ET ALS The Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry office. 12 Kim aid St . is now open Mon duy through Friday afternoons for drop-ins and conversations ('.all :»4<>-4fid4 for morn infor mation The Cntholii Newman Ou ter, 1B50 Kmerald St , will sponsor Mass at r> p m on Sat urday and Sunday at ‘I and 11 ,i in .md 7 id p m Tin; S,n r.i men! of Kooonciliution Is ut •t id p in on Stiturd.iv or by up poinlinont I he Mon's Support C. rou |> mods on Thursday overlings at 7 lor more infor m.ition (iiIi i-i i 7d2 1 I he IK. will moot July 22 .it I id p in in the KMl Hourd Room Tho committee w ill discuss ind rnul business and hear a spec ial request from the Mediation Program The KMV Hoard of Direc tors will meet Monday, July -2 at noon in the 1-.MIJ Hoard Room For more in forma t i on c a 11 )•»(>• i 70S I he Friday c hildc are ACOA meeting, which formerly met at the Central Presbyterian Church, will now meet on Fri day at 7 p m at lho Newman Center, 1HM) Fmorald St I'me childcare ts provided for this 12-step meeting For more in formation call (>H3-l()fi5 The Pacific Party, campus chapter, will have its first orga nizational meeting today at •) pm in Century Room F All are welcome "I.ou Salome in Vienna: Her f riendship with Freud" is ihe title of ,i lecture to bo given hv Professor Karla Schultz tonight itt 7 in room IIS Pacific: hull I or more information call I4fi 4<)<>7 Kslhi'r »•«"» f < ' I ■ I" ••Ml*, < .1 t46 4 <4 Slop !fw fmfMlilOHn . w.f I MU iQS PERSONALS Unplanned pregnancy? BlMTM MIGHT a plnro to thing* iw fioaieone lo talk lo Porsonni. con*«li>r: ,i 6*7*651 Planned Parenthood ' ■ P.ip •. • na UKiton ti> •-•> A A uvn 144 tW ' 1 no LOST A FOUND f OUND . a s by ,.i • p ' » " .»-*» ;'»ry W ?•* A« !«• 1 6 * * IHM • • r n j • * t if - i - I *» k y ■ • ! * * I M Uffl> CAROL YN v.’BJUA f AST YPf WOMD PROCf SSING *> p«ige* m *m hour F’-oU»••*.«>/..i •»]<■!vy pruo’'t*c«]-‘>g tan 3 .*•>« P»ggy a Typing S#rvic» I * [** •«» • IK] of,i»' '3g mr . n or IRM compote' - ystom h r) i-w Cell Peggy at 347-4B6B TYPING UNLIMITED Harbdia l am] l «»•( Printer 4H*> j W I I Of’ t*f fy * .!'.*«} !’ (m!u -fi> VJ - 344-4510 QUALITY WORD PROCESSING i W- L • 4 u >*{ II mtoah Operation* with lip* arxj hint* i;s INSTRUCTION FREE MAC ORIENTATION Tuesday, July 23 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Room 185 Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations lor beginners WATERCOLOR workshop starts soon Mondays & Wednesdays July 22 • August 7 2-5 p m Roglster Now at the EMU Cralt Center. 346-4361 Class Starts Monday! no FOR SALE MISC ~ ■jana/ tlla/ar Bata I ic«l cond $300 obo compiata pair* gun tat 14) JT fac am ask Quick C hang* CO'Cort»Unl An A^>ai pa ml gun f « cal cond $3S0 obo Call Brian, 68/ 718ft anylima Mutt tali' Smith Corona DaitywtrTiaal Mam or y Corract tyjia writai Maka offar 48V8S83 Oak antarlammant .. rm m« , .. • a«. Mm «' SCt NIC MIGHTS, 3 ;**>;•*» V."-» An* ’- jt M.t * -n.< 1 way airtma tickat lor tala t ugana to Wathtngton, D C on July ?? S t SO nag Call 683 0897 £>.»,; • - II lypuwnU*' I' - $«* A 14 ,i ’h'9 us CARS GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vah.clat from $100 Tordt Marcadat Cor vattat Chavya Surpiut Buyers Guide O) 80S 96? 8000 I *l S 964? 1981 Ma/da b?6 4 0 ;*•«*' AM I M «. .. hkm • " -• V’ Jv »*ur .i .114 . 88 I ord I * .1 A < • «% Ii’ CU XJ US * • V ns BICYCLES Graat lor l am put’ til Ml UllT I i . ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING 155BCYO-ES Murray min txka. 19 bn** A bfl'iPy %{Ki John. 144? { 1ffih. • 1 4 (by Again) 1? !{>Md &“■*». 19 1*4*) UMC (-1 corrpai* Lx •'!*.' •’(Q iinpiA No p'OVkOuf. exp**f. if •>«* ary Send resume io 800 f i«h. #13. 97401 f AMN MONEY fWar) 'ig bOO*v V «. JCXVyr 'ixom« pour *iat [>«iit ••■> ’ tv96? 80CX) i rt Y l*-4.' LAW f Nf ORC I Mf NT JOBS 5* ' ‘>4. VIM 68? yr PoUxi S’ *•’ '.ii» Pa!n> Corrtxixwxi: Ofliaem ,n ' tv •• 96? HUi • 1*1 K 964? SALES REPS Dynamic, recent college grad with Greek affiliation willing to travel to ma|0 r unrvereities throughout the U S to eervice fraternity, aoronty ac counts High income potantial Send reeume to 30352 l aaaen In. Junc tion City OR 9744*. or tall 6AH 2952 SUMMI H S NOT OVf M YLT' | t • it lo Ifni ***a»> tra'f. !hi . utpu'ii Mary lodge & ! Hnson s ftixopi .ng appfications kx i .axt'ixjnft Jaff Jcv !'hi teem ratod : - p . .nj.ivc, i*i® boat o' West®” I ;!y fO Giftow' Park Vt&ftCXV >po i nLii*Jo Bit' Hesiauttnl, t'x! KfV ' »V Vlrt*h. .‘.rmpeoLW C.r-’o'*. ng Office, and i ‘At «« a (i IVw n W' Im ot ca . Mary lodge A Retort Si Mary M ! • ■ M * ■ A t ■ t? 44 r j 230 HOUSES FOR RENT SOUTH WIllAMt 111! Very , 3 budroorr 4 hat*' house ■ groat ce ".i ik .f .«• IL.go mti*.!o? bedroom. » tkpplKVx tad yam -I'O p'Ovd4*1 .’•♦**4 W 1 ' ft'Mt %■ ■ Jennings ♦ Co 683-421S U OF O .*040 f moraid. studio cottage kx 1 S:*«5 ”> ■ :*»’*. by appt SPYGl ASS ASSOCIATE S 686 1130 CIOSI TO CAMPUS ’ **s h(f rm 4 FO<"' :«*'*• Wl' V8S0 *950 mo 4ft4 *393 ?30 HOUSES FOR RENT NE AR CAMPUS l arge 3 Dod'oom f>oo?ui $526 343 9011 ?35 APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET ? txJrm, 1 DM (J Of O Rowv ng sum *'W*sctxx>< year ck Doth Summer rale* F um Drg Kilcher. DWAJtsp. Dig closets new carpet/linoieum, tots of parking. laundry sundeck 683 8919 *! CAMPUS '! M^irac* Apartments 1805 Garden Ave 2 bedroom flats, $399 2 bedroom townhouses, $425 SUMMl R RATES Gt*uV. paces and much more' PARKING. PRIVATI PATIOS AND BAl CONIf S. ON SIU l AUNDRY Ask Gary kv information 346 7275 J«nmng» ♦ Co 683 4719 CAMPUS A 779 E 16th 2 bdrm turn lownhouse Parking l aurxJry Summer V300'mo Drive Dy and cal: 345-8643 CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124 7 W 8th I? Ottering some o* Ihe Dost prices in Units stan at $265 Up to $426 IKXX PARKING LAUNDRY Can Nino 344 5583 J»nning« « Co663-4218 Charming, older, very spa. newly decorated. 2* or 3. Pdrms m 4 piex I *i'H a'ge room fireplace Day * mdow. porch ofl street parking *a ■ so campus $490 . oop Ron f state North west 343-4109 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Grcyttone Townhootet Ni<*< i» o'S 2 bedroom apts Only $375 00 'eguidf fule Ca Tun, 689 8*6/ 457 W 8lh A »• rm»« Spa. bedroom naif. ur —a- I ugorw >**.a !ton Only $3 76 00- reg> -a- ntte ( .i 68 * 42^9 to v«»* ! he f ranch Quarter Very »» spa c*o -s 2 Ded'oom *.ats and a '•o ses Oily $3'* , $396 >0 i t. 464 6824 for T A Ot tier (t'eat Va ***v Jerwinoa ♦ Co 683 12111 MHRTMENT Ml NTING? let ou* Cl«»tifiedry Security building Avail abio Iurnished'unfurnish4>d Cali Susan to v»ow 68 / 6472 SUMMf R HATES ONLY $375 1340 MILL STREET Wondorlul 1 and 2 bedroom apart menjs available soon Very wen kept, quiet building Balconies, cover**.: parking SUMMF M HAH ONLY $335,'$385 Janning* ♦ Co663-421 § HU COt l1 GIAN • ir A«:„' * .* leasing Upscale student housing in ; >d MQ m»a:s 343 1255_ UNIVLRSITY MANOR SO 745 f 15th 1 oofcmg for a Summer f all rental close to campus7 look no more We have i 2 arid 3 bedroom units al great prices ranging from $305 to $4 i 5 Ca.. 683 0729 Jtnniogt ♦ Co, 663-4219 U OF O STUDIOS $250 361 1/2 E 14lh $280 9 79 Farry l ane ONE BEDROOM $300 361 E. 14th 12/5 957 Mifyard FURNISHED $275 975 Hityard $400 963 Farry Lane F iraplaca fiardwood floor* 1 360 Patterson 1 372 Patter*on 1668 Farry St 1844 Kincaid FUR 1250 $255 $300 $290 $300 NISME D TWO BEDROOMS $380 $350 $350 $330 $32< 32V355 E U> 361 l 14th 534 f 14th 534 1 7 t 14th 1844 knead F URNISF* t) $330 1948 Harm St Savaral of tha abova unit* hav* laundry and off street parking on tha premise* Call for further da taila Sorry, NO PETS Shown by appt SPYGEASS ASSOCIATES686 1130 TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pi//a This Side Of Anywhere. M-F 11 am. -1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 BIKE TIRE SALE! City, Mountain and Kuad BUY 1 TIRE GET 2ND* AT >/2 PRICE •must Ih- of t valut* or levs WHAT A DEAL! ! xpircs 7 .1| 0| REPAIRS A CYCLES Mon-Fri !()-<> • Sal 10-5 8 1544) Willamette • 6H7-02K8 j