Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 11, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    2 MEDIUM
"till I • < ¥ H* * "■ ■ •
2-16 ox. son DRINKS
( /Hf) 11IH f nKPfKS
M)/// «%* 1' tfVtSi I 0 H * A I t/1 tA t ■
2-32 oi. SOFT DRINKS
( m it 4 f'tf ( / • >Kl */ Ai’N >
1930 Franklin
J'' Caesars
Little Caesars v:' Pizza! Pizza!
Offer valid for .1 limited tin • .inly .it participating st< f*
' ( 1 udes »• • t».i ho.-* . N< »’.
Continued from Page 5
using a mom simple m iunlifit instrument an
outstretched Slinky Hitting one end of the toy
sends u fust wave rebounding bank and forth
along the spring, the equivalent of a p-wave
Shaking it slowly produces the equivalent of a
slower-moving swave Hitting and shaking the
spring at the same time roughly represents the en
ergy of an earthquake
In real life, Humphreys said, the faint p wave
lilt Oregon moving about eight kilometers a set
ond, the S wave signifuantlv slower
Information from the seismometer is recorded
and displayed on a computer by its up down,
north south, and east-west motion
No important research will he done with the
data from the June 28 quake. Humphreys said
adding that he will probably us< it m tie volt a
lines and earthquakes i lass he w ill teach fall
Hut if the data from an Oregon seismometer
system, which Humphreys said he hopes is in
place soon, is put together with information from
other earthquake stations, si ientists could do
valuable research
This particular event, we're having fun with,
mostly." he said "We re trying to get this arras
going, so we're not doing a whole lot of science
right now
Once in place, a system of multiple seismome
tecs could link up with others around the world
Humphreys said collecting data from earthquakes
reveals such things as underground structures
and the thickness of the earth's i rust
"You can do all these kinds of things,” he said
and by putting them all together lots of earth
quakes with lots of seismometers you start
mapping out the internal structure of the earth
quite completely
"You can only dig a hole so deep in the earth,
and how. do we know about what's down there’
he said We knots at mill the interior of (lie earth
by studying rei ords like this
Continued from Page
Inst while one is lutighing So,
more plot secerns uniwos'-irt
The finale dt»'s not measure up
to the one in the first V,iked Cun
It mav seem unfair to keep inm
paring tfte two movies, hut there
are no other movies of this ilk he
mg marie
1 suppose there are some
things to complain about, like
jokes that get repeated. and
some ohsc tire references, hut it
hardly seems fair since' there
are few comedies that guaran
tee so many cieep, long laughs
By l ucas Gutman
Emoraid Contributor
mm'I yi'r up
looking! I r v
I OS I \M>
I <)l Ml in III!
i lav'.ificdv
Continued trom Page 4
ito w ith film
()1)K; When there's more
than one director on a mov
ie. like Airplane, how are di
u < lorial duties divided?
/.inker Most of the really
hard work is done before
filming Directing is mostly a
mutter of problem solving.
We have a video i amera
hooked to a movie camera
and see how it will come
out Then we confer about it
()I)I Do you w ant to do
anything other than come
Zm ker Sure Anything else
that’s good.
UDK Why do you think
there isn't a glut of the kind
of slapstick comedies you
do? After all, they've been
fairly successful.
Zucker I don't know l‘d
like lo see more I'd really
like to see one of our movies
sight unseen
01)1'. Would you ever try to
do television again?
Zu< ker No I could not be
<inert ed Like Woods Allen
says, it's like trying to do
masterpieces in the sand. 1
have great respect lor shows
like (.'/jeers and Cosb\ 1
don't know how they main
tain quality week after week
for so long
Of)Is: What advice would
you give to aspiring film
Zut ker Quit now If you can
disregard that ad vie e. then
you're on the right trat k
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