Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 16, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Musgrave signs with Cowboys
Mill Mti.sgravt;
Former Oregon quarterbai k
Dill Miisgrave has signed .1 iwo
ve.ir contract with the Dallas
Cowboys Contract terms were
not disclosed except for the
pact V length.
Musgruve's agent. Leigh
Steinberg, actually negotiated
the pact that Miisgrave signed
Sunday Dallas' training camp
opened Monday at which time
Miisgrave was expei ted to meet
with Cowboy personnel to go
over the final details
Miisgrave and two other vet
eran quarterbacks, Clift Stoudt
and babe Laufenberg, are com
peting (or two back-up spots to
two year starter Trov Aikman
Dallas made Musgra-ve - the
106th player chosen in this
vnar’s draft, [ticking him in tin
fourth round
1 he only other Oregon plaver
drafted, wide receiver Tony
Hargain. was an eighth round
[m k of the San Francisco -piers,
hut ma \ not part it ipate in
training t amp
The -Piers reportedly are con
sidering placing Hargain on the
physically unable-toper form
list so that he can have more
time to rehabilitate his knee, in
)u red in the Dm ks' second
game of last season
Oregon represented at Olympic Festival
Several past and present Uni
varsity athletes are in tile Los
Angles area this week, compel
ing m tiie 1‘Jttl i'S Olympic
(Competition in lit different
sports began last Saturday and
will run through Friday Ath
lutes at the Olympic Festival
represent one of four /.ones
West. Fast. North and South
.il llii! giimes
Most of thi! Oregon contin
gent is represented in truck
when' Boh Cray. Scott McCee.
Kim Hyatt. Liz Wilson and Ros
in Williams arc all competing
for the West team
Cray will run in the 110-me
ter hurdles later this week
w hile Mi Cee will he in the
hammer; Hvatt will In' throw
wo"1 '•»
*A" X
mg the javelin. Wilson will run
lilt; 3.(MU) meters and Williams
will be in the 100.
Three current Oregon basket
bull players are also at the
Olympic Festival with Jordv
Lvden on the men's West team
and Debbie Sporrioh and Sara
Wilson on the women’s West
team All three were starters as
freshmen for their teams this
[last season
Two other University ath
letes. Sarah Johnston and Julie
Cavanaugh, ere also at the
games. Johnston in water polo
and Cavanaugh, an all-Ameri
can, in softball
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