Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 09, 1991, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
P*oto fey J*H P»»i«y
Charlotte Richardson, 23, a former University student who was critically injurod in a bicycle accident in 1968, is
put through the motions of crawling by former boyfriend Charles Webb and other volunteers
Students help ‘pattern’ victim s life
Eiy Kirsten Lucas
Emerald Contributor
I'or more than 150 volunteers,
more than half of whom are Uni
versity students, working with .1
young woman with .1 severe head
injury has burn a moving rxpuri
(ivi■ r the past two years, 2 t
year-old (iharlotte Kit hardson h,is
been movi-ti by anti moved manv
participants involved in an in*
tense voluntary effort to help her
recover Iroin it 1‘ltlft bicycle act i
limit through a therupv calleil
"patterning "
Ki< harilson slammed headlong
hum to VOLUNTEERS Page 1
Stacey picked
for vacant seat
By Daralyn T rappe
Emerald Associate Editor
Ami.i Stacey was appointed by the ASUO to fill the
Incidental Fee Committee seal vacated a month ago
w hen Mike ('.olson vs as voted out
A fourth year English major. Stacey will complete
the final vear of the two year term < olson was elei ted
to in spring tout) She was one ol It. applicants lor the
position on the seven member < ommitteo that allm ales
student fees to the athletic department, the KMC and
more than no student groups
A former I’anhellenii Council president. Stacey was
sulci ted bet ause ol her involvement in campus at live
lies and her altitude toward relations between the li t
and student groups, said ASIK) President Jennifer
Hills, who could have made the appointment under
presidential powers, instead organized a committee to
review applli atioris and t undue I interv lews
Ihe committee was made up ol Hills. ASUO Vue
President JoSonja Watson, ASUO Executive Coordina
tor Cheryl Hunter, current li t member Priscilla War
ren and Sue Dor kstader. director of the t.esbirin. Cay
and Hisexturl Alii ant e
The committee marie the final selection, Hills said
Colson was voted nut ol office by the li t on June 1
following nearly four months of debate over lus possi
ble role in the altering of IFC meeting minutes An
ASIA) investigation concluded in April that Colson
was responsible lor the minutes tampering Me has
maintained his innocence At that lime, a vote by the
IFC members to remove him failed
When live now memliers took oili* e Mav .">, howrv
er, they reviewed Ihe investigation report as well as
subsequent documents from both Ihe ASUO and Col
son and voted to remove him
New facilities open doors for athletics
The house that football built' will be home to entire department
By Ashley Conklin
Emorald Sports Editor
The University Athletii department may have
liiiiillv overcome a severo (.isr of claustrophobia
After years of being hidden avvu\ in the tin\
confines of Mi.Arthur Court and Cerlmger Hall,
the entire department has now moved into the
spacious Len Casanova Athletic Center next dcxjr
to Aut/en Stadium.
Although the $11,707 million. 102,000-square
loot building, named alter the lormer Oregon
football coach and athletic director, stdl has some
work left to be completed, the entire Athletic De
partment moved in at the end of June
In the past, all men's coaches' offices were
housed in McArthur Court, women's coaches
were in Gerlinger Hull. Some administrative per
sonnet were either in Susan ( umpU-ll or Johnson
halls Now all of Ihose people are united iindirr
one rool
We can he so much more efficient now simply
because everyone is under one roof and close to
gether," University Athletii Director Bill Byrne
said "We’re exi ited and absolutely thrilled to In
here It's been a long time coming
Throughout the department there is tremen
dous enthusiasm lor the new building th.it brings
Oregon’s facilities up to par with other universi
ties m the 1’ucifii 10 Conference
"It kind of perks you up coming into work in
the morning." volleyball coach Gerry Gregory
Turn to CASANOVA Page 4
Pho«o by J#M f’ttiay
With construction still taking place, the athlotic department moved
into the Los Casanova Athletic Center at the ond of June.
The. debut album from
The La’s, a pop group from
Liverpool, is worth your
time and money The heavy
metal bund L. A (»uns, how
ever, has put out a rei ord
that's long on glitz and short
on originality
See review*. Page 3
CK.KRO, Ind (Ai*)
Vandals again desecrated the
grave of Kyan White, the
voting AIDS victim who
gained worldwide recogni
tion try lighting disi rimina
lion .igamsl those with the
disease, police said Monoas
White's t> loot B-inch
gravestone at Cicero Ceme
tery was toppled sometime
between Friday nigh! and
Saturday morning, tin;
fourth time White's grate
had been vandalized. In pre
vious instances, vandals had
used paint or uprooted flow
ers. police said
Ryan's mother. Jeanne
White, offered a S>r>(K) re
ward for information leading
to the vandals' arrests
"It s a quiet cemetery and
1 don't know why they can't
leave him to rest." Mrs
White said
Hamilton (iounly Deputy
Sheriff Jon Robison said no
arrests has been made bv
Monday afternoon.
While died April H. Hint)
Among those w ho attended
his funeral were first lady
Barbara Hush, entertainers
John and Michael Jack
son and talk show liosl Phil
Amy PoUorson. who
served .is a piirt-Ilme assis
tant coach tor Oregon’s
women's basketball program
last season, has been elevat
ed to a full-time position on
the Ducks’ couc hing staff,
head i oach Elwin Heins
The 25-year-old I’etlorsen
replaces Dave l.ipp. who re
lumud to Northwest Chris
tiun College .is huiid men's
basketball couch and athletic
direr tor following six sea
sons on the Oregon women's
Patterson played for the
Due ks under Hcinv from
fOH'l through IftHH and coin
pleted her collegiate career
seventh on the school's ca
reer rebounding i hart with
(inn rebounds Sin* then
spent two seasons playing
Isiskethall In Australia be
fore returning to the Univer
sity of Oregon a year ago