idJiliiiJI Aikman back slinging for Dallas From stall and win; reports AUSTIN, Texas Troy Aikman keeps the souvenirs of his December operation in a jar Thev are honei hips, a do/, en of them, that a surgeon re moved from his right elbow The surgeon also fixed Aik man's separated right shoe! der after taking out the bonechips during the off-sea son operation Two months later, the Del las (lowboys quarterback was throwing again Aikman competed with those, chips in his right elbow last year in the (lowboys' 7->) season Me suffered the sup aruted shoulder against the Philadelphia Magics in Dallas' next to last game of the sea I son Dallas lost that game and the final one to Atlanta when Aikman couldn't play, fin ishing one game out ol the playoffs. The Cowboys traded Steve Walsh to New Orleans earlier in the season and were forced to finish out the season with Ni l, journeyman Babe haul enberg at quarterback In the off-season, Dallas sought insurance lor Aikman when it drafted Oregon's Bill Musgrave in the fourth round of the NM'L dr.ift Musgrave signed a two-year, S425.000 contract Monday and is com peting with l.aulenherg and another Nl-'l. veteran. (Hit! Stoudt, for one of two jobs be hind Aikman Aikman believes his arm is stronger than ever alter the I surgery 'The arm hurt and 1 probe bly couldn't throw the ball as deep as I wanted," he said Now, my arm feels better than it has since I first went to UCLA It feels great I'm ready to go." Indeed, Aikman has had a velocity on his passes during training camp at St Edward's University that (lowboys Ians have yet to witness in a logo lar season game "He'll be able to get the ball deeper this year,” said Dallas coach Jimmy Johnson "Troy never complained and com peted well with the pain, but I think we'll see the real Troy 1 pi I Alter oil-season arm and shoulder surgery. Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman feols his arm is stronger now than while he was at UCLA Aikman Hus year. " Besides Ills physic iil im provement, Aikman's mentiil game should hie helped, Ion There was nn secret that Allan.m and David Simla, the ( owbovs offensive coordina tor. weren't always on the same page Iasi year Simla resigned when he found another job in the NFL and Johnson hired Norval Turner, a former assistant coach at Oregon, who put in the passing game for the Los Angeles Rams and Jim liver ell I think Turner will help our offense tremendously." Aikman said "I like Ins phi losophy." Wide receiver Michael Irvin said there should he a marked improvement in Aikman In cause of the new offense "Troy is comfortable out there again." he said "A (|U.irlerback has to he comfort able to pliiv Tht» (lowboys could use Mime ollenswe help I'hey were 27th m the Nl-I. I,ist m toll! olfensr and goth m scoring, putting .ulded pressure on the (lowboys do tense We ll use quick, drops .mil p.iss to .ire,is.” s.uil lurrier who is shortening Aikman's ; drophack steps I'mv has j been tremendous to work with und i ,night onto the new system iptli k IV Turner learned Ills otfense under Hams offensive loordi nator Krme /.ampese In ttie last two years under Turner, the Kants had a 1,000 yard rusher and a l.000 yard pass er The short drop passing game will lessen the pressure on Aikman, who must make quit k reads and get rid ol the hall His renewed arm strength should help When only the best will do. Quality, professional service and repair. Approved AulO «•<>•" 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 485-8226 Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMEO CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD's f ROM S'. 95 TAPLS P ROM $2 95 In the Fifthpearl Building 343-9000 llh . >i in 1 \ I \ x Ml Ml I * > )■> l 'I ill \\ M \i HIM S Willi SU M Ml \ ii >i o t. mii- m i l i swim. m ns I I s Ml MO 1 II \\ ]l " I SOI K I l I’ll \l I \l \I'IU >S| \| II vUOUIII I III l II \M .1 : • [ t Jth ! ucjrno 342 1 ?2 7 •) M M.i 'i .pnngfiHti '41 2224 SUMMER DRIVING ] CAR SERVICE SPECIALS Call us TODAY! Great prices on the services you need! Tirestone AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER • l ' r. 1 • • • tJ: t ■ rV‘/v nl • r f ' * * ■ s16" MAINTENANCE TUNE UPS 5 4 Q 9 9 “T 4 , ,i jv, 99 $M 99 AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE SERVICE $29" Evacuation and Recharge 49 39 RADIATOR SERVICE Mush till •• .i'M up h. (j.illon of . "o I, if it In 'W“ I hulls In 'S.'S m< ■vali'i psinp 29 9 9 ' h.'iMK I Tie ill! Powi’i I lush s49" -1 triumph 1200 f Compare our LOWEST rmit KMt* 1 S.*/99 J nw •J ji r\ 49 99 49 99 No Appointment Nocostary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus , 345-1593 » 185 E. 11th j Recycle This Paper