2 MEDIUM PIZZAS \*im «%* lornsi >* »t* x • n/ • 2-16 ox. SOn DRINKS 2 CRAZY BREADS ( / Uf > # /*// < / OWi/ KS / Ux 2 LARGE PIZZAS H11H 4%) Mt/TfNi. ■ * MU M l Mr* f 2-32 oi. SOn DRINKS 2 CRAZY BREADS 1 /MO 4 ril < / itMH K\) CAMPUS 1930 Franklin 687-2848 Little 'Caesars Vllliin! U of O SUMMER HOURS: NOON TO 11pm DAILY Little Caesars Pizza! Pizza! Olli-i v.iltfl lor .1 hmili-fi lime nI, ,il ip«ltiru; M mrs ' f IllllfS c i't,t t.,Nil . .ilpi ir ....it. "Rapp: Cries from t h e Heartland" is th< title of .1 video to be shown today from It) 30 a m to noon at a meet inn of the Unwanted Sexual Behavior Task bone in Kixim 300 ()regon Hall f ree Macintosh Orientation will tie held today from 2 to 1 p in in Room 1H5 Oregon Hall Basil operations for tie ginners will tie covered Call 346-1750 for morn inform.! lion The In< nlnn tu i Kt*!1 Cnm mitti'p monls Wednesday morning !il 10 in I V11 Con turv Room A Spi-i ial requests from ACT and Amazon (io-op and internal business will l«' dlS( ussnfi l)<‘,idliiw for submitting lit nls to thft Emerald front dusk. I \ir Suitr :tl)t), is noon the ‘lay before publication El ids run the day of the event un less the event takes place he fore noon Noth es of event* with a do nation or admission charge will not he accepted Campus events ami those sc heduled nearest the public ulion date will he given priority The I'imeralci reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style REVIEW Continued from Page 3 ircdiblv enough. much like (tuns ami Koses lias Axel Kose. I, A Guns have Treed Cains Hoy. the\ are different aren't thev ' No doubt the I. A tains will find heavy' support among the hormone-mfluemed world of leather-dad high m hool toughs Itut if they want to remain true to their rock, and roll spirit, as they claim, they need to realize that the glam-metal genre is not Iiif! place to tie revolu tionaries I’he talent displayed on songs like "1 Found You" and "Crystal liyes” could lie put lobetter use if the memfiers of the hand ( on contorted loss on "making iI," via (ho status quo. and moro on i arving out their own niche in tin- rock world RECORD RATINGS r ★ ★ Steal It il you have to r ★ ★ Quality music, r ★ k Nothing special ★ * Frisbee material. ★ Destroy all copies r ’ r, « V 13 ■*»«% t mDS At**n w v -.4i t •+. w i m . . »i n |\t Cv1' >t' m#< TmiH\ ^ UAMi.AJN PA'.St r 4*L/S 1 l HO sav, ^ •a wim. I’PSCAl I KOMI* JuT.».k'ir iV*i» l«Ja» W.i» IMPROMPTU PC 1* FINAL J DAYS) Niy» ft 'ir :i ^ “AN INGENIOUS SUSPENSE FILM... DEI MRS UNEXPECTED SHOCKS... Dmoar COOL, M EVERT SENSE OF THE WORD.' !.•*« I. II «»\in «nx nz: smn in ..a , 'lj r NigrHy 11 4C xx#i kjsuh_y I SELFS WK' SELF SERVICE COPIES Tke Copy Slwp 539 E. 13th Hr/urrn f’.ttfrrutn A f rft\ Hiqht t>n I tth' 485 6253 Now you can afford to dream in color. 11 Mill [111 Hip!)! tll.ll IlllillUy .1 t I It M M.k mi. tsh ''I sll'ltl MHI Cl Hlkl .lilt Mil w.is just .1 ilie.un. then tin new. .iIU miI.iNi M.k mu isii 11 > .i iliv.im conic mu' Hr M.kmt> IA Mlihau- i<- >; I dike m.m\ i« mpiilerstii.il > .i: - dsplit) t >nl\ Hut'!' trs.il t Mkr the M.k mu *h U e\p.n\!su hii i '.tkllt-1- '3 •>. -It >rs li uKt u t inks will;.i mu n >pl i» Mir .mil new m hhkI inpui k\ in ;> >l< cj\ ih.it Ills UUI jXTV null A' U Mil WUI'k hv .klllllli; \ U i >1 I 'llll'l s, Ulllils |jkl'l'\t'!\ \l.tl Hill *nI 1 CiUllpUk'l11H* It |Sf.l.s\l( si'i up .Ilk! 1'.IS\ It! ni.Lsii i \iiil H mils iIuhis.iiiiIs til .n.iiLihk' .ipplii.itu mis ih.n .ill w. uk m li i s.imiMtnvsisU iU \\.i\ si u niir \ i hi \e le.unril t Mir pinj>i';tm w u :e wet! t mi \ i hii w.i\ ii > k\imnii4 ilu-m .ill 11k M.k mu tsh I (‘even Iris um slure inlt m nulit mi will; st m mi mu- wilt > im-s ,i ilitli-n. i u i\ |V > ■! u inpuUi ilunks in ti'ii- u'is.mli' \ppk- sujx'iI >nu\‘ w hu lu.in ami tmnuiul writein Macintosh Ms | K K ( Is J ,|llil \ppll II th tpp\ illsks Like .ilnt'k .itllu- M.k mu d) U and see what il >*i\es \v .. I1;i-ii pnul; U Mil si'll li s I k iu I lll.lll .1 dll'.Ill) l! s .1 M.k mu d; Apple introduces the Mtcintosh LC. Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing (enter Monda\ - I ridav 0am - 5pm 346-4402 Special pricing for eligible U of students, faculty and staff. O 11 a j> \w; i> : v U'u; !x ^