Musique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM TAPES FROM S2 9S In the Fifthpearl Building ■ ■" Avt te 343-9000 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. (e\ehiding pies, supers and giants) Nc« location onl\ - IXXX franklin Bl\d. Nr\l l« 7 | 1 nn \ <1 “TCBV” I he Country^ lU^I kxjtn l • ( OtlfHUI f\fHt-f\ \llK */. IWI 1265 Willamette 344 3555 Comer ol l .llli i\ WillaiiK’Uc 860 E. 13th 344-7894 At loss Iroin II o! O Hooksloic .ju. Sam 1st i i m s *>•>' I ll!.( oi ()K < OIMI V kinko's the copy center Ni* valid with other oflm Sale p»u c it f< *i S . ».l . tingle uJt »l niptci on .‘iMi wtliU U*ui .' * it !.>r airto I. J Nj. k A tof-.tu '*i( »» 1 **< f ill ti i latt't Ken/an^ i *t ia • «i «. i4. i |— Birkenstfock Summer Comfort Stop into Birkenstoc K lootweai «m<1 line! a remarkable blend o! combat ,iml style in colors that ramie from basic to brilliant tte ( a try all av a i la trie Bit kenstoc k st \ les Birkenstoc k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Daily 10-6 ENTERTAINMENT f Leslie Nielsen returns as LI Frank Drebm, the inept detective in The Naked Gun 2 12 The Smell of Fear Jokes fly again in sequel ★ ★ ★ Gun ti 1 2 Showing at area ItxM t<*c% Ratari PG-13 • ■ l t*y9mt * • "mm' *• «w»l • » • 9m • mmm Unless a medical condition prohibits you from going into convulsions of lllUgfltlT. thcMl UHI should treat yourself to 77ii’ X.ikitl (,'un II UH jbe Smell ot l Ieslie Nielson is Imi k .is Lt f-milk Drebtn. Americas favorite loutish. unflappable flnlfoot 11ns time, the enemies arv slum oil magnates lien! on destroying our nation’s environment Kohert (ioulet heads this thugish lot that seeks to under mine I S environmental poll i \ h\ having one of its own men pose as a world-renowned environmental authority who will tell the president what de i isions to make Aeeording to the ads for the movie. Ckwlet w as chosen he aust■ the filmmakers tjoaldii ' at lord Wayne Newton, lie doe-,n't make as gi«id a criminal as !ort mg red hair and a chip on her shoulder carried through from llic Iasi movie, she is the objix t of Nielsen s desire ns he tries to win hni k her alfixtion The sequel has more of .1 plot than its predecessor, hut it doesn’t forget the laughs Fur from it. this boasts some of the funniest scenes put to film sin< e The Nuked Cun From the Files of I'nlii e Squad It s impossible to descrilie am, part of this movie without giving iiwny Jokes, which no one wants to do It’s also hard to review this film since most people alnsidv know whether they will see this movie II your tastes lie with such films as Airjihme, Fop So 1 ret', and the firs! Nakiil Cun then von will not want to miss this Presley proves hersell a good comedic ,11 tress with a line sense ol timing and a suitable amount ol sex ap|Mial and sultriness, combined with the goo[\ air that am actor in this film must have Nielsen Is once again perlisit at making sillv laces at all the right times and keeping a stra ght I. when it’s appropriate \lihi ,gh he slams! in tile itiiiOs ns a straight man, a cl viral ter actor and sometimes a roiuantii lead, In has pmtt\ much erased image as tar as contemporary au diem es are concerned It s Inn to go hat k and I. h >k at Nielsen s older films, w here lie delivers the same type ol lines with serious intent that get laughs as !.l Urchin Writers David X.ui ki : and l*a! Proft throw so main jokes at the audience that many .ire probably ’ urn to GUN Page 8 ^umfti&rHtne— The drivin can be easy/ Our professional service and repair can keep your car in topcondition automotive ASIAN BOSCH •••’ f r..; EUGENE. OR 503 185-8226 David Zuc ker Director says no to television By Lucas Gutman Emerald Contributor David Zucker, director of Naked Hun II : The Small ol Four, his brother |rrrv and friend Jim Abra hams started a comedy troupe in the mid-1970s call e d T li e Kentucky Fried Theater Director J o h n L a nd i s saw t it e young men and decided to feature their antics in a film, The Kentucky Fried Mm ia. It was an irreverent lampoon of television, coming attractions and kung-fu movies That kind of parody continued in further group efforts hv the three in such films as Airplane, lop Sat ret and 77/e Naked Hun From the l-’lles III I’ulict' Stpilld, the last of which was based on a short lived television series that was a deadpan and outrageous parody of crime dramas such as Dragnet |i rrv went on to diret t other features, such as last summer's box-office smash ('.host Abrahams ft as also directed other films and gone into pro ducing David Zut ker has stii( k to his slapstick roots vs ilh his most recent I lort. the X.iked (lun II t he Smell ol Four. The following are ex cerpts from a phone inter view with David Zucker before the release on X.i ked Hun II DDL Do you think I’olii e Squad would he suer ess fill on TV now7 David Zucker No. it still needs a laugh track I'V humor needs rhythm On TV it's joke-laugh-joke laugh In the theater you have the audience laugh ing CJDK Will there fie a third Xaked Hun movie7 Zucker I don't know It took so long to do this one Maybe if we can come up with a good idea ODH Did you always want to 1m- a filmmaker? Zut ker No In college 1 did historic al research and went on archaeologi cal digs and some other things that didn't have to Turn to ZUCKER, Page 8