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' •y ■ M ' A as* to* V*« ns TYPING SERVICES f t V1NG IIMG1 RS’f, *ng mkv. * r 45» Ali. urate f>/u<4»n>oYai Ait* WWI f'rggy • Typing S*rw*e I •{**«-'. «*d fjixRt cytenng * cm HM »ixrputa< *ya»em and taMX prtniav Kmmy j(«« .*«* Can Maggy at 34? 4*bfl TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land leea'Pnntaf 4dS 3343 f owaHty ** Jla«1 H )Ou Th,«fcvPe fWg WORD PROCESSING l aaar prmtmg |t wga bH3 7115 a?tor jvn A- 344 07S0 MOWN * GHAD SCMCXX APPHOVIO .XTytM'!'«- •- >.s Ij«k » gri k3 Wo«J prm »»fc'rV 1 u ro6*-' •* , .. . (>N ( AMF'IJ‘>! CHAL A TYPIST Ml 7/77 11 s TYPING SERVICES t AS TV PE WORD PROCESSING 6 *> »r Hu* i'tdlm.v&r+l •r)'t-pi* ’<■ U | /i < • i)it»tn I h r#{v t HIM<■,*', k I a ! f ' I dfl*?-y, H1 ' >*rr* CAROLYN LISiUi i i> - 344-4510 QUALITY WOHO PROCfV He .v L fa -8 ^tMfl ( r M IBM M» <-“*•>■ - . • | • ■ •' l l Hth 12S INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS i < <* to M«. U *Wr (>.*'* . ii-vrnony B '• Mr. •. W j'Ai! H»'TV*lrf >44 8340 130 FOR SALE CO ♦ akg iWn s-w: r.om> $4 SC f A' $10 C *» Om 4M 20K; ku t\mno mam floiy»4ai tu* PG rnonic* o»’ k«yt>o*sd. (.vrying ( jm KH^w ftOfarA'O «i! '?w u.w* $149*1 U.' IftSQ Maw Sony portabN 'Ad© kV $'0 otx> Co c*f TV $!*• at© 1 OOIV* k*‘ WO OtX) Ca»i 344 UM 6 Tool couch. $?$ o&o D««fc $10 otxj Good condition CaII John, 484 296B 145 CARS GOVE HMMl NT SI I/I. 0 V*hiCt*o Irom $100 fo'd* M»rc*d«« CorvACle* Ch«vy«. Surplus Buy«r» Gu>d# (1) AOS 862 8000 IrUS 8642 JUNK TO YOU IS TREASURE TO ANOTHER Sell it fast! Sell it eheap! with an ODE Classified Ad Call 346-4343 to find out how wo TRAVEL Rouod'fip pir 1-ch»' lugrnt^n t r • i itol^or * J\j*y i*J*. m* July..2*1* |104 Otoo M* e 34VSKX>1 Tf®*» -f g *»oo*>? App>y Io# • c'• |h* U'»A lo» I ft* *m Call TOOAVM 4*S 2is OPPCRTUNfTlES KRMA /\ NEEDS1! YOU! O (§) STUDiNT HI. PHI SI NT ATI VIS (?) COMMUMTV A? 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Bos 059 • hugs iu . OK 9740.' •Xpplk.itions ssill he lalen urMii 5 00 p m MonsJay Juls 15th (htgou Daily ??o HELP WAKTED l AWN MOWfV Rawing but**1 $) nOtVyf fKons poRantwi Date** - ' » . *000 f i? v 9642 'art t*'« p»t>v»dar twv5wJ V)* ^"’ViS QftK>n a* 'O tec utty P4'»r t-» t avA Campos toe f »p '•< '*to ■o.^iwr )4^5384 afiMnoom LAW l Nl < MC iMJMT JN IBS yu: f#?y Pole* S’.«a P,«rs>. Co',*ctorwii Ohc»r» C-ar • K. *. 962 8000 F *1 K 9642 no HOUSES FOR RENT Faculty only converted w Nx>»nou*.« m ••«. i 'Hry 1C ",i" ,lr '-ty^ 0** . *y l 6 t y kMM 6360 * ' wS tm* ■ fnt . U»! ♦ S3S0 UK (locos R 942 89V SCXJTX WlLlAMfTTfc! Vary spaooi* 1 bedroorrv t bain fMxisa m gra* c»oi-ai lo .t!,or Muga naslo' bedroom • , .v,n >t lancad yard .i'» provided *v-8«4 W-.i Jtnninga ♦ Co '*1' > ■** ' - U OF O j 20*0 F rneraJd studo nago lor 1 1186 Sorry, no pats Sho*n by app< 3 • il ASS AS5*Q< IATI S 4 BLOCKS F ROM C AM PUS 4 bedroom. I bath wasba* dryer gA/.ige av®Ubia ,un« S95Om0 ’or lu-’rwr 486 200? day 484 0?08 mtm 235 APTS DUPLEXES CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1247 W 0th n Ottering iom» o< tha bet’ t*nt *.»* n lo*' Units sun a! s.ip to B*?6 POOL PARKING LAUNDRY Gail Nno 144 6683 J»oninfli ♦ Co __683-4218 II CAMPUS !! M-Brace Apartrnams 1806 Garden Ava 2 bedroom Hals, $399 2 bedroom lownhouses, $425 S,JMW( M (U1LS (,'**! price* and much morel PARKING PRrVATf PATIOS AND BA, CON It S ON SUt LAUNDRY' Asa Gary lor ntormation. 146 ?276 Jtnmngi ♦ Co 683 4219 CAMPUS A 779 £ I6lh 2 tjd"” C rn lOWTihOuSa Padu'iQ . a.. ■ dry Summt SMXVmo Drv* by and cal' 3468643 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Grayaiona Townhouaaa 6«* nten ors, ? bedroom apis Only S375 00 f»g Ur ’Ala Call T»n\ 689 8667 457 W 0’h Avanua Spacious 2 tx*5 •oom ruts rs central f ugana tocaton Or.ry *375 00 raguU/ '«to Can 683-4219 >o Tha Franch Quarter Vary nco sp.« cious 2 bedroom ftat* and tosmbousa* ON 63 75 CM396 OC Call 484 6824 i cm Thaaa 6 Other Groat Var.tn u t i* • C*K_ 883-4219 1 lousing >{cUi««U a I > it tidin'.*! See sections 230 260 23S APTS DUPLEXES AFFORDABLE QUALITY AT PARKWAY •vi ‘ w»r P'fc* WnM 1 bdrm. 1 ba • •>mai qum** dMn comp** No perts or •unt-on 8 Cal' Troy m 7?6 5276 METCO INVESTMENT REALTY INC. 315 E. 13th 683-8093 A LARGE. CLEAN, QUIET 2 bdrm, 1 t* U of O Renervng Sum iW'tLhool yea? or both Summer rat * b^) A *cben. DW dap. twg c*o*ofs now . arpetlmoleum. Ws OI parking. Uun dry 5 ' V* k 683 89'9 Charming, older. very spacious, nowly T«*r^t«i»'J ?* or 3* bdrrr® in 4 p*x E irtra «»’3ii v ■ g room, fireplace, bay window pon h oft street p.v*'nc walk to campus £490 » d«p Rea' tsiae Northwest. 34 3 4» 09 U OF O VALUES Available now 1 bdrm from $195 2 bdrms from $295 FurnlshedUnfurnlshed Many campus locations Compare and Save!!! Von Karin Property Mflmt 5 70 lawrance_486-7776 Walk to campus. Spacious, light. 1 bdrm Ba»oony oft sheet parking, laundry. 6235 . dep Meal Estate Northwest. 343 4109 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL b? Bt K 10 CAMPUS' 3 bdrm. laundry parking 715 E '6th (betwnd nouse) S360 summer rate Cal 34 3 6000 __ 11th & Alder 794 t 1 1th Unxjue 1 bdrm flat in prime campus toca ton Very roomy inskJel Summer rate. 6296 Janmngs ♦ Co. 683 4219 1156 PATTERSON [ roeptionai 3 bedroom a*>afVner\t avail able r>ow New f>oC>r». fresh pa*nt. shared courtyard private parking 6550 Janninga ♦ Co. 683 4219 1390 ALDER ST 2 bdrm furnished apt Summer school yr or both 172 bfc UO. w sunny balcony, dishwasher. deposai. ca^ed Includes parking, water and trash Summer rales Cal 465 3091 1390 Mill St. Nww*r remodeled ? txadroom apt just 5 bfcxKs bam U o' O Reserved par King and uuxKHea' Sommer r*» 63 75 Cal Dawd to vww 485 6143 Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 t5«h A Otiv# Aparimenn SUMMER RATES StudKJ A 1 terms now avail Features mw uar;»t covered parking, low uHly ost some turn ava*.*,1*# Starting at 6**95 95 W 15th 484 Sfe»3 Bennett Mgm Co 1 12 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio# on eita laundry facilities 6270 month 484 7393 v ^ K 1 Oregon ' D*«ly ON CAMPUS THIS SUMMER? Pick up the Oregon Daily Emerald every Tuesday and Thursday W w U Of*yon * Daily TRACK TOWN PIZZA Offers The ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT SALAD BAR AND UNLIMITED TRACK TOWN PIZZA That's Right' All YOU Can Possibly EAT Of The Best Pizza This Side Of Anywhere s4.95 M-F 11 am -1 p.m. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • 484-2799 BIKE TIRE SALE! ( it). Mountain and Road BUY 1 TIRE GET 2ND* AT V4 PRICE •must be of «t|ual \ aloe or less WHAT A DEAL! Expires 7 31 4| I I I CYCLEm REPAIRS S CYCLES (^ | Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sal 10-5 i | 1.V40 W illanuile • 687-028X | L._-J