BMBM PMUdri S ' ~ ORIENTAL BUKKKT I\\cr\da\ low prices M I h 10: AO 7 • I r i HI: Ml h S;il I I: Ml 4: Ml 1275 Aider 6XJ-8XK6 Drinks! 881 East 1318 Avenue Ne«t to me UO Bookstore Open Mon f n 7 30 6 Sat 6 6 Sun 8 3 484 6443 Cottee • Espresso SancJwcnes • Etc Engine Service 1000 S Hnrtelsen Hd 18 t ugonr OR 97*0? uni' Hlor.k North ol W It Ih Imt PljJh Specializing in Volkswagen Service For S3 i ears 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts Daytime TV the target of ‘Soapdish’ ir ir 'h Soapcftih Playing at Movias 12 at lha Gaiaway Mail Ralad R Sz s° When II mines In making jokes .ilxiut television prop.mis. one tV|X' seems to get .ill the ridicule Is Mldll 'Ihe -tm• is ripe for parody After all. it's rife with overblown jilols, unbelievable ( harai teri/a lions arid hilariously fortxtl diu logue that never seems to lie spo ken in rreil life Well, sii,\ps are a lopir worthy of parody Hut .Soa/N/rsh relies h*> imidi on the (ai t what it is doing is guamnlrvd to get laughs instead ol working to get some that won't Ik1 obvious It's lunny. but not as much as it i oulil have Ixwnt with a little more effort Sallv field plays Celeste, the lute 11\ . sell obsessed star ol the show who has a closet full ol Daytime fanmvs She is a hit as lar as she and tile Ians ol the show are concerned As lot the ri-st ol the cast, they despise her f.s|wr sally hateful ol the aging prima donna, is the vumpish Montana Moondieail. played In Cathy Moriartv. who wants to usurp Celeste as the i|ueen ol the SOQpS Montana's scheme revolves around seducing the libido driven producer of the appro priatoly title soap, Thti Sun Also Sets, to turn Celeste into a hateful ( it.irat ter on the show Keeping Celeste's material faithful to what brought her fame ill the first place is her lost friend, confidante and heed writ er lor the show, Rose Schwartz, played with thankful reserve by Whoopi C.oldberg It is she who his>ps the flighty actress from go mg off the deep end and Ixiosts her ego Brought in with the expressed intent to contuse things is Kevin Kline as a has ben .ic tor who used to lie on the show and .1 lor mer lover ol (leloste He’s now re duced to playing Willy Loman in a dinner theater to a bunch of geriatrics I heir interest in the' show each night varies directly with the quality ol night's roast beef. Kline is absolutely hilarious with his fed up altitude at the hand he1 has been dealt in his career If the plot I have described sounds overly confusing, that's U cause It s supposed to lie The film Is structured like a soap and has contusion piled on confusion and held together with a bunch of running around and sc ream mg Hut the plot is secondary to the over-abundant throwaway gags I'.verx scene ol the soap opera ei ther has a choesv fake ocean, complete with little waves incos santly t trash inf; to the imitation turl or svelte topless men with nothing better to do than stand around guarding doorways or equally inconsequential women characters with nothing ixitter to do than to heave their consider able ixisoms There are some nice gags, such as the director of daytime pro grainming who tells his under lings the two words he likes to hear peppy and cheap Or the writing on lilt* soap scraping the ixittom of the screenwriting liar rrl with lines like Maggie (Ce leste's character) pleading in a jail i ell. "Yes' I'm guilty! (hiiltv ill love in the first degree!" Screenwriters Robert Harling, who wrote Stool Magnolias. and Andrew Bergman (The Freshman), do a good job of creating distinct characters-and giving almost all of them funny material What works most lor this film is how much fun all the actors seem to lx- having and how they manage to draw the audience in with that positive energy. Il may not tx‘ as smart or self-effacing as it would have the audience lx lieve. hut it does supply quite a few laughs, which is all we might want anvwav By Lucas J Gutman Emerald Ccrtntxitor SOMETHING EXTRA SALE! SAVE AN ADDITIONAL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF ALREADY-REDUCED SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS! SAVINGS OF 47% TO 54% NO ADJUSTMENTS ON PRIOR PURCHASES EXCLUDES TRANSITIONAL FASHIONS HappyiTiails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one used ie< i'id 11 tape of equal or lesser value) LIMIT OF ONE PER DAY1 ^.50 OFF ANY CD! expires 7 11'91 ’. a y mg basnelban looibaii and baseball cards NEW LOCATION 365 E. 13th 485-5351 C Ds • Tapes • LPs • Posters • Stickers ■ COUPON Summer Special Oregon West -FITNESS 3-Month Membership ...$99.00 2 months.$69.00 1 month.$39.00 no initiation fee full use of facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 1 1 pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Ftanklin Blvd Across liom Campus J