EDITORIAL For South Africans, freedom can be free Citing clear progress toward racial equality in South Africa. George Bush lifted economic sanctions against that country. The question over whether such sanctions are el fective seems to have been answered bv South Africa's moves toward abolishing apartheid The sanctions clearly were a prime factor in the reforms What needs to be addressed now is whether Hush removed the sanctions prematurely. Leading congress sional Democrats, civil rights groups and African Na tionul Congress leader Nelson Mandela think he has. When the sanctions law was first passed in ItiHfi, after being vetoed by President Keagan. it contained five conditions that had to be met before sanctions i mild In repealed The' conditions have now been met at least on paper by the South African governm Hei ause ol this. Hush . w ho has been opposed to the \.i ! < s ry e: since he was vice president, has wasted n 1 e ... in lifting them. However, while the letter ol the law mas have been met, the spirit of tin: anti apartheid sanctions may have been lost The sanctions law was passed in hopes n! rea incentive for South Africa to attain civil r ;hts for all people A move in that direction has been started, but there is still a long wav to go even on tin , irfac.e I'm example, the five conditions attar.tied to tIs ■ mucin, is did not include anything concerning voting eg. s >1 In a ks Because of this, in a country He .h s.ml ! ns made definite moves toward racial equalits. tin lii,, k majority of .South Afri« ans still < annul voU .ntd r.... >: hold office. South Africa lias made progress tow pi.ty a part in their own destinies y ia the lei nor ra: i process. In his haste to ensure a good business climate in Smith Africa and throughout trie wit t H .It lias n maturely abunrioned the struggle lor equably And ai though the United States can nine again claim Si, ti Africa as a market place, the president should renum her that time worn i in he lieedom isn't bee. BOf SCOUT KHOTS \\ SUP KNOT BOWLINE KNOT SQUARE KNOT knot LETTERS Fire n' stone Tin' effort of the governing t«Kill's of the slate of Oregon to ensure personal sexual prefer imi e ,is ;i protected minority stntus in regiiril to housing anil emplovmenl opportunities is one ul tlie darkest and most alarming prospects I have seen in years Individuals or groups that practice, encourage, promote and prefer perverted sexual de sires and at tivities such as inti mate relations between humans and dogs. > .its and barnyard an duals, sexual relations that mimic sexual intercourse be tween humans ol the same sex, and adult humans that prefer sexual intercourse with (fill dren, or other such perverted types of preferences are a seri ous threat to the decent y. health, moral and spiritual in tegrity of tins land To support thosi: that have sexual preferences try govern ment mandate, I believe, will have an encouraging and strengthening effect on these perverse ideas and activities I believe that government sup port will spread sexual perver s on to more people, and that espei rally the young will he roine victim to these destruc tive lorr es Her arise of the obvi curs relationship of the spread of the AIDS disease to the prac tice of the homosexual perver sion, 1 believe that this killing disease will spread even faster r! the government supports preferential sexual perversion 1 own and operate a business, and seriously intend to mam tain a workplace where I, my friends, and employees can continue vvilli the freedom from being exposed to frequent or close contact with those who have the perverted and evil sexual prole rent es that have been briefly mentioned As one that has rei eived )e sus Christ as my lord and sav ior, I know that just as Jesus Christ has forgiven my sins, so i an he forgive those who have reached the depths of the sin ot sexual perversion The kes is a repentant heart toward Cod. and in truth, believing in. and receiving Jesus Christ .is savior and lord But for those in per version to continue therein and lor our government and people to seek the perverse was. must lead to more contu sion and destrut lion James A.shlm North Bend Did reviewer have ax to grind with Hobin Hood? By Amy Hulse and Rebecca Porisch What movie did Lucas ) (hitman see Itu his rr view of Kobin Haul I’rini f ol Thirvrs ' [OUl )u tie 1 ft.) There are many discrepancies Ix-Uveon tins review and the actual movie (hitman suspiciously et hues Gene Siskel and Roger Khert (hitman, along with Sis kcl and Fhert, has a lot to learn alxiut how to enjoy a movie Gutman's false assertions arc |irctt\ tnt redible, and must stem from the same dim-witted, pseudo mtellei (mil altitude that Siskel and Llx-rt bring to their weekly reviews For example, the violence' was not eves sive. especially lor such a period film How else would mod leva I nobleman fight in the era of the crusades' l ists just wouldn't match up to swords and arrows the "violence" is realism , not gory, and never over done Nobody was beheaded in this movie did Gut man imagine this'’ Or did he sec Ramfxi Rohm or the Terminator of Sherwood7 Gutman would also lead us to believe this movie is laden with overly dark scenes The darkness m the movie adds to the mood and to the realism "Hey Mr Gutman says, "put some windows in that dungeon' That'll hxik real authentic Another glaring mistake in Gutman's statement is that "Robin's status as prince means nothing now and the .sheriff has branded him an outlaw with a big price on Ins head 1- irst ol .ill, Rohm Hcxxl was not .1 prim <■ Hi- w.is the son of .1 rich man, known as a lord in thosr days It takes a king to make ,1 prune Secondly, the price the sheriff put on Robin's head was not so big in the begin rung It grows as the sheriffs anger and frustration grow Robin Hood is not Dunces With Wolves ( slner did not direct Robin Hood, nor did he have as much time to complete the movie Vet even though Rohm Hood was filmed in Hi weeks, the producers did a damn good job .it making the movie 1 onvinctng, well-filmed, entertaining and a satisfying addition to the Robin Hood legend The Story takes place in the year 1194, and people of BOO years ago didn’t joyfully romp through magical forests m green tights Men were not "merry,'’ as the sav mg goes and the band ot refugees w ho esi aped the heavy handed rule ol the Sheriff ol Nottingham were not oafish, vile and contemptible The people of Shsiiev.it I.ngland rarely had clean 1 lollies or pearly white teeth and their only mujor forms oi entertain ment were mead and family life If this makes the com mon people of 1194 "vile" and "contemptible" then (hitman needs his head examined Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is exciting and ro bust, definitely a new and more realistic look at a myth that is more than BOO years old 11 (hitman and other narrow-minded critics want to whine and complain about accents in tlif movif, then the\ might as well re quest that all tlif i harm ters speak in Middle English and the director use subtitles Costner never attempts an English accent, he merely tones down our own American accent It is consistent throughout the movie and doesn't distract from the story or the action The characters in this movie have depth and reality The audience empathizes with their fear, we thrill with their love, we feel their frustration Robin Hood himself is no longer just a one-dimensional goody-two shoes in green tights He has doubts, he didn't expect to tall m love He is a man who has grown up, yet has a lot more to learn about himself and others Azeeni (Morgan Freeman) becomes a loyal friend, like many Arabs of the age. he dabbles a bit in the si i ences Marian (Mary Kli/.abeth Mastrantonio) has more guts than the average maiden, and she must re learn to trust those who seemed to have deserted her. Little John (Nii k Dnmble) is a family man and fears lor their safety He and others are inspired by Robin's good in tentions to revolt against the sheriff. Robin Hood is a myth. Myths are retold constantly, and tills is just one way it might have happened Those who realize this lam enjoy such movies, and those who refuse to accept it are going to miss out on something special May self-absorbed critics like Gutman have a nil e trip as they fall off their high horse Ann Hulso and Rebecca I'orist h are students at the f Inivrrsity. i hen tr.it ;>tate **>;•>. art* rrct-i. tvt,*'•*&' Vv rt * layoff?)’ 'ner?f i \if ‘•* 'jnpa.d turloo^Ks'1 1 Itf) r*v ■ to mao b< .-reiUCrat actually hr.') hindquarters d! Vhb chair and J /