EDITORIAL Money for workers needs to continue In the continuing episode of his timber plan tight with Oregon Rep l.es AuCioin. Sen. Hob Pack wood an nounced some good news: The U.S Department of I .a bor has released St 4 million to assist Oregon limb's workers who have lost their jobs Timber workers and their dependents have wanted to hear this news for some time now Puck wood : legislator who would like Oregon timber workeis in i . lieve he is the only lawmaker on their side tumped right on the chance to be the messenger. The Id onotnii Dislocation and Workers Adji. merit Assistance Act grant will provide ir>() uiv with career counseling, job search assistance ni i t ion. job trai ning and other support Par ksvotwi lob I t > Associated Press Although Si ■! million seems like .1 lot ol n or.' ; ' the average worker, it won’t go far in headsng off troubled times lor the industry The ! •<) rl oc an 1 workers who will be helped with this mom \ art a e live handful when compared with the overall v op' Oregon's timber industry woes Some estimate !h.,1 tens of thousands of workers will in aflected hs in. sores caused in part bs the olrl gmsv th/spotli d m controvetsy. The SI 4 million is .1 generous step 01 the 1 g! 1 rb reclion, but it is only a first step A tomptelin. . plan for saving old growth, and being sensi! vr in e liles of timbei workers needs to be found AuCoin and Pack wood. who w dl !«• compet Pack wood's senate seat in Ih'.IT have ollered live plans for teaching some kind ol balanci h hoped that the two men will not let their politic,! bilious get in the was ol hammering nut a plan " will benefit as mans people, birds and trees .. pi bit: Walls come down at fair Fugene is thought of hv many people in the stale a tht: sleepy litlli' college town in tin; Willamette Valles lingerie's just another typical American town with suit hull tournament*, summer concerts in the park, corner in; cream shops and Fourth of July parades. However, as most anyone who has lived hen' knows, this small college town gets its lair share tit people whose lift;.styles and attitudes fork oft from the mainstream The Oregon Country Fair, winch takes place just west of town in Veneta. is a good example if you didn't get a chance to see this year s fair, you missed a lesson in freedom and openness, but there's always next year. Daily PO BOX 3'S9 tUCCNf OHlCON *7403 The Ortgon Deify t ^aW t» put#t*hed da»fy fc&xxlay through f relay during the *cfxx> ywv a/xl T ueedey end ThunuJey dunng the summer by the Oegor D*0y f me aid Pubitshing Co lr>c at the llntvervfy (V Oregon, t ugene Oregon The f rnereaj operate* r xJeperxleni fy o» the Urwenfcfly with ofttcee. at Soft# 100 O’ the T rb MemoriftJ Union end ►* a member of the AeeocuMed T*»eai. The l meraid i* private properly The unlawful removal or um of paper* « p/oeetutettfe by tew t d ft or-in-Chief Christopher Bie*r Oregon Marvagtng f dHoi P«f M»U%ch tdMorMl ( dftof Pal Graphics t duo/ J*ft P«u«y Now* t cjnof Cf*n» Bounort Sports [ drtor AV'wy ConkJm Nig ht Editor Daafyn T'appu Aaaoctata I dflor* Studar* (iovarnmant Activities Da/afyn T'appa Higher Education Admimetration Chr* Community Rod Wan) Adverltemg t*nUmm Cray Ma/wv*» Juan B.sJoy KirsJan L lk.h* l *»a Ng ArxUtm Cat*y Royto l ryn Scfwwelt Sorrafl Sfwor Vo.* CUi»Mi*d Paggy McGinn Hubh>#m Kathy C*'txvH» Sopt*vw«v Damlyn Trapp® Production J^m f ;r>ch Don fToit Jaruvtsr Thomas Ho’ Wa *u»' Ganaral Mauagar Judy Kant Ntwtroom. Bufirwn Offica Production .146 S511 ^46-4181 Production M*n*g*r M ,' Advvnittng CUnHitd Advertising 346 371? 346-4 34 3 I jUCTware it vacn aaesee r*t»e iaprs :u I i * mnnr? n JjJ Spanning the globe to bring you ... THE FINE PRINT BY AP WIRE One advantage to Ixbng hooked up to the Asso i iuled I’ri-ss wire service is the amount and varie lv ol timeiv stories a person is given the opportu nits to read i he following are some ol the strung esl, funniest and hardest to believe stories that have grai ed our monitors You’re never too young LICK INC, Mo (AP) He's 91 years old His son is 2 Those numbers would he surprising to most people, hut not Jimmie Jones, a great-great grand father. who's proud of his latest offspring, Roger 1 wasn't shot Led." said Jones, who lives in the rural community of Licking, about 120 miles southwest of St Louis "I knew I was one hell of a man " Sandy Jones, 42. his wife, agrees "I did, kx>," she said "When the doctor told us I was pregnant, we didn't know whether to fur tickled pink or shocked pink Jimmie Jones, who's first wife died in 1975, has 17 grand) hildren, 20 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild He was born in Osceola, Ark . and criafits his longevity and virility to a diet of home-grown, homecooked food espe cially wild "poke leaf” salads Ball wasn’t clear enough INDLTLNDLNCK, Mo (AP) One tiling that didn't show up clearly in tire i rvstal hall at a psy i hit fair was a raid. Police arrested seven people Saturday for alleg edly violating a city ordinance that prohibits any one from profiting commercially from palm and card readings or other methods of predicting the future "We consider these readings a fraud," said po le e Sgl Dave Smith "If they tan tell the future, how come they didn't know we were i timing?" Something smelly’s goin’ on WASHINGTON (AP) Nearly two tons of ele pliant manure was stolen from Kingling Pros ' and Biirnum and Hailey Circus Police blamed it on April l-’ooi's duv. but the circus wasn't laugh ing ‘Higher’ education I'KOY. Mich (AIM A high school student who allegedly told friends she drugged her hug lish teai.her has been ordered to stand trial on a poisoning charge Linda Marie C.onflitti. 17, could face up to live years in prison for allegedly dropping the halluci nogenic LSD into teacher Robert Heffernan's cof fee Dec. 7 Heffemun said he started hallucinating and felt nauseated shortly after the third hour of class He went to rest in the teacher's lounge and luter be came terrified when family snapshots at his desk triggered hallucinations Heffornan, who has not returned to school since the incident, said that when he went to a hospital for treatment, ho confused the emergency room doctor for the character Spock on the TV se ries Start Trrk because his ears looked distorted Made vacation plans yet? MOSCOW (AP) Ukrainian officials have a new idea for tourists bored with the same dumb lap, lap, lap of wavelets on a Caribbean shore: a visit to the contamination zone around the Cher nobyl nuclear plant. According to Sunday's Komsomolskaya Pravdu newspaper, trips for foreign and Soviet tourists will liegin and end with Geiger counter tests to check the visitors' exposure to radiation If treat inent at a radiological medical center is needed, it will be provided "at no extra charge,” the news paper said. Rose City is just beefy PORTLAND (AP) — Portland residents love y egetable beef soup That's the conclusion ol the Campbell's Soup Co . which says residents of Oregon's largest city eat more Campbell's vegetable beef soup per cap ita than any other city in the United States Seattle residents consumed more cream ol mushroom soup than residents of any other city AT P AHN / PA«MT - 0 T aTH o=T Alt ON*'* <^\&a.K'o •...(•;« ••>’< v. - : rKTW Control ml* .TUt CoN$t>"..\7lVE$ SAY S:X V,'H:S WE kaN3 out \V; R£ Hi kj We'Ll Lost tSO£RA\.PUNDi% if •W Tl\t X WoM). W£ CAN HcWt\£R SAY: ‘-♦f '—: