I “27 years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 29u 202*) f ranklm Bivd Eugene Oregon 97403 Birkenstfock Summer Comfort ^rfrxc^v sic|) into biikcnstoc K footwear .iiul tinti .i remarkable blend ol c omfort and si \ le in < olors that i<11ui»■ from basic to brilliant We c a11 \ all available bit konst<>< k st\ It s B i r k i* n s I i) < k Eugene • 5th Street I ublic Market • )42 6107 ♦ Datly 1 t 8SSpi»»i— Stolz to run marathon at games University graduate student Hob Stol/., ,i former runner .it I'urdue University, will repre sent tin;. United Sliiles in the m.ir.ithun in the World Univer S||\ (,,mies m Sheffield, hng bind The gurries iiegin I rid.iy and run through next Thursday I he men's marathon will !» run Sunday St'olz was added to tin- I i S team at the end of the June and hopes the student games could lead him into tin Ol.vm pies in Han elona, Spain ' I WOU 111 love to (111 t he Olympics and this is just 11k. the Olympic (lames, so who knows ’ Stol/ said Stol/ has run only one mar athon this year setting a per sonal record of 2 hours. 2 1 minutes, live seconds at Co himhus. Ohio He just missed the Olympic Trials ipialifving lime of 2 2 0 00 i n t he last mile Despite running only one marathon this year. Stol/ led a marathon in Kuko|awa. Japan, last year for 2d miles only to "bomh at the end I he travel, heat and humid ity just finally took their toll ' he said Stol/, 20 pist made the i ut oil lor the student games as competitors must be in a col lege or university, hut not older than 27 years of age Stol/ graduated from Purdue with a degree in mathematics and is pursuing his MBA at ()r t-gon He ran both c ross i ountry and tr.uk lor the Boilermakers but newer really enjoyed a sue i i :-.s|ul season in either one lie never qualified for an Photo by Sean Poston University graduate student Bob Stolz will run the marathon at the World University Games Sunday \'( AA outdoor tr.uk meet Stol/ did Iiilli(ii'lr in the 19H7 NCAA i russ countr\ rnct-t. tin ishing in t trd pliir i' Unlike other events in tr.u k and field where qualifying lor the I! S te.im w.r. determined bv inilividtinl finishes .it The Athletics Congress nutionul championships, marathon par ticipants worn picked by past winning performances and meeting the necessary qualify mg time “I didn't even know if the\ knew about me. but I guess they kept my file on hand at TAC." Slot/ said Apple introduces the .Macintosh LC u.miN .1 dream then tin - new .tll<’ui.ihlr \l.u i::!. edr > v * >nu* (uk Ilk M.k! 1111 ‘''iI ! ( Is* !*K h i! 11 t •[» *i l i'Jikl v‘ M.i{ >uk!s I'i.i! t.i!; Jl'-plj t *n|\ hn «'|i »rv,il < mu i ilu M.u mtt Mi I ( i*\; .nus \* an p.ikiU1 K> J'mh< *i< ijs 11 ,lK< u ' n K" \\ III) .1 HIM I >p|i. >IU .UK! IK A\ . ;::d in; 111| Ulk'l llti'il is e.l'i U Hi iti ,iikl e.l>\ Ii ■ ::>.lstei \iu! it inil> i!;. ' ■( ,i\.tii.i!>k ,ip| nit .it;. !!’>; .i: x‘ u. k :: !:u \IMk\ u MiMsknl \\ ,1\ v - i Mk k' W HI U k'.il! k\! • Mk‘ j -h a\\ . \ t ki lr Well ( Hi \0iti \\.t\ U >ie.il:141!K'lll .ill pH- M,k till. 'V- It e\e: h1' \ > . 'I ..it : m.iiu n u it: 11 i \ u iiH ' ,i ttifleu ' :i ( i . :u ('.uk.'!'' t! H U'-'.ir.', Vppk s x : i e \\ i : t‘: x k \\; ':te! M.l. \|S | H )S ( Is J Ji , \ \; •; k | | ! I, .j i| 1\ .. ’ Like .11.»!'. 11 .nn I see u1 .ii it eiu-s , >i; p u-i ; pint:: \. ;.;s(|| |t s • v!U : ' .! :t ' .1 \|... :: : '• Microcomputer Support Lab 202 ( omputin^ C enter Monda\ - Frida\ 0am - 5pm 346-4402 1 ui«»% Worn Special pricing for eligible U of (> students, faculty and staff.