TERMINATOR Continued from Page 4 quite1 an acting jot) Hi' lias an awesome physical presence and is in m> much control of it that ho can manipulate his power to fit each scene per foctly Newcomer Kdward furlong, who was discov ered Lana Turner style at a Los Angeles Ilov.s Club, makes a promising debut He is a de< ent ac tor who retains his stn'et smarts and doesn't seem to have the pretension that many child actors have You might he able to tell he hasn't had any acting experience, hut in this picture, if works tor him. The character of Sarah Connor, played again h\ Linda Hamilton, has gone a little nuts since the lirst movie But then, so would most people she knows that tile fate of the world rests on tin health and leadership abilities of her son. She has been placed in a mental hospital where she is res cued by the T-8CH) and John She wants to lie in r barge She's not a slight and cute innocent character anymore She's like another terminator along I. r the ride She has a physicality that she didn't have in the first movie and is a formidable oppo rient for her enemies by herself Although some people mm he fooled Into thinking this is merely a well staged i haso movie, it's really more than that It has a message of non violent e throughout Sarah has vivid dreams of the nuclear holocaust, which are graphu ally and fearfully portrayed on the m reen That, coupled with Schwarzenegger's charai ter being sworn not to kill anyone makes fur a satisfying, non pre.a hv message which makes its point, but doesn't dwell on it Hut tills is still an ac turn movie, and a< lion it delivers Whether it's the opening three vehicle chase through the i anals of l.os \nge|es or the de struction' of a large office fiuthling, the action Starts up and never slows down I'hnse involved yy ith the making of this him claimed that e.u h a. turn si mi' was going to he as big as the finale id Du' ll.irtl I'hey were right ■The plot and morality of the movie are bonuses to the non stop ai lion that most fans yy ill go lot li you care nothing about story or s huracter devel opment-. you may not-believe yyh.it you see Alter wards, you'll have the same leeling m your, leet as when after you get oft a roller a .sister This . tie ultimate in action By Lucas Gutman £ fTK*faki CvmtT>hutof "Music in Vienna at the* Turn of t hr (Tnturv" is the title ill ii lecture to be given by Prof. I’eter Bergquist tonight at 7 in Room 115 Pacific Cnwanted Sexual Behavior I'ask force* meets tociav from 10:30 a m. to noon in Room 300 (Jregon Hall Free Mac intu.sh orientation will be offered today from 2 to 4 p m in Room 105 C.omput ing Center Basic operations lor beginners will lie covered lh'tullinr for submitting lit .its to thr l.mcnihi front tlrsk. I \ tt Sui.tr UtlO. is not >11 thr ifiy lirforr piiblii iition lit tils run thi' tiny of thr ryrnt tin It's.s thr ryi'iit t.ikrs phil r hr forv noon Vi ‘til rs ot rit'/its with ,i tin tuition or admission < hurpr will not hr .n i rpit'll Campus ryrnts .mil thosr srhnlulnl nr.irrst I hr puhlit ul ion ilutr w ill hr font'll priority Recycle This Paper BMddd PMLfM [,..j OK1KM AL HI I I I I 1 \cr\da\ low |)i urs M I h 10: HI "’•In 10:30 (. s.i! 11:30 4:30 1275 Alder 6XJ-8XS6 / 1 Engine Service 1000 S Berlelsen Rd »8 fugt nr OH 97402 One Block North ot IN ItthNolanlnd Pl.i/j Specializing m Volkswagen Service For 3S veers 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts FRAMCE PHOTO New and used cameras photo supplies DISCOUNT PRICJES AGFA • PHOTOGRAPHERS^ORMOi ARY KODAK • NBCON * PENTAX* I33d,rVv i Itahiette Buy — Sell — Trade CORRECTION In the I*i-Iv ** i'iiituin nt tin kiiirrulil.H was reported that .in ASI () appointment < pmmit tec reviewed iippludtiuns and interviewed applicants for the vucant sent un the 1 nt ident.d fee (omrnittee However, ap plieant.s wore not interviewed The Enu'r,iki regrets the error I) KI \ KI \ <. \\l) I)KI\ I\(i ( w KILL \ I KIKNDSIIIP AOAfltVO* TXt.n »A T JC lt*«MAr i.) - tM I K;Uf AlMAII U V A4»V. A*N *4 •■ft.-'Att 4i< S»» < lA'rf % »t'A | U Tm#** ■-m Aj« CONOmpNgt* WNOS Thi 7 It ) |V„ “A WITTY. IPSCAl l R( )MP ' jwh lk>«* mr 4 *-w f ram tw Jm1ur o4 [«• , utf*\ I DM*.* t*~ ta, R ' * 4ft L -1 I "***★ ' LITERATE, , EMOTIONALLY ! COMPLEX AND PROBING AN ELOQUENT STATEMENT " ijH.riim.tii: uwi.iH.it vt: uqr’i.i.Tr S/'!> ‘ • 4 JOOlfc fOSHH _T r Ilie 5ilBncB dI Ihe lamfjs » y i ' of futwiHi *r. 11 CHECK OUT CLUB WASH! LAUNDRY WITH FUN! lilt. -H K! I \ I \ Mi -!, I < > I " t 'I i 1 i W M \t HIM s Ul ! 11 \( > U \ l I \ II 'I 11 t. \MI - Hill 1 \ VMM; Ill I w I I '■ Mi HU I 11 \\ II "I U 'I It I 'l I’lt \ 1 l \l \ I Hti >M \ 1 I I s \\ (IK I 11 IHt ill \\( ,| * 95 i nth Eug^nt* 542 1.W ■ ' Mi- . 1 Ml 2 2.M I ooKinq lot ,i qond il< .il ' ’ Kr.id the Ort-qon D.nlv I inn .ltd ( l.issilieds Faces of the Bookstore ARNOLD EMERY POSITION: Warehouse Supervisor. GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: 23 years invested in my country as a sailor In the U.S. Navy Subman ne Service. HOBBIES: Working on my pond, fishing, listening to classical music. MOST ADMIRED PERSON: JFK QUOTE: Shoot lor the moon — If you miss at least you are among the stars FAVORITE JUNK FOOD: Dark Chocolate BOOKS READ: Anything about WWtl FAMILY: Best tnend and spouse of 31 years. Bev; Grandaughters Amber and Kim LATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Helping Amber through multipli cation and division PERSONAL SKETCH: Devoted and loyal to my family Very shy 1