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V<‘» ... cunty deposit 94? 89V 220 HELP WANTED BOARD POSITION I In- Oregon I kills I mei.dj in seeking a person ti> sersc on die liquid ol Dtrecusrs At I atgc Direelor Mns volunteer position in lor ,i t sear term and in available to am member ol the communits a siudenl or a laeulls member or an emplosec of the I nisersKs ol Oregon bui mas not he an emplosec or member ol the sialt ol the Ore eon Dads I merald nessspapei the pnmars putposc- o| ihe < Iregon Dads t merald in io publish a nessspaper (hat ssill provide education and training tor siu denis in all aspects of newspaper operation bs seising a eampus audieiKe ssidi news cslilorial and aelvenising content Board members aet in mailers ol finance, polls s and personnel Members are qutisd to atleile! month!) meetings and in some ease's participate in committees requiring additional meetings Die- appiieaiions vs til he- resiesecd bs nicnibers ol the- Hoard ol Diteelors .me) (lies sedl eele'ei applieanis lor ■ personal inter . i a l‘. ase submit soui Utter ol application and resume- I Hoard kppliealion • Oregon Dails I im-rald I* O Box M't • I uge-ne. 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