California quake shook up Oregon Instrument feels distant quakes By Christopher Blair Emorald Editor Thf ground was slinking in bugene and till overOregon on Juni’ but it's doubtful any une in the area lull it ()n diiv, iiinrr thrih 1.000 mill’s to thf south, .in earth quake rorkrd thu suburbs oust, ol l.os Angeles, killing two pen pin, injuring 70 nhcl causing sio million worth of damage dene Humphreys, a llniversi tv geology profussor, said this I'.irlliquiiko. Iikr all others sunt waves of energy through tliu iiarlli and .iround its surface, es sentiallv ringing tin: planet like a bell •■Anytime anything five-arid ,i-half (on the Richter scale) goes off anywhere in the world, we'll get it quite clearly, Hum phreys said "The whole world moved as a result of this earthquake There's a worldwide network ol seismometers, and they all saw this earthquake. It was the biggest one for the week, proha blv " A University-owned see mometer in Eastern Oregon, which records ground motion using a system ol suspended weights, detected disturbances from the June 2H earthquake soon alter it happened Although the energy record ed at the seismometer's Pine Mountain site was less than that of someone walking on the ground nearby, Humphreys said the seismometer's data is important in studying earth quakes, their idler ts and the structure ol the earth The earthquake in (.alifornta University Geology Professor Gene Humphreys plans to use these seismometer recordings, picked up in Oregon June 28, ns an aid in his classes measured about fi t) on the Rich tor si ,1 lc, vv h i c h r .11 t'S quakes according to their strength A magnitude ii run cause severe damage in a popti lated area, as was the case in Southern California Humphreys said every in crease in number on the scale, say. from T> to ii. means the earthquake is JO times more powerful Likewise, a magni tude 7 quake would he 400 times more powerful than a 5 Tremors of f> r> magnitude happen almost daily some where in the world, he said, and 0 quakes 01 i ur about once a week Most of these earthquakes happen under the sea or in remote areas ol the earth, and as a result, are randy noticed until one occurs in or near a populated area The landscape in Southern California is criss-crossed with a system of faults, the result ol two giant sections ol the earth's crust moving past eai h other As the sections move dong the i)M)dd PMtidfi [vg - ORIKNTAL IU I 1 1 1 1- \ cr\ (!a\ low prices ^ \ 1275 \lder 6X3-XSS6 Summer Special Oregon West - FITNESS - 3-Month Membership... 2 months. 1 month. No initiation fee full use of facilities $99.00 $69.00 $39.00 Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located By running and Bike Trails BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 bays a Week 485* 1475 Franklin Bl*d 1624 Across from Campus I,mils, Ihi'V get stui k ami in hi tu.illy slip, releasing energy awl musing ,m earthquake On p.ipur, the seismometer displays tfm earthquake ,is ,i jagged lino Tin' Iini'. from lull tu right, starts out as flat, then begins tu move up and down in peaks and valleys about an eighth ol an ini h high Humphreys said this area ol the gr a p h ruprnson t s the i ompressional or p wave, tin energy from the earthquake that moved toward (tregon dire, 11 v through the earth As the slow er shear or s waive hits, the peaks and valleys move i,loser together and grow to be an inch high on the graph He demonstrated the difler eiue between the two waves Turn to QUAKE Pago 8 A MO* At**** W w > Q*Q«ro»<|-P' ^ I4%.4A ' ■* »•••*«'*« T>1t;A )«1 HOC - tlMWtO U90' li*« WAT 1.1 »fl« •.# % v-* \ai t .•*'•«• I MOtif '> n>* t ’ 1 ‘it* ITnos in r is .» i 3 \ Willi. U\S< ,\l } K< )Nir " Jixt> Ditte* S4ih1 i Hughl.rinl* I Kmfcnt ( lvnn > \<«»s s »w. • Itfc »v V INPRONPTUi r ij IH, r is 'Ajts U . w.K * f rum tw <*rt* tor of f *• I On^r* Um Dmtmy R ’ *L~tl ■■**** LITERATE, f UOTIONALLY COMPLEX AND PROBING AN ELOQUENT STATEMENT' Wism JOHNSON TK I' J_A :it r fu Iht silence ol Ihc lambs L . ^ ■ A ' J AM Ol Happy}Trails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one *(frot* usrd re. ord or tape of equal or lesser value) LIMIT OF ONF Pf H DAY1 S1.50 OFF ANY CD! ■( ‘>t NEW LOCATION ■' 365 E. 13th 485-5351 • * IPs ♦ Posters • L. mmmmmmmm mmmmtmmmmmm, COUPON J i": Baseball rards » ode , f ode j 1 ; ODE - ; ; , . • • . V ! ODE • j i • ’ ODE ■ • i - . v i : 5 i ODE • '-i i ; ODE b ■•'5.1 ODE r -■ 5.1 ODE Faces of the Bookstore |