Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 18, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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Judge blows horn on
unconstitutional fines
Lane County District Judge Bryan Hodges made a
wise decision in his courtroom on Tuesday Hodges
ruled that motorists had the right to honk their horns
in support or opposition to the Persian Cult War while
driving past demonstrators gathered downtown.
The judge determiner] that, under the i irr mil
stances, the otherwise illegal horn honking was an es
pre.ssion of political opinion, therefore making it pm
teeter] free speech under first Amendment
That’s one blow strut k for freedom and one strut k
solidly against censorship in the name of maintaining
the peace
Tin.' whole
hullaballoo start
ed when demon
strators. both for
and against the
war, gathered
downtown at <iit\
Hall and the fed
... not the greatest form
of speech ever, but the
beeps, toots and honks
did contain political
rr.ti nuiiciirig. miiiii |i.isscrsm in amomomies i nos.- io
show support for eithei side In honking their 1 ■ >: houis
not the greatest form of spinel) i-vtir, but tin- beeps
toots .uni honks did contain politic al ( xpres aon
However, the Kugenu Police Depai tcut lid :m!
Imd the horn honking to be a positive poldn .il 111■.< ,
sum of our country's current c risis \o. the officers ol
1*1 PI) decided the debaters on wheels needed to It.
hushed before any sort of riot ensued. Rather than opt
ii»foi their usual "shoot tear gas first and
lions later routine, the h.I’D officers handed oat In k.'s
to drivers they determined were using auto horns lot
anythi up, other than a warning.
Most of the fit) plus motorists . ted to; tin h. nun
i rime either pleaded f;uil!\ and pot SI 1 lines 01 didn't
show uf) at all and forfeited the* S ;bad So . mis
two horn offenders appealed the case to the state !> s
trie! liuuit.
Luckily lor the defendants, the judge m tins ease
was wise enough to see what the police officers and
polic \ makers could not: There are mam ways to make
sure a healed situation does not become too hot Show
mg a large contingent ol officers is probable the best
wav And the I.I’D has shown it has a fine talent lor tes
mg its i hemic al arsenal for dispersing crowds Howev
er. in this country, prohibiting people from expressing
their political beliefs is not an option
It the police wanted to get to the root i ause of the
hot-tempered crowds that gathered downtown, thee
should have ignored the horn blowers, and gone !>>
Washington 1> (,. to ticket Cieorge Hush for blowing too
much hot air
() report Daily
Iho Orogon Daily f marald •% puMahad da.-*y Monday througf> f du'-ng «ho • t>oo<
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Former student reflects on prof
By Ailyson I Bamcklow
When 1 heard of Professor Emmanuel Ha
t/antonis' dealh, 1 struggled with the pain
and confusion that 1 am sure 1 shared with
thousands of students, colleagues and friends
who felt Ins influent e at the University and in the
1 can't imagine friendly Mail without him. Il
look a few minutes for the news to sink 111 when I
read it in the O/ego/i/an. and I didn't cry until I
thought about his office lining assigned to some
one else For some reason the thought of 224
f riendly being stripped of Ins charm ter, the
books, pictures, maps, memorabilia, student pro
jects and other items collected over more than 20
years of distinguished servil e here and abroad,
made the tragedy leap into reality for me
He was my friend and mentor lor 11 years, and
1 grew io consider his office a place where I was
assured of a friendly greeting and a sympathetic
rei option to am problem 1 was having
I lirsl met him when I was an undergraduate
1 can still see fits smile as he shook mv hand
that dav \H lirsl iin|iressu>n of him was that he
was warm and kind, anil I witnessed more and
more ol those ijualllles over the next 1 1 years
He was never aloof or indifferent to ills stir
denis Class time with him was always stimul.it
mg. as he seemed to enjoy convoying Ins knowl
edge to a new group of students
I was a French major originally and I divided
to studs Italian, in part because my friend Helana
was taking Italian and hart such good tilings to
say about her leather, Mauri/io Viano, who was
one ol those students whom Haly.antonis met in
ltuly ,,n(i then exhorted to come to the University
as graduate tear hing fellows I der hired myself a
Komance Languages major when I started mv
graduate study 1 studied second year Italian with
Haly.antonis as well as Italian Poetry and film l
also took the legendary Dante class lor a year
I left the University for three years anti when I
wrote him and asked him to recommend me for
re-admittance, he sent me a letter saving he was
filled with joy at the news that I was coming
har k, and he couldn't be happier to write me a
I went to Fram e for a year after that to teach
English Prolessor Hat/antoms urged me to com
plete the Perugia program the following summer
since i was already in Europe. I wrote and told
him I wasn't sure I could afford it He sent me all
the materials lor application and assured me that
he would find something lor me to do He called
later and told me 1 would he his co-administrator,
I went to France for a year after that to teach
English Professor Hatzantonis urged me to com
plete the Perugia program the following summer
since I was already in Europe. I wrote and told
him 1 wasn't sure I could afford it He sent me all
the materials lor application and assured me that
tie would find something for me to do He called
later and told me I would tie his co administrator,
and I would have a scholarship of $300.
I helped him out witli meetings and administra
tive details, and when we had excursions I went
along and did a few tilings to keep the brood in
line He did all the real work of grading and deal
ing with the University himself, so I was able to
tie a regular student with the rest of the "Gruppo
I liked the way he had a solid grasp of what
would tie re,illy important to us in Italy Every
where we went tie had a literary reference tor,
and some cultural information to pass on. such as
a personal anecdote or a song to teach us He en
couraged us to go out and do some living in
Perugia He didn't expect us to to tie entombed in
a library for the summer
When I came hack to the states, tie said the Uni
versity was able to offer me a joti as an Italian in
structor All through the year my classroom was
down the hall from his office and tie would drop
in while I was teaching Sometimes tie would
sneak up behind me while admonishing my stu
dents not to give him away
The last time I talked to him, by which time 1
tiad said goodbye to him as my colleague at the
University, I was harassing him as usual for a rec
ommendation He told me, "Pi voglio un mondn
di bene ” 1 have a problem translating that, not
just because it is an idiomatic expression in Ital
ian, meaning to have a world of fondness for
someone, but also the way it reveals the unique
depth of his commitment to his friends. 1 haven't
found many people who would care for and take
care of as many people as ini did 1 have a world
of gratitude for his generosity, and a couple of
continents worth of things I wish I had been able
to say to him before tie moved on
Allyson I Durrii klow is a resident of Salem
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