs A y isitur to (China who was issued token inscribed in (Chinese could exchange these tokens lor meals two tokens for a large meal, one lor a small meal, etc It could be argued that the visitor makes use of the signs hut does not understand the importance to the (Chinese ol the writing on the tokens Hut conversely, the (Chinese don't get the same meaning out ol the id eogrems as does the hungry visitor 1 suggested at the start that the humanist aporia ol language (adorned with analytic rigor and ( an ont/ed in cognitive linguistics, logic al semantic s, even the journalistic prose, prescriptions), be sides being meshed with heritage is politic ally savvy This opportunism goes beyond the inten lions or conspiracies of a few administrators Rea soning is probably never practiced from the disin terested sc holarstnp ol ac adenuc folklore It is no sec ret that the University conducts experimenta tion on live mammals other than sapiens. When Portuguese traders captured black na tives in the African jungle and forced them at gunpoint to carry their ivory booty on its journey to Lurope.it was convenient to view these blacks as less than human When a researcher elicits a sc ream from a research animal, it is soothing to consider that scream as a mec hanical response rather than a communication in genuine lan guage Liam Krllrn is a res/de/if ol i-.'ugene /' JUST A FIGURE \ OF SPKttUfePPy'' vr