Ore von Daily o TUESDAY. JULY 16,1991 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 8 Painting away Jenny Slack, o junior art major, takes advantage of last iveek's nice Heather to work on a painting outside Fenton Hall. Photo by Jett Paslay State keeping funds despite controversy By Dan Fisler Emerald Contributor The Oregon Stale System of Higher Education is keeping u SI million emiowment from the Sasakawn Peace Foundation despite controversy surround mg its founder's reputation When the state system at cepted the endowment from the Japanese foundation in Man h. questions arose about receiving money from the foundation ns tablished by Kyoto hi Sasakawa, a former war-crimes suspect with reputed Conner turns to or ganized crime However, those questions so far have only come from news paper quotes implying some thing, said (ireg Parker, the state system communications director There seems to be some sug gestion that because of (Sasakawa's) polite s, the mon t>\ is suspm t.’ !’ark<• r suit! Because of Ifm budget con straints, were going to in- tak mg moiii'v from any legitimate soon f Sasakawa spent thrri' years in prison as a war crimes sus par t altar World War II Alliad authoritlas ralaasad linn 111 1, the property tax limiting niensure approved by Oregon voters in November Business major Omit Lee I an said tbi’ impending tuition In creese is compelling birr lo rush through her degree require ments. whir h means attending summer session A non resident student from Malaysia. I an said that another reason for enrolling in summer school is to lake advantage ot paying resident fees a benefit offered to non resident students in the summer "Summer term is probably the most cost saving term for us non-residents as we have only to pay resident lees. Tan said "To most of us. tills is ,m enor turn to SUMMER Pago 3 INDEX He’s back Tarmlnator 2: I ii turn I Uuy more than lives up to the first in stallmen! The combination of s< tence tuition, in.lion ami outstanding special effet ts, in addition to a powerful message, make for